"Creating a loop hole in a worm hole huh? Ok first things first have the dimentions of what is identifed as being a wormhole been identifed and if so
where is this infomation?"
A wormhole is not a dimension, it is a connection between two points bent together by the use of gravity.
From Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online:
Main Entry: worm��hole
Pronunciation: 'w&rm-"hOl
Function: noun
Date: 1593
1 : a hole or passage burrowed by a worm
2 : a hypothetical structure of space-time envisioned as a long thin tunnel connecting points that are separated in space and time
From wordreference.com:
wormhole ['wɜ��mˌhəʊl]
1 a hole made by a worm in timber, plants, etc.
2 (Physics) a tunnel in the geometry of space--time postulated to connect different parts of the universe
'worm"holed adjective
Since wormhole have such vague definitions here, understand that many improper interpretations can be applied if the science is incorrect.
Here is an article from Scientific American in 1997 that helps to answer many technical questions to proof for the existence of wormholes:
Wormhole Q&A
"I would like to know if the scientist in this matter has identifed the different dimentions relating to time travel or even the dimentions that
exist and phase out of existance in a worm hole."
That is a loaded question with many assumptions. Dimensions do not necessarily phase in and out, but exist whether they are seen and understood or
not. Time travel would be dictated by the 4th mathematical dimension and maybe the 5th. Wormholes are not time machines, which I believe is the
problem with that article. Wormholes are faster-than-light traveling methods, but not machines for time travel. Time travel is a matter of moving
forward or backward in a particular timeline, not so much a matter of space travel. Yes, spacetime are one, but don't confuse spacetime that is far
away with that of the past. Distance and time are not measured by the same units.
"It is very likly if a expirement like this were take place I would cause a ripe in the ballence between space and time."
No it would not. Space and time are linked as a type of multi-dimensional fabric (spacetime). If you rip apart spacetime, you'll have 2 spacetimes.
I don't even want to say that as if you can comprehend what will really happen, but know that space and time are separate ways of looking at the
same spacial fabric.
"Also what happens to the matter when a worm hole disappears?"
Like all things crushed by gravity, it will be pancaked.
"It has to go somewhere."
Yes, it will be a pancake wherever the wormhole collapsed on it or will be a pancake at whichever end the wormhole pushes it out.
"Taking into the fact we know that just dna for example really cannot make a exact copy of a person."
Yes it can, in physical terms... we just aren't that good at cloning.
"The same thing realisticy would be the case in dealing with a wormhole."
You are making an odd comparison. Wormholes run on the laws of gravity and quantum mechanics, not the structure of DNA. DNA is just a fancy term for
a dual structure of proteins... simplistic organic computer language, if you will. The problem with making a person is that the strands are extremely
long and get complex with more variables thrown in. Again, don't confuse gravity with proteins.
"Once closed. The matter or rather both the matter and the dimentions would not be the same upon reopening of the wormhole."
Are you talking spacial dimensions for measurement, such as the wormhole being 20' in diameter? Or are you talking the physical structure of a
dimension itself?
"Do we really have a right to possibly alter the fabric of time?"
Aliens probably do it all of the time (assuming at least 1 million intelligent species statistically exist). Why should we be any different? Why
wouldn't we have the right to play with the fabric of time?
"We as a species have already screwed up enough things here on the dirt ball" dirtball=earth. The idea of changing the fabric of somthing that quite
possibly existed before we did is somthing I think we should try to avoid."
Oh, where's your explorer spirit? How does one evolve by standing still? Answer: they don't, they just die off. this dirtball should not be our
prison, in my opinion. I'd love to see the days of Star Trek and Star Wars combined. Honestly, we are only a few hundred years away from that
dream, IMHO, assuming we don't fry ourselves in a gigantic war.
"[wormholes are scientifically possible]Quite correct. They're hypothesized... but a lot of hypothetical things were proven to be false ("aether"
in outer space is a prime example.)
We don't know if they'll have anything to do with time."
Aether has not been proven false to any degree of accuracy. An attempt to prove it false came in the 1950s (I think)? Since then, scientists have
left it alone, but Einstein used it to formulate many of his most famous theories. The idea is that sound waves bounce off air molecules so that your
eardrums can hear it, so light waves must rub on aetheric space so that your eyes can see it. Of course, this is a very primative way of looking at
it, but it was a good way for Einstein to explain the effect. Aether is still a possibility, but we have no idea how to start looking for it, despite
multiple attempts.
Wormholes have been proven mathematically possible, the same as blackholes.. the resources to make them, however, are extremely difficult (currently
impossible) to come by.