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Put the following in the order they will happen...

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posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: ChefSlug

1. The Queen Dies
2. A Woman President
3. Free Energy Developed
4. Fall of the Euro
5. Man on Mars
6. California Separates from US from an Earthquake
7. Major Terrorist Attack in the US
8. Alien Contact known worldwide
9. War between Russia and America
10. Cure for Cancer and other Major Diseases

edit on 2/16/2015 by ~Lucidity because: left off the T on president lol

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: ChefSlug

1. Alien Contact known worldwide
2. Major Terrorist Attack in the US
3. The Queen Dies
4. A Woman President
5. Fall of the Euro
6. War between Russia and America

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: ChefSlug
Ok so here are some major events of the future, put them in the order you think they will happen...

1. Cure for Cancer and other Major Diseases
2. Free Energy Developed
3. War between Russia and America
4. Major Terrorist Attack in the US
5. Fall of the Euro
6. A Woman President
7. California Separates from US from an Earthquake
8. Alien Contact known worldwide
9. The Queen Dies
10. Man on Mars

I didn't put them in any order... that's your job!

Some of those are impossible, like California separating from the US and sinking into the ocean...

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: ChefSlug

9. and 4. are the two most immediately likely to happen in my opinion. And when I think of terrorist attack, I am looking at the full range of possible terror incidents, not just Islamist. You could be talking racial or internal political too. And the queen is at that age when you really could wake up and find out she died in her sleep tomorrow.

5. The Euro has issues and between Greece and the other PIIGS and the issues with Russia and gas ... this is an issue.

3. and 6. We have two more years before a woman president is even possible, and then you have to suppose that either Warren or Hillary can make more Obama-style rhetoric palatable ... or that the GOP puts a woman up as a serious contender which hasn't happened thus far. So that adds at least four years making six. That's a two years window of increasing tensions between Putin and Obama with a possible four more of who knows what between Putin and whomever comes in next ... assuming nothing happens to Putin.

10. Man on Mars at the rate we're going, this one is at least 10 years out.

2. You want free, cheap non fossil fuel energy? Learn how to expand your reach into space and colonize other planetary bodies in this solar system. They don't have oil. See the previous step.

3. When we start moving out from our own homeworld, we start becoming more interesting to other species who may or may not be out there. Or, we have a much better chance of finding less advanced life out there that is still stuck on its own homeworld because let's be honest - a probe is a crap shoot.

1 and 7. I regard both of these as highly unlikely. Cancer is as much genetic as it is a disease. Each person's cancer is unique because it involves their own DNA. While it's not impossible we will learn more and more effective ways to treat cancer, I doubt we will ever learn how to cure it entirely so that you won't ever get it. And if we do, there will be people who will still get it because they will regard the treatments as a conspiracy for the big pharma companies to simply make money off of them and inject them with poison.

And I don't think California is ever supposed to fall off of the Continental US. It's moving northward up the Coast. So the tectonic plates would have to completely change direction in order for that to happen.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:24 PM
This thread turned morbid.
Everyone is sitting there waiting for some old lady to croak.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: ChefSlug

1) Major terrorist attack in the US.
2) The fall of the Euro.
3) War between Russia and America.
4) A woman President
5) The Queen Dies
6) Man on Mars
7) Alien contact known worldwide
8 Cure for Cancer and other Major Diseases
9) Free energy developed
10) California separates from US from Earthquake

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: ChefSlug
This thread turned morbid.
Everyone is sitting there waiting for some old lady to croak.

Hey! She IS 88 years old. Most people don't even make it that long. If you're playing the odds, she's likely to go before anything else. If you didn't want us to play on logic and the odds ... you shouldn't have added her. Or you should have made it tougher by putting in Justin Beiber.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:49 PM
1. Cure for Cancer and other Major Diseases - they have that already.
2. Free Energy Developed - they have that already.
3. War between Russia and America - New Cold War already in effect.
4. Major Terrorist Attack in the US - next one? In the 2020's and from within US (American citizens).
5. Fall of the Euro - late 2020's.
6. A Woman President - of USA? 2020's as well, about mid 2020's.
7. California Separates from US from an Earthquake - never - land mass will RISE there, especially near Baja California/Mexico.
8. Alien Contact known worldwide - n/a
9. The Queen Dies - May 2015 in her sleep.
10. Man on Mars - live humans? not in our lifetime. Dead ones will land there and half a century later, live ones will land and die shortly thereafter.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: ChefSlug

Hey Chef!! As far as this Thread turning Morbid, Don't sweat it Man!! I thought it was , still is a good idea for a thread.

It is WAYYYYY Better than an ordinary Doom and Gloom DeathWatch Here comes another Freakin Asteroid that is gonna Hit Earth Don't Eat The Poisonous Foods Watch out for the Next Solar Flare Cause it's Gonna Kill Us All So How Do You All Think We Are Gonna Die Thread!!!

I mean C'Mon really, This is Fun!! It does show You somewhat how we all think, and some have put in actual reasons why they think that way!! ( Some have even torn it up a bit saying how this or that cannot actually happen.) They way we order the choices tells a lot! So It is really a well rounded Thread!! I, at least, Liked it a lot!! Thanx Man!!!!!!

P.S. ;
(Hey You guys I think this is a Multiple choice PsyOp from an NSA Agent that hacked Chef's account!!!) LMFAO!!!!!!
edit on 16-2-2015 by SyxPak because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 03:01 PM
War with US and Russia

Woman President (Hillary)

Terror Attack in US (To make Hillary look weak)

Fall of Euro

Queen Dies (isn't she, like, 100 already?)

Man on Mars (we're trying to do it)

Earthquake separating CA from US

Cancer Cure (never happen)

Free Energy (never happen)

Alien Disclosure (keep trying but will never happen)

At least that's my opinion...

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Her mother lived to over 100 though, so....

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: ChefSlug

1. The Queen dies
2. Major terrorist attack in the US
3. War between Russia and
War between Russia and NATO...yes.
4. Fall of the's already falling.
It wont be allowed to collapse because it's the EU's flagship (which also wont be allowed to collapse).
5. A woman president
6. Cure for cancer
7. Free energy (well, a lot cheaper anyway)
8. California separates from the USA...nope.
9. Alien contact...nope.
10. Man on Mars...yes, but don't be holding your breath. Yellowstone will have erupted at least once more.

ETA: 3. The war wont be as feared; it will be a short, brutal conventional military exchange using Ukraine as the theatre (Ukrainians - please emigrate now).
6. Did I miss it? No, cancer has not been cured; yes, it will be and soon. It's too big a part of the human story to be usurped by dollar-chasers.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: ChefSlug

OK, lets have a go at this:

9. The Queen Dies (sad but most likely to happen)

5. Fall of the Euro (seemed a reasonable place for this one)

4. Major Terrorist Attack in the US (quite likely but, source unknown)

3. War between Russia and America (there's always a war somewhere)

6. A Woman President (does it really matter?)

1. Cure for Cancer and other Major Diseases (should be higher up, TPTB won't allow)

2. Free Energy Developed (should be higher up, TPTB won't allow)

7. California Separates from US from an Earthquake (scary thought, but conceivable to some degree)

8. Alien Contact known worldwide (we can only wish, right?)

10. Man on Mars (not in my lifetime, anyways)

Just my 2 cents worth (when rounded down equals nothing)


posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 09:19 AM
Here is the order I intuitively feel these events (if they happen)...will happen...

The Queen Dies

Fall of the Euro

Major Terrorist Attack in the US

War between Russia and America

A Woman President

Man on Mars

Alien Contact known worldwide

Cure for Cancer and other Major Diseases

California Separates from US from an Earthquake

Free Energy Developed

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: ChefSlug

9 - Nothing unexpected and no foul play or such. She's getting up there in years.
2 - Fusion will be proven practical and cheap with a new method (already hints of it btw), so it may as well be. Key word is developed - public will not see this for at least another 10 to 20 years. Refinement and production happens later.
6 - Seems due. Probably not the best person, but a well-connected one.
5 - Due to stupidity around economic aid and austerity measures. Some countries (wisely?) decide to do what's good for their people and give up worrying about their credit rating.
4 - Going to happen again because some people let it, not exactly false flag - but convenient for political agenda.
7 - Something about economic situation and not getting aid (like Katrina in that respect), this "separation" will be political not geographic. Still a state and all that, but surprisingly people finally turn away from D & R in the following voting cycle afterwards.
3 - Because some people running things are stupid. The public on either side don't want this. But again around reasons of economic interests and political scheming by leadership or their associates on both sides. It's rather short though as one party does an "atmospheric test" over a non-populated area, and says the next one is going to land on somebody's lap if they don't stop. Some relief after pull-back and turn to diplomacy.
10 - Long way off.
8 - Likely related to 10.
1 - Maybe related to 8? Also stuff gets freed up because society finally changes preferred economic model.

I didn't say I was good at this, so I'll likely fail. (And some likely may not happen anyways.) Just trying to read between the lines in everything going on and putting my take on things.

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