posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 12:42 PM
This is the breaking news right now,they haven't even put up any articles on it yet.State saying they have no proof. But what my issue with
this whole thing is about the hostages.
How is it,we hear that Boko Harem takes so many girls hostages and then the story progresses on as it unfolds over time.Yet unless I'm just really
missing it,I never hear of ANY hostages that IS has taken,up until the day they are killing them,or threatening to kill them. And each time I'm
asking myself "okay,so where did THEY come from"?
Am I off the mark here? Is anyone else wondering about this too? Why are we not hearing about these hostages until the end? They weren't missing
before that? No one knows that they are missing? I find that hard to believe. What is up with this?