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US Cops Have Killed Every 8 Hours in 2015

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posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: stolencar18

Did it ever occur to you that if everyone posted videos of harmless/beneficial/positive LEO interactions the way the post the bad ones...I'm not even going to finish that sentence. You'll never understand. I don't know if you're capable. You're too hellbent on using very poor sources that talk about the "top 5 bad cops (from 20+ years ago)" or one viral picture of a cop on a university campus with some protesters that you will never realize that behind every crappy cop there are 100,000 great ones.

this thread is not about all the good cops this is about the bad you understand that ? are more than welcome to start your own happy cop thread...plenty have before you.....and while i agree plenty of cops are good there are bad apples whom need to be weeded out....

On topic.....that is a lot of dead people at the hands of police for a small amount of time.....that is quite disturbing.....the question is ....are there more bad people or more bad cops ?......there have always been a rogue element of both but if these numbers are indeed correct there are some serious changes needed before these numbers increase

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: stolencar18

Did it ever occur to you that if everyone posted videos of harmless/beneficial/positive LEO interactions the way the post the bad ones...I'm not even going to finish that sentence. You'll never understand. I don't know if you're capable. You're too hellbent on using very poor sources that talk about the "top 5 bad cops (from 20+ years ago)" or one viral picture of a cop on a university campus with some protesters that you will never realize that behind every crappy cop there are 100,000 great ones.

this thread is not about all the good cops this is about the bad you understand that ? are more than welcome to start your own happy cop thread...plenty have before you.....and while i agree plenty of cops are good there are bad apples whom need to be weeded out....

On topic.....that is a lot of dead people at the hands of police for a small amount of time.....that is quite disturbing.....the question is ....are there more bad people or more bad cops ?......there have always been a rogue element of both but if these numbers are indeed correct there are some serious changes needed before these numbers increase

It's a combination of both and that's why we are where we are. We have people who are fed up with police tactics and police who are fed up with people not doing what they are supposed to do as well. It's a bad spot for me because I am someone who obey's the law. What's sad is the next time I get a traffic violation or something (hopefully not, it's been over 10 years since my last one) I will be more nervous for the fact that the damn cop has to be as well.

That's why I would put my hands on the steering wheel and wait for his direction.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

It's a combination of both and that's why we are where we are. We have people who are fed up with police tactics and police who are fed up with people not doing what they are supposed to do as well.

sounds about right......

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

That's like saying that we're having a discussion about which flavours of juice are bad and which are good - you need to include both sides. You can't measure how many bad cops are out there without also calculating what percentage of the whole they are, and further to that, what percentage of ALL police interactions are bad.

Really, it is barely on my radar that police are killing. Why aren't you worried about the gang killings in Chicago? Why aren't you worried about domestic abuse/rape/murder? How about drunk driving? Those kill WAY more people but people focus solely on police because they HATE the fact that someone has legal authority to tell them what to do.

As far as AlaskanDad goes, I've admitted all along that there are bad cops. There's bad EVERYTHING. I don't know what you're smoking (actually, based on your post history, it's weed) but you need to get your head straight. I'm not making up a single fact. I'm finding basic well known facts and opining on them. That's the exact same thing that your "sources" are doing, yet you call them facts. You need to learn that just because an opinion isn't the same as yours it isn't invalid or wrong.

Make no mistake - there are bad cops. Does the general pop have anything to worry about? If you're obeying the law, going about your life, NO, of course not! But if you point a gun at a copy or a fake gun or anything to threaten a cop and make a tool of yourself you deserve to be dropped, period. These men and women take on the scum of our cities and by a million miles they do more good than bad but you refuse to acknowledge that. Personally I'm tired of domestic assaults and daily black on black killings in Chicago and drug fueled murder suicide rampages. Murderous cops? Not even on my radar and I'm certainly not worried about it. It is NOT "quite disturbing". The teenage girl being raped by the creep down the road is "quite disturbing".The other problems I mention are "quite disturbing". Cop killings? I'm more worried about being hit by lightning.

Why do you people insist on blowing the problem up into something that it really isn't? Why? Just to troll? I, personally, could care less about the virtually immeasurable percentage of police that are dirtbags. I have worse things to worry about - like the pathetic government or small crimes in my town or BS biased media reports, or my own day to day life. Cops killing me? Never crosses my mind. If you're worried about it tell me why. What are you doing to attract that kind of attention?

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 10:33 PM

originally posted by: AlaskanDad
a reply to: stolencar18

I see you have you finally to admitted are bad cops, yet you still have not admitted that the bad cops should be held responsible for their crimes.

I wonder why?

All I see in your arguments is opinions and facts you've made up, not a very impressive argument on your part, is it?

Will you PLEASE get off your high horse and look at things from a real perspective? On what real basis do you think that murderous cops are in the top 100 problems in North America?

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: stolencar18

On what real basis do you think that murderous cops are in the top 100 problems in North America?

stolencar I have never said anything near the quote of yours above.

That said I think bad police should should be held responsible for their crimes. I also feel that PD's should not be the ones to investigate their fellow officers, nor should the prosecutors that work with them be allowed to prosecute them.

posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: smurfy

originally posted by: ~Lucidity
a reply to: smurfy
Police are people too, so what's your point?

That's not exactly a high end intellectual statement is it? So what to do? for me to continue with more graphics from YouTube? do you want to see people with their hands up being shot or also being killed by police, and patently wrongly. No, I'm not going to to that babe. It is however, all out there. It's your turn to look and see, and forget the stats.

Speaking of high-end intellectual statements, why did you ignore my reply to your critique of my information?

You're comment about "forget[ting] the stats" is about as ignorant as they come--basically, you're telling Lucidity (and by extension, all of us reading this thread) to ignore facts and just employ emotion when discussing this topic. That's not exactly a high-end intellectual statment, is it?

Here, in case you don't want to go back to page two searching for my response.
edit on 25-2-2015 by SlapMonkey because: added link to my response mentioned

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