I do a lot of meditating/channeling and journal writing what my mind perceives in 'trance' states.
Now, I'm of a bit more grounded frame of mind than some of my colleagues who participate in the same sorts of thought experiments as I do. They like
myself, are prone to experiment with awareness - ghost hunting, magical ritual and the results of such, evp recording, remote viewing self-tests with
controlled groups of friends. Celestine prophecy workbooks to unlock the psychic blocks in ones own mind. Sky gazing to chance seeing a UFO or perhaps
an angel or dragon or something in cloud shapes. That sort of stuff. Fun stuff.
What I've notice in my 39 years here in life, is there are two sorts of people who dabble in the shadows and try to unveil the hidden.
Either, One - They are cognizant - aware that all that they perceive and all that they experience could stem from our own consciousness or even a
group collective consciousness... and that the Earth itself might react to us with it's own consciousness in very high strange events...
Or, Two - Are convinced we can't give ourselves enough credit and there has to be 'other' beings involved
This is ancient but consistent stuff guys. You all muddle around and knock it around and act like it's new and not important. That you aren't not
just suppose to leave these people be - to work out their passions and purpose and in time disseminate it to us in whatever way they feel comfortable.
Whether they come forward as a Bashar or Jesus or Joan of Arc, or they write a book that becomes important, or mathematical equation that changes
science, or a cutting edge movie director with a kick butt movie that creates a social movement.. These people are the ones who change the world. Not
the average assimilated joe blow who just rides the waves though life in their own little bubble universe. They are not going to change the world -
just maintain the one built so far. Not disparaging either or - mind you - we need all kinds of people to propel us forward.
So just leave them alone. The dreamers, the channelers, the kooks and mad scientists and quacks. I mean leave them alone so long as they aren't
harming anyone. LOL. Why does anyone feel a need to interrupt or correct another persons creative process - just because you don't understand it
anyways? So what if they thinks it's a being directing them and giving them this special gift or knowledge - whatever it is. What the hell is wrong
with that anyway? We frickin teach that ideology in every religion across the globe!
Is it us or something 'else'? I don't know. But what I do know - is that all the important people history still bothers to reckon their story to us
with - didn't interrupt that process within themselves. They followed that inner voice, that passion, that driving purpose and need to create and
change the world. Whether they felt is was they themselves, or an alter ego, or God or Aliens or Angels guiding their hand - they all listened to
those inner voices. To that secret, unknown knowledge locked within themselves, waiting to burst forward into the world and change it - forever.
It's the stuff of legend and people want to suppress it, chemically lobotomize it, ridicule it -