posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to:
Lucid Lunacy
I have come to the conclusion that at some point the values humanity held were flipped on their heads. IMO several times. The transition from
fertility worship centering on the female aspects of nature was back and forth over many centuries between that and a male persona taking on the
center seat to the pantheon of human spirituality. The male aspect of Gods essence won....only because it was backed by civilization and the greater
influence that larger more independant population centers can exert on smaller more dependant populations.
We see that mythology started producing male Gods that "birthed" creation like a female god would have. The olympian gods spewing from their fathers
belly is a prime example of this. Other cultures have similar stories where a male god spawns creation from his own flesh. Adam producing eve from his
rib is a prime example of this. Adapa and his rib producing the breed of man that we are is another from Sumerian mythology...etcetera.
This final form of male usurped powers of creation is what we know as ancient mythology. It is only what has survived not the only option ancient
people entertained. There have been countless cultures that went from lunar to solar calendars almost in unison with the trends in worship of the day.
Lunar symbolism is now associated with female energies and the sun with male energies. This was not always the case. In nature the smaller and less
dominant of a species is usually the male, not the female. IMO primordial nature centered spirituality reflected a more powerful female form.
This could be a reflection of civilization producing the changes where a mother as the head of a family is replaced by a father so as to function in a
larger and more dynamic group environment. Hierarchy and organizational considerations may have a great deal to do why large communities chose to
abandon female fertility worship.
Patriarchal societies are probably a reflection of the organizational structure of civilization with a king and his ministers holding power over a
community followed by other officials down to the father of the house who answers to the law of the kingdom on behalf of his family as a sole
We probably are missing one hell of a story where matriarchal societies resisted the new trends of humanity as it transitioned from a nomadic
existence. Matriarchal societies probably contended with the influences of civilization encroaching on their traditional territories and cultural
practices by patriarchal societies and trends.
I will stay true to the way that is natural for me. Mother made me. Father gave her my essence. I will always honor the great mother.
I would say that this is our truest expression of male and female conceptualizations as far as a personifying force for an abstract such as "GOD".
Have a good one
edit on 2 16 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)