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Aliens or ex-inhabitants..

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posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: Harte

At ATS (and elsewhere,) there are many people that will swallow anything some fringe writer will feed them. I call these people the chronically astonished.

I'm guessing the astonishment has a lot to do with the chronic.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: Harte

Getting our daily vocabulary exercises done I see...

I tend to view evidence in a rather strange light; in that when I see pure bullsh** mixed in with questionable data, I tend to view the whole as pure BS...

Kind of like your wee article talking about the Dogon...and the question of "Sirius C'. If they just hadn't brought up Sirius C things might have been different, I would have been much closer to accepting that bit of horse. But, alas, your non-scientific report just had to talk about something that is relatively easy to confirm. In this case the absolute non existence of a third star in the Sirius system.

That wee fact, just like talking about four (4) specific stars in the Hill map, is the straw that broke the Camel's back...that bit of fiction in both cases breaks the validity of the argument so severely, that all the kings horses, and all the king's men will not be able to save it.

You have accepted bull# for evidence and now are trying to use it to support your position; you truly need to try harder.

The existence of myth, that by the way, is supported by other cultures, some separated by 1000's of miles and hundreds of years, kind of tells a different story.

I'm sorry your "scientists" (if they were truly real scientists) studying Dogon, have not done their job very well, and have allowed their data to become corrupted.

Now then, I would appreciate it IF you wouldn't be quite do condescending in your inappropriate, and seriously ill-informed attitude.

The data you are using is invalid, that should have been quite obvious in the initial reading, but you seem to have missed that...or more appropriately; you are guilty of accepting only data which you like, and tends to confirm your unfounded position.

What I've given here is only the bare reality and facts.
Fact: there are many myth that speak of a race of people from "Sirius" (I choose the Dogon because they gave them a name).
Fact: There can be NO LIFE on a planet around Sirius. The star is simply too young.
Fact: Nu2 CM is in a position where by it would be easy to mistake Sirius for the target star.
Fact: Nu2 CM has, in it's habitable zone, a water planet.
Fact: the Nommo are said to be amphibious.

These facts are supported by other myth from other cultures that are separated from the Dogon by great distance both geographic and temporal.

Here is another wee fact: You have provided no data in support of your assertion other than poorly put together stories from some claiming to have some authority, Stories that can't seem to get the astrophysics correct.

You should change your view to one that can at least find some support in science.

Also, I find that the attitudes, etc. around this "thing" of ours to be very dishonorable. You are assuming that the Dogon have no honor, nor intelligence. SHAME on you! This kind of thing should be in chapter 1 of "how to do bad science".
Course, in reality, what you have isn't science at all; just some dink who can not accept reality.

If you want to redeem your argument with something real, I will welcome it...

There exists no data that supports your assertion that an alien is known to have visited Earth.

Atta boy...keep on denying reality...maybe it will go away!! (not likely)
As I've already said: "If you don't like the evidence, just claim its not evidence!"

I've just given you plenty of serious evidence and you still want to claim there is none...WOW! Talk about willful, deliberate ignorance.

edit on 9-3-2015 by tanka418 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: tanka418
a reply to: Harte

Getting our daily vocabulary exercises done I see...

I tend to view evidence in a rather strange light; in that when I see pure bullsh** mixed in with questionable data, I tend to view the whole as pure BS...

Kind of like your wee article talking about the Dogon...and the question of "Sirius C'. If they just hadn't brought up Sirius C things might have been different, I would have been much closer to accepting that bit of horse. But, alas, your non-scientific report just had to talk about something that is relatively easy to confirm. In this case the absolute non existence of a third star in the Sirius system.

No idea what you're talking about here.

I linked you to a thread at ATS, not some "wee article."

The Dogon myth is a myth.

If you prefer to have faith in some religious belief, that's fine.

But religious dogma is no indication that any alien is "known to have visited Earth," which was your assertion.

Don't make the claim and you won't have to deal with people pointing out how utterly wrong you are.


posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: Harte

originally posted by: tanka418
a reply to: Harte

Getting our daily vocabulary exercises done I see...

I tend to view evidence in a rather strange light; in that when I see pure bullsh** mixed in with questionable data, I tend to view the whole as pure BS...

Kind of like your wee article talking about the Dogon...and the question of "Sirius C'. If they just hadn't brought up Sirius C things might have been different, I would have been much closer to accepting that bit of horse. But, alas, your non-scientific report just had to talk about something that is relatively easy to confirm. In this case the absolute non existence of a third star in the Sirius system.

No idea what you're talking about here.

I linked you to a thread at ATS, not some "wee article."

The Dogon myth is a myth.

If you prefer to have faith in some religious belief, that's fine.

But religious dogma is no indication that any alien is "known to have visited Earth," which was your assertion.

Don't make the claim and you won't have to deal with people pointing out how utterly wrong you are.


It appears that, quite simply, you fail to understand...most likely because you refuse...your bad.

There is no religious element here, only science. And, whether your source is an article or a thread; bad data is still bad data.

So...I made the claim; you tried, and failed to point out just "how" I am wrong. You made some statements, but they are empty since you have not backed them up with any actual science. You fail to make any appropriate / logical connections here and seem to think that is appropriate to "dis" the Dogon. your racism is apparent, and also inappropriate.

You have shown nothing but disdain and prejudice toward any data that contradicts your self-conceived notions on how thing should be...that is also your bad.

I think we should be done now unless you actually have something of substance to add.

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