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Boyd Bushman on anti gravity

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posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 12:45 AM
I like what Bushman had to say, and am happy he came out and said what he did before he died. We are better off knowing than not knowing for those who are interested in topics like this. For those who wish they didnt know they dont have to watch or listen to what he has to say. For example there are plenty of things people say I dont want to listen to like the house wives of such and such shows, I dont waste my time watching them, however to many other people they love those shows and cant wai to see the new episode. Same with Bushman if you dont like what he says dont listen and watch it, no one is forcing you to listen to what he has to say.

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
Same with Bushman if you dont like what he says dont listen and watch it, no one is forcing you to listen to what he has to say.

But people who drop magnets down metal pipes and try to tell me it's anti-gravity are so much FUN! The bad part comes if you believe it.

PS - I have a real alien I bought at Walmart

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 08:11 PM

originally posted by: Bedlam
PS - I have a real alien I bought at Walmart
Yeah but if you haven't smudged the colors, it will look just like the other ones at Wal-Mart, and not many people will believe it's a real alien.

You have to smudge the colors a little before people can say: "see, it looks a tiny bit different than the store bought alien, so it must be a real alien".

You have to learn the tricks of the alien trade from Boyd Bushman. That's another reason to watch his videos, aside from the entertainment of calling Lenz' law "antigravity".

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 08:26 PM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur
You have to smudge the colors a little before people can say: "see, it looks a tiny bit different than the store bought alien, so it must be a real alien".

I know I'm a sicko, but I watch that plastic alien bit and this is all I can think of.

Yes, Boyd, curse your aged but inevitable betrayal.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 08:10 PM
What a mess. Let's straighten a few things out.

First of all, Boyd Bushman was a brilliant inventor at Lockheed's Skunk Works facility at Ft. Worth, Texas: his patents establish that beyond question. Anyone with a moderate understanding of physics should be able to discern this fact from reading the patents themselves, but if you're not science-minded, then all you have to do is check out the forward citations to see that the world's top military defense contractors (Hughes, Boeing, Northrop-Grumman, etc) have continued to build upon his original and breakthrough research in energy, propulsion, missile detection and guidance, and stealth technology.

Also, Bushman never claimed that his simple Lenz law demonstration had anything to do with gravity - that's a misattribution by people who didn't actually pay attention to Sereda's pitiful interview of the man. In fact he discusses Lenz's law in other audio interviews, and never conflates it with a gravitational effect in those discussions either. Similar things occurred with Ben Rich's misattributed/misinterpreted statements, but that's another story.

Someone else here foolishly claimed that the drop experiment Bushman described to Sereda (and others) somehow "proves" that Bushman wasn't a "real scientist." That's absurd - by the same reasoning, Galileo wasn't a "real scientist" either because he didn't employ timers with his Leaning Tower of Piza experiment. It's perfectly sensible to begin with a simple and efficacious hand-drop trial to see if anything observable would happen, and then spend time refining the experiment later, if merited. Which I'm sure he did - quantifying the effect would be the next logical step.

Then we have the alien and ufo stuff. All of that's baloney, obviously. It's all just "cover story" stuff - Bushman spoke about the nature and the use of cover stories many times: it's SOP for protecting classified information. The sensational claims get the story widely distributed, so the actual payload of information that's relevant gets to the right people.

If Bushman had any direct knowledge of aliens of ET spacecraft, then he took it to the grave, because the "deathbed confession" alien/ufo stuff was all just a bunk cover story - just like Bob Lazar's cover story. It was Very effective: Bushman's video got global coverage, and the use of a plastic doll and some crazy stories and fake photos of Quintonia (lol) guaranteed that casual observers would throw the whole thing into the trash. And I'm not even going to get into the disappointment over all of the outlandishly credulous people who managed to convince themselves that this plastic doll was an alien, or a replica of a "real alien" - we just have to live with the fact that many many people are not very bright.

What's important here has nothing to do with aliens or ET craft, and everything to do with a breath-taking advancement in military technology.

Good luck everyone. Try to remember: if you're following a herd, then you're most likely heading in the wrong direction.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: Bedlam

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
Same with Bushman if you dont like what he says dont listen and watch it, no one is forcing you to listen to what he has to say.

But people who drop magnets down metal pipes and try to tell me it's anti-gravity are so much FUN! The bad part comes if you believe it.

PS - I have a real alien I bought at Walmart
listen i know Bushman has been trashed lately. Called a Hoaxster. But people that knew him; people with respectible science and engineering credentials think highly of him. For example Paul March; the engineer working with Dr white at NASA jet propulsion laboratory; eagle works lab speaks highly of him and confirm his rather impressive credentials. March knew him personally and professionally.

Bushman was head scientists at a major corporation. The smears against him may not be a grand conspiracy; but it has the same effect. it is the real world version of the "disinfo" of which many here see in every shadow and nook and cranny.
edit on 24-4-2015 by stormbringer1701 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-4-2015 by stormbringer1701 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 09:10 PM
Here is what Paul had to say recently pertaining to bushman.

Quote from: Star-Drive on 04/09/2015 10:38 PM

Dr. Rodal:

As promised, find attached a few related papers from work. As to the rest of your and Mulletron's concerns over the Eagleworks evolving theoretical musings on the EM-Drive propulsion topic, I leave you with Boyd Bushman's, (was senior scientist at LM/FW, now retired and passed-on), admonition to me when I first met him back in 2000 when discussing Jim Woodward's Mach-Effect work with Boyd's boss, "Follow the data, theory be dammed!" We intend to do just that, no matter where it might take us.

Best, Paul M.

My advice: lay off the trashing of Bushman. you are not on firm ground. It is not becoming.
edit on 24-4-2015 by stormbringer1701 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 12:53 AM

originally posted by: stormbringer1701
But people that knew him; people with respectible science and engineering credentials think highly of him. For example Paul March; the engineer working with Dr white at NASA jet propulsion laboratory; eagle works lab speaks highly of him and confirm his rather impressive credentials. March knew him personally and professionally.

I haven’t seen that note before, thanks for sharing stormbringer1701 (but I should mention that Paul March works for NASA’s Eagleworks Laboratory at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, not JPL in California).

Another reputable inventor, and the president of MegaRail in Ft. Worth had this to say about Bushman:

“I met Mr. Bushman while I was working at Lockheed-Martin where I believe
he held the position of Division Scientist. I found him to be a
highly-knowledgeable and helpful person. (I understand that his educational
background is in the field of Physics as is mine.) He spent most of his
time developing and working on various very advanced classified projects. I
know that he was, and is, held in high regard by those both associated with
him and for whom he worked. As you no doubt have discovered, he has been
awarded several patents, including the one that you mentioned with me.

He is a highly knowledgeable scientist who is willing to go boldly forth
and examine just about any subject, including a lot of those that most
scientists shun. (Unfortunately, this tendency sometimes leads people to
question his credentials.) However, from time to time, he develops really
valuable & significant products. He is, in fact, an individual with
extensive knowledge and capabilities and one with which I frequently discuss
the more mundane work that I engage in.

I hope that the above is helpful to you.

Kirston Henderson
I also found a 1992 paper co-written by Henderson for the Office of Naval Research, called “Core Avionics and Standardization Study”

The people attempting to undermine Bushman’s professional credentials are simply and demonstrably wrong. But I can understand the knee-jerk compulsion to reject and vilify the man after watching his “deathbed disclosure” video: all of that plastic alien doll and internet-ufo-pic stuff (not to mention the crazy stories) would put off anyone. It looks and smells like a hoax, and hoaxes make people angry. But as I explained, it’s not a hoax, it’s a cover story. Most people aren’t going to understand the difference, and that’s fine: they’re not supposed to.

But sometimes the devil is in the details. And this is one of those times.
edit on 4/25/2015 by the-devil-boy because: typo

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