posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to:
This is indeed super fascinating, but only because my muddy brain takes it to furtilize my own findings, maybe. So please don't take anything i say
as undisputable fact. But:
I am currently feeling what we define so far as different dimensions, or occult, or divine, might indeed be "quantum-waves". The mind, the soul,
whatever you subscribe to, seems indeed to behave like a fluid. So you sink to the very bottom, push yourself, break through the surface and dive
head-first back, because you can't stay above the surface, your physical-body draws you back into the ocean.
Your water decreasing in size, mght be a warning, you are loosing reasoning-capabilities instead of growing. Your P.O.T.(pool of thoughtsmash) maybe
wants you to free yourself from all the things your education and environment is forcing you to belief outside your own "truth"/experience.