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"ISIS" fighters are trolls on the internet...!

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posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

Right...Jews own all those words

Israel....a place where Israeli's live
Mossad..a countries secret service
Zionism...a political movement....which many Jews do not recognise or even affiliate themselves with.

Now you have just called all Israelis....Jews....all Zionists.... Jews....and all mossad operatives..Jews

Now that is the most racist thing I have many orthodox Jewish friends would be horribly upset.

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: infinityorder

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun

originally posted by: plube
Well this is not a surprise...since Isis are an Israel operated group...they are run by Zionists...the same trolling Zionist that rewrite history by consensus in wiki pedia...I am not here to prove Al baghadi who was recently (apparently) killed was none other than a former mossad operative....and who would have thought back in the 1980s...wake up as we are all being aware of whom you really think are in control...shame people are actually believing what they are being spoon fed....

C'mon now. Apply some common sense.


Wish I could give you more stars....that is some stuff.

Seriously though, how the hell does that happen, I swear I put them up nice and orderly last year!!???
I believe that Christmas lights are self-aware, and they actively rebel against their master by self-tangling. I hold the same theory for ear-bud cords as wells.

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

I thought the lights tangled when Santa got drunk and fell into the tree.

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: plube
a reply to: infinityorder

Sorry can't make me it is not my worry if I am believed or not....but if what I say gets people digging then all is good...Isis....a coined phrase back in the 1980s Israel Secret Intelligence Service....Al baghadi was Elliot Shimon....a mossad agent whom also met with McCain....but I guess it will be debunked by more shills and troll out there doing the fine work that they do.....the end game makes no difference what make a difference is best ng open to learning instead of just reacting when the Zionist media says jump.

The world is changing....just make sure the change is what your willing to accept ...rather then taking the change that is being forced upon you.

I warned you!!!

Everyone knows this is the giant Arabic conspiracy to blame the Jews and keep the heat off themselves.

Think it through, if your able see to see through you blind bigoted hatred of the Jews.

They are surrounded on all sides by people that hate them, in a geographical location so crappy I would not live there if you paid me a lot of money.

There are so many much nicer places to live, Yemen, any of the stans...ugh....Siberia, the strait of Magellan....I mean come on.

If you said Hollywood was running things ok, I could entertain the idea, but honestly.

Who the frock in their right minds believes the guys running the show intentionally live in a state of constant war on all sides outnum ered millions to one in one of this planted most terrible climates. Because they choose to?

If I was running the world, I would live in Hawaii, great weather lush environment etc....

You know Paradise.

Not a crap hole like the mideast.

Just saying man apply logic

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: plube
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

I thought the lights tangled when Santa got drunk and fell into the tree.

If by Santa you meant me...ok you got me, I drank way too much eggnog, and by eggnog I meant beer, lots and lots of beer.

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: plube
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

I thought the lights tangled when Santa got drunk and fell into the tree.
That fat old man ruins EVERYTHING. And he even boozes Rudolph up. Ever wonder why his nose is so red?

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: plube
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

Sorry. Not once did i say please....don't derail the topic just cause it might not be in your thought pattern...shame...anti Semitism is entirely misused as an excuse to shut down people who don't tow the elitist line...this is about politics....not religion....keep that to only shows your thinking I don't like Jews which is false....I don't like Zionist goes against everything that is beneficial to the human race.

So Jews politicking in their favor is a problem...
But every other race and nationality the world over doing the same is OK?

You aught just break out you swastika man.

Everyone is either allowed to politic in their best interest or nobody is.

To exclude a group from an activity everyone else gets to participate in has a name......what was it.....right on the tip of my tongue........oh ya!!!!!


posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun

originally posted by: infinityorder

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun

originally posted by: plube
Well this is not a surprise...since Isis are an Israel operated group...they are run by Zionists...the same trolling Zionist that rewrite history by consensus in wiki pedia...I am not here to prove Al baghadi who was recently (apparently) killed was none other than a former mossad operative....and who would have thought back in the 1980s...wake up as we are all being aware of whom you really think are in control...shame people are actually believing what they are being spoon fed....

C'mon now. Apply some common sense.


Wish I could give you more stars....that is some stuff.

Seriously though, how the hell does that happen, I swear I put them up nice and orderly last year!!???
I believe that Christmas lights are self-aware, and they actively rebel against their master by self-tangling. I hold the same theory for ear-bud cords as wells.

I have entertained that thought bored and decided blaming the Jews was easier...oh wait that was the other guy saying that.

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: infinityorder

Because I do not like a certain political movement makes me a that is if I said I did not like the Nazi party also...I guess that would make me what...the Zionist political movement is exactly the same as the Nazi party IMHO and they are bringing ww3 upon the world inexactly the same fashion....I am happy that a great many people are waking up to this twisting what is am saying is just showing you are part of the problem...not one who is looking to all sides of an you my friend can just blindly follow as it affects people....but I am willing to state what is going on with the Zionist(not Jewish) aghenda... Rather than be yet another lamb led to the slaughter....ISIS are trolling.....they are trolling for the Zionist political movement...nothing more nothing less.
edit on 022828p://f30Friday by plube because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 03:53 PM
Just thought I would add some reading

I find it funny how when some one has opposing opinion to the Zionist agenda...the personal attacks come that somehow makes a person a bigot ...or a Jew hater...yet I did not mention Jew once...I mentioned a political elite known as Zionism...

Also on Wednesday, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency – a 97-year old Jewish wire service – reported:

A senior employee of the Dutch Justice Ministry said the jihadist group ISIS was created by Zionists seeking to give Islam a bad reputation.

Yasmina Haifi, a project leader at the ministry’s National Cyber Security Center, made the assertion Wednesday on Twitter, the De Telegraaf daily reported.

“ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. It’s part of a plan by Zionists who are deliberately trying to blacken Islam’s name,” wrote Haifi ….

global research

As stated before ....the SOR(State Of Rothschild's) Israel has it's own internal issues with orthodox Jews against many orthodox Jews know how the Zionist scums abandoned them in Poland to push forward their own agendas...and to assume I might not be Jewish myself is a mistake....

I do not assume that all Zionists are do not assume that people who are against the Zionist agenda...are not Jews also....many are not in agreement with the lies their Zionist leaders are up to....would be like saying all Americans agree with their now democratic government...not a chance.
edit on 032828p://f55Friday by plube because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 09:10 PM
lol why people still talking about this?

The french website Debunked the "Chief of Isis is a Mossad"

Use google translate xD. It's a rumor from iranian/libanon forum.

Then people did the "mouth to ear" trains, it add edward snowden. Wikileaks deny having this in their data leak.

It would be more LOGIC, that ISIS was put there by CIA with today news about Saudi + 911.

Always search for more then 1 source. The "Global research" website host too many "rumor" to be true for me.

I'm a skeptical, so i NEED multiple CREDIBLE source to believe in things.... But it's not for everybody here xD.

Back on topic :

and a article about how Saudi did 9-11

lol... One of the richest man in Saudi own like 5% of Fox news.... And was funding the "mosquee" at ground zero.

Weird. But it's from a prisoner-terrorist who lied before and now is in prison in USA for live.

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 09:20 PM
I'm not surprised by this at all.

Given its relative lack of resources, shortage of troops and conventional weapons, I'd be surprised if they didn't turn to Asymmetric warfare techniques as their stop gap.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 05:07 AM

originally posted by: FreeQuebec86

I admit, they start to freak me out... Because i don't know how it could stop...

No need to freak out.
The linked article only shows one side of a small portion of #ISIS on the web. They are on many sites... Facebook, Google Groups, Websites, etc. etc.

Another side of the story is that while Twitter Is Not at War With ISIS, they are not all-powerful on the Interwebs.

For Example:

‘Hacktivists’ Just Smacked The Taste Out of ISIS’s Mouth






Etc. Etc. Etc.

Not that I dig suppression of information by a bunch of script-kids, just pointing out the other side of the coin.

edit on 7-2-2015 by oletimer because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: FreeQuebec86

Will the US government next stop further Internet free speech in the name of fighting online ISIS

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: FreeQuebec86

I hate ISIS equally as much I hate Governments. both want to use fear to denounce freedoms, both want to profit from war, both want to collapse Islamic countries that don't accept US corporatism.

You don't need to be an genius to wonder if the parallels point to a singularity.

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 01:26 AM
a reply to: FreeQuebec86

I troll the jihadists with this

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 01:29 AM

originally posted by: FreeQuebec86

I'm not english, so sorry in advance.

We cant all be perfect....

Im from Lancashire in England so I am the pinnacle of perfect!

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: Forensick

1 year late, but LOL. Nice one!

I forgot about this topic i made... And after France attack... They are "evil" troll...

It's a troll move to mass murder people then explode yourself...

How can people do that... Like how can you be SO SURE about doing something like this. And think you will be "Chilling in heaven". Like how much dumb you could be...

But i have a other theory that will need a other topic maybe... ( Can we "hypnotize" people via internet? )...

I have a "own" theory that surely other people think about it already. But religion seem to use Hypnotic effect to work on their fidel.


( Personal story ) i was septical a little bit about hypnose. Before i saw my first show at a school. I could not believe that 1 man, on a stage, could make someone i know jump like a bunny and do none-sense things lol.

Then later, i saw a big hypnotiser in Montreal. "Messmer" ( french one ), we were in a 2000 place theater. And he start to talk and "check" who was easly hypnotize.

He Ask people ( that was under his "control" ) to get up and raise their hands. Then i saw like 15-20 people. Get up, and raise hand. Some was shaking!!! Just like "Preacher" video!!!

You surely saw preacher video, touching people and they fall off. Tell them that god is in there. Exorcism could enter this..

From this moment, i saw that, i believed firmly that Religion are kind of hypnosis lol. Maybe our "subsconscient" is so strong that could make us feel/believed certain things

But to returna bit on the subject...

1 man, on a stage could control people just by voice and "suggestion"...

Could 1 man on a computer do this to other people??? My subsconscient say "yes" lol.

Edit : after typing this bad english wall text ( sorry )

I googled "Religion Hypnosis"

lol just read the first paragraph and it show what i meant. 1 Preacher telling people to bow, listening to god, do that, do this.
edit on 25-11-2015 by FreeQuebec86 because: (no reason given)

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