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Aliens and Nuks.....A question.

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posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 11:51 AM
With all the talks of Aliens getting ready to attack earth I have a question.

Many people have been speculating about the existence of Aliens and how they have been monitoring us for centuries.

If this is the case then why did they allow us to create of aquire Nuclear Weapons?

Wouldn't you think that if they wanted to take us over they would have done so right before we got Nuks. Now with Nuks we can fight back a little or even destroy the world and make Earth quite useless to them.

What do you think?


posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by REASON
With all the talks of Aliens getting ready to attack earth I have a question.

I very much doubt that, what benefit would there be for them?

Many people have been speculating about the existence of Aliens and how they have been monitoring us for centuries.

I don't know whether they have been monitoring very intensely, but I imagine they have done a few fly bys. If they have come this way that is, but I think it's a high possibility.

If this is the case then why did they allow us to create of aquire Nuclear Weapons?

Well, I guess they see it as none of their business. I imagine if they considered us a direct threat they may intervene. Maybe they just don't consider our weapons threatening.

Wouldn't you think that if they wanted to take us over they would have done so right before we got Nuks. Now with Nuks we can fight back a little or even destroy the world and make Earth quite useless to them.

What do you think?


I think the chances of us being invaded from off world is zero.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 02:27 PM
You have to look at the history of modern UFOlogy. You'll note that the first atomic bomb tests took place around the early 40's. A huge wave of sightings soon followed, and they became rather commonplace, and the term "flying saucer" became a household word...

The idea many have is that our atomic detonation sent out a wake up call that we had "come of age" of a sorts.

There could be MANY reasons the aliens haven't invaded yet...

1. Maybe they don't want to?
2. Maybe the logistics are bad for such a war (even when we only had a few nukes)? For example, maybe they can only jump ships here every so often (such as a necessary condition for bending space/time between the two points), etc.?
3. Maybe they don't deem us as a threat, but more like a science project?
4. Maybe we have more effective countermeasures that the public is aware of?

Who knows really?

[edit on 16-12-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 02:33 PM
OK, all or most of the UFO's are evil angles that want us to fight Christ when he returns. So we need Nukes. That's the reason the illuminati let the UFO movies show bad aliens want to eat us and stuff. Clear now?

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 05:47 PM
What would aliens want with Curley from the Three Stooges???

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by REASON
With all the talks of Aliens getting ready to attack earth I have a question.

Many people have been speculating about the existence of Aliens and how they have been monitoring us for centuries.

If this is the case then why did they allow us to create of aquire Nuclear Weapons?

Wouldn't you think that if they wanted to take us over they would have done so right before we got Nuks. Now with Nuks we can fight back a little or even destroy the world and make Earth quite useless to them.

What do you think?


In order to understand a mens action you'll first have to understand their intention. The same goes for government.

� Who is the greatest authority, has the greatest voice, is most powerful nation in the world?
� What makes this country so?
� If huge ships from other civilizations were dekorating our pretty blue skies, who would by the above logic take over this position now in the hands of a certain country?
� If it became public knowledge (as it should have been for many years ago) that we are not alone, that they are watching us, but that they will not show themselves to the masses until we are "ready" (not affraid), then who would you ask to merge the dispute between Israel and Palastine? who would you ask to help us end world hunger, to fight disease and so on and so on?
� Who would loose authority and who would gain authority?

What can they do? Can they keep it a secret for ever? Well someone once said:

"You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time!".

You now know the "why" for the cover up of extraterrestrial lifeforms visiting earth. If we were to "wake up" and feel that they were more than welcome, who would we stop listening to?

So are they hostile or friendly ?

� If a small country had it's airspace violated by a forign force, repeatedly, who was known to be incredibly superior, and very hostile, would they fire at their planes?

� If a small country had it's airspace violated by a forign force, repeatedly, who was known to be incredibly superior, but had never used force in history, would they fire at their planes?

� Why are the transnational alligance against the aliens firering at such a superior force violating our airspace....?

� If they are indeed shooting at our visitors and that our visitors are vastly suprior, does this indicate that the aliens are hostile or firendly?



posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 04:50 AM
What could nukes do? If they have lazers coulnt they just shoot our misslels right out of the sky. So why would they feet that. Kinda like fearing a baseball would fly through your conceate wall.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 07:21 AM

What would aliens want with Curley from the Three Stooges???

No, that would be a "nyuk" ya knucklehead....
nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.....

(not an insult, just a parody of how they'd answer...)

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:12 PM
If they have been watching us for centuries then they could have taken over the Earth centuries ago when we were no where near capable enough of defending ourselves or even knowing what they were!

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:28 PM
I think some people have been watching too many alien attack movies

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:43 PM
"The attack of the big green alien looking blod, FROM OUTER SPACE"

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:49 PM
Has anyone ever thought that maybe the aliens, if they exist, WANT us to nuke ourselves? Perhaps they survived best in the effects of nuclear winter.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:52 PM
Myabe, but why don't they just nuke us to get it done with??

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Nexus
Myabe, but why don't they just nuke us to get it done with??

Where would the fun in that be? If they've traveled the depths of space for some exorbant amount of time I'm sure they can wait just a bit longer and enjoy a good show.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:55 PM
If they can travel around space, then their are better things to see, blackholes etc...

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by REASON

If this is the case then why did they allow us to create of acquire Nuclear Weapons?

Wouldn't you think that if they wanted to take us over they would have done so right before we got Nukes. Now with Nukes we can fight back a little or even destroy the world and make Earth quite useless to them.

What do you think?

Gazrok is right. A large UFO flap occurred when atomic weapons were developed and then used on Japan in 1945. The aliens from the Zeta 2 Reticuli System (commonly referred to as Zetans) could not thwart the Manhattan Project which led to the first atomic bomb in recent centuries.

BTW, this also indicates that they don't have time travel capability; for if they did, they would have succeeded in stopping US nuclear weapons development.

Nuclear weapons were used on and around this planet thousands of years ago. Within the ancient India epics called The Mahabharata and the Drona Parva there is mention of a conflict between the Atlantean Empire and India which entailed the use of high-tech weapons that bear a close resemblance to our current understanding of nuclear devices. Atlantean weapons were known to be able to destroy an entire city.

There is also evidence that advanced weapons were used against the Zetan Empire in the past -- a failed Atlantean War of Independence if you will -- and that the Zetans retaliated with a nuclear strike against this planet that was so horrific that it caused a global holocaust about fourteen thousand years ago (i.e., the end of the Atlantean civilization, The Great Flood that is documented in various ancient cultures, worldwide earthquakes, and the tilting of the world on its axis).

Evidence Of Ancient Atomic Warfare

Alien abduction research does not point to a traditional invasion on the horizon; it points to a continued, subtle subjugation and a long-term breeding program. According to (Ret.) US Army Sgt. Clifford Stone, the Zetans have "probably twelve or fewer" full-scale operational bases on this planet. This means that they are already here and have been for a long time.

High technology doesn't make one omnipotent, only more formidable. They are concerned that our technological development will eventually result in us being able to stop them from using us as farm animals. Their desire is not to destroy us but to continue to harvest us for their own selfish purposes.

The Zetan reign in dominating the Sol System and their subtle subjugation of Terra is slowly ending...and they know it.

It is only a matter of time.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 07:44 PM
Please explain how they are harvesting us!

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Nexus
Please explain how they are harvesting us!

Through a long-term breeding program, through the continued brainwashing of abductees, and through the use of implants in same for tagging and psychological manipulation. The Zetans routinely kidnap many people for breeding and experimentation. There are even reported cases of dissection -- like the US soldier whose body was deposited a few days later in the same place where he was last known to be before disappearing. The particular method that they use for dissection leaves one to conclude that they try to keep the human alive for as long as possible.

Additionally, there are abductee testimonials that they like to use our glandular extracts as nutritional supplementation.

Hmmm. Being a vitamin pill for some spiritually apathetic aliens. Definitely not an option I would choose.

They harvest us in every way that you and I can think of and probably in various other ways as well. To them we are likened to farm animals.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 08:09 PM
And I hope some day we'll break free of them, if they exist...

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

Originally posted by Nexus
Please explain how they are harvesting us!

Through a long-term breeding program, through the continued brainwashing of abductees, and through the use of implants in same for tagging and psychological manipulation. The Zetans routinely kidnap many people for breeding and experimentation. There are even reported cases of dissection -- like the US soldier whose body was deposited a few days later in the same place where he was last known to be before disappearing. The particular method that they use for dissection leaves one to conclude that they try to keep the human alive for as long as possible.

Additionally, there are abductee testimonials that they like to use our glandular extracts as nutritional supplementation.

Hmmm. Being a vitamin pill for some spiritually apathetic aliens. Definitely not an option I would choose.

They harvest us in every way that you and I can think of and probably in various other ways as well. To them we are likened to farm animals.

In trying to understand your logic, please correct me if I misunderstood.

They are more advanced than we are.
We can produce vitamin pills, they can't?

Perhaps I have simplified your message too much, but please elaborate on this if so.



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