posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 06:41 AM
You guys are just falling for their divide and conquer ploy. Why not game the system? They have all money in the world to support the wars and bail
out corporations and banks that should be allowed to fail all the while they squeeze and abuse the little guy with close to no resources of their own.
They are above the laws that they made just for the common sucker/citizen, they have the money, power etc. to shred our God given rights spelled out
by the constitution, while they bail out and give tax cuts to the filthy rich. They lie to our face constantly while they tear apart the very
foundations of our civilization.
I say take everything you can get, because you aren't going to get anything unless they allow it or give it to you. Besides, that money is ear marked
for such use, and they have to spend it or they won't get their funding. They will wipe out the small businesses in favor of the "too big to fail"
corporate interests, not to mention the destruction of the entire planet.
The common citizen is played at every level, economically, socially, mentally, emotionally, physically, etc., so why not play the system? Get
politically active and gain some ground, and you are targeted for elimination. We have no voice, no power and unless we take whatever we can get, we
will struggle without effect.
Even if someone crawls out of the gutter to become an American success story, they become part of the very thing destroying everyone else, including
the only home world we have.
Screw the government every chance you get because turn about is fair play. Don't even bother to give a reach around, they don't deserve anything,
not even some lube.