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Why do people 'hate' the U.S. and Isreal.

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posted on Feb, 9 2015 @ 09:44 AM
Why indeed?

And for the record, not only the US and Israel are doing this. It's happening right now in Ukraine too for example. But hey, people hate Russia and China too

It's just the US are really the champions at this, and cover their buddies in Israel for doing the same thing with Palestine.

Another thing people hate about America and Israel is that they can criticize everyone else, but no one can criticize them. Introspection isn't really one of their strong points.
edit on 9-2-2015 by Develo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2015 @ 12:54 PM
"The USA is the most violent country in the history of the planet with arguably Isreal coming in second place. I don't think there is any disputing this. "

The Germans instigate not one, but two, world wars. Yes, it's disputable.

And then there's this:

The US hasn't been around long enough to be even be considered for "the most violent country in the history of the planet" award.

Once the US has been around for a 1000 years we can start the debate if it's "the most violent country in the history of the planet".

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: GenerationGap
"The USA is the most violent country in the history of the planet with arguably Isreal coming in second place. I don't think there is any disputing this. "

The Germans instigate not one, but two, world wars. Yes, it's disputable.

And then there's this:

The US hasn't been around long enough to be even be considered for "the most violent country in the history of the planet" award.

Once the US has been around for a 1000 years we can start the debate if it's "the most violent country in the history of the planet".

And just how many wars has the US instigated, directly or indirectly, since then. We just don't call them wars any longer. Your perspective is both shallow and narrow.

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: openminded2011

originally posted by: FyreByrd

originally posted by: openminded2011
a reply to: FyreByrd

To be sure, We have made some mistakes in our history, but we are certainly not alone. Spain decimated the native Americans in their early conquests by the millions through enslavement and disease. The British empire was responsible for the death of between 12 and 29 million people in India alone, by forced exports of wheat to England during a drought. The British were also responsible for the Tasmanian genocide, and killed over a thousand in a rebellian in Kenya in the 1950s. Stalin is reported to have killed more people than Hitler, and we will probable never know the exact number. The red Chinese also killed millions during the cultural revolution. So we are far from alone in having blood on our hands. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Governments in general are the biggest murderers on the planet. The average people are not.

And it doesn't disprove or excuse the statement that the US is the most violent country on the planet. Consider direct and indirect violence/immediate and long term deaths attributable to US 'intervention' and you can only imagine how high the number of people affected.

Using the atrocities of one nation never excuses the atrocities of another. (I rather think that the Europeans 'outsourced' a lot of their 'colonial' violence to the US and Israel - heh I spelled it right.

I was not using the atrocities to excuse the US. I am simply stating that for you to single out the US and ignore them is somewhat suspect if what you truly want is world peace. Its clear to me that you have some sort of chip on your shoulder towards the US since you don't even make mention of any of the other atrocities I mention. I guess its somehow ok to overlook when the Brits or Russians or Chinese wipe out millions of people but when the US does it, THATS downright evil, right? I submit to you that you cannot point a finger at the US and ignore the others, lest you just look like another US hater.

I'm not ignoring other countries and cultures across time only highlighting the champions of violence. The fact that others pursue violence as an answer to perceived or imposed problems doesn't in any way justify or excuse the use of violence of all kinds by the US and its client states.

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

originally posted by: FyreByrd
The USA is the most violent country in the history of the planet with arguably Isreal coming in second place. I don't think there is any disputing this.

The US military is the largest polluter on the planet and is using limited resources needed by people in the name of endless war.

lonesomerimbaud and burdman30ott6 , and others, have given statistics and information that have proven both those statements wrong. Can you give any solid information to prove your statement is true, or are you going to concede that it was just anti-American rhetoric.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

I'm going to reply in general and not specifically due to time (and will) restraints.

The statistics that I've seen in this thread (and remembered) are statistics about reported deaths. My whole point is that violence (physical, mental, emotional) is not often recorded. That is why I'm not paying much attention to the statistics you refer to 1) they are very limited in their definition of violence (recorded directly attributable deaths) - I understand that it is hard to quantify indirect deaths, financial harm, emotional harm and their costs but they are very real and horrible effects of violence.

It's rather like the death toll in a war. What is easily quantified are the outright deaths? What about deaths that happen after the fact due to suicide, lingering health issues, PTSD, and other social effects. These are QUALITY issue and not Quanity issues.

Chernobyl is a wonderful example - the official death toll from the accident is about 26 people. We know that over the last 25 years thousands more have died - from direct radiation effects (the clean up personel) and indirect radiation and toxic effects (thyroid cancer and the like). You always hear the supporters of nuclear energy say that statistics say very few people ever died from a commercial nuclear accident - because the statistics (partially due to the nature of the artform) are limited in scope and time.

REALITY on the other hand requires broad strokes of scope (definition) and time (unlimited), Statistics show us a localized snapshot with very limited scale.

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 04:17 PM
Quick Summery of this thread and all like it, with a top 20 list.

America Sucks Cause;

1. They are all Fat

2. They are all Racist

3. They are all Fascist

4. They like to Meddle

5. They are Polluting the Worlds Atmosphere

6. They are Ultra Violent

7. They all have M-60's and Howitzers hidden in their basements.

8. McDonalds

9. They don't speak my countries Language

10.They dont watch my countries Movies

11.They dont study my countries History

12.They dont care about my Countries (Prime Minster, Dictator, King, Queen, or El Presidente)

13.They are all so arrogant looking down on other people and nations, unlike myself who has an open mind for all countries... well except America.

14. They took over the natives land, unlike my country which has been always been within these boarders.
(This one is kinda funny because... well you know it was the Europeans who took over the land which would later become America, long before the Revolutionary War. LMAO) *Cough* Australlia *Cough* South America *Cough* Canada *Cough* ( I could go on and on)

15.They support Israel and its existence in the middle east where they are displacing Palestinians.... because as well all know it was America that placed them there and in fact, not the overwhelming Majority of the UN general assembly made up of 33 additional Countries that supported it as well.

16. Justin Bieber...Wait he is Canadian right?

17. I don't like their health care plan.

18. They are all so stupid, and I saw a "Stupid Americans" Youtube video that proves it.

19. Their cars are too big and will one day kill us all.

20. You know Reasons....

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 04:23 PM
I thought this was a great written piece..hoping that Netanyahu goes ahead with his speech to congress.

The pressure keeps mounting on Benjamin Netanyahu to arrange a face-saving means of cancelling his speech to both houses of Congress next month lest he create a rift between the U.S. and Israel.

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: Develo

Another thing people hate about America and Israel is that they can criticize everyone else, but no one can criticize them. Introspection isn't really one of their strong points.

How do you mean? People do it ALL the time.
Do you mean that there are Americans who voice dissent at an opinion that they are somehow more wicked than the next country or are you implying that someone should not voice an opinion on the merits of some policy or another that has detractors?
I really don't understand this.
edit on 11-2-2015 by Punisher75 because: (no reason given)

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