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Ghosts are killable? I think so.

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posted on Feb, 1 2015 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha
They can be killed. Just not for long, eventually even the most annoying and evil come back twice as annoying and 1 1/2 times as evil. Even humans eventually come back when they die, the cycles of death and rebirth though not like you think, its much more multy faceted.

You know even on the material realm and scale were all made of recycled matter, in the end nothing truly dies, its merely recycled. I know its a sad fact to ponder, makes you want to kill yourself when you figure out your eternal. Which is why most of those you call ghosts dont deal in the material unless they must. Its much to easy to get entrapped into things. For instance like all of you in this place called earth. Poor fools, dont even know what game your playing.

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: sandman441

it might not be haunted. since it was so fast and total there wouldn't be any haunted objects since nukes destroy things at an atomic level, right? i would think it would be over so fast that no connections to that place would be made. but the land ITSELF is stained. Not by ghosts but by blood. It's forever marked by that. As are all places where blood has been spilled.

Poveglia is an example of where there's something. Long-term suffering seems to traumatize everything from the buildings to the land itself. And maybe that's what creates a portal of sorts. To not human spirits but to things that are other--ie. malevolent entities. Or it replays the suffering once had in that area.

Who can say?

This is only my take. Not saying you're wrong or anything.

originally posted by: charlyv
If ghosts were quantum in nature, then they theoretically could be in more that one place at one time. That would make them pretty hard to kill, if someone desired to do such a thing.

^ Great point, man. Coincides with what the poster right above me said, perfectly.

edit on 2-2-2015 by rukia because: (no reason given)

a reply to: galadofwarthethird

HOWEVER. I disagree with you that human spirits are recycled. Or that any conscious spirit is. I think we are one of a kind. That guy who wrote The Golden Compass--Pullman--was wrong. No, humans go on to exist elsewhere. So do animals. Yes the earth has a spirit that recycles itself--the mushrooms are proof enough of that. You are mistakenly classing humans as being repeatable. They're not. Yes, personalities and sociologically-based attitudes are repeatable. But your soul is unique and whole and will exist as itself even after death. You're not going to one day be a cat until you die. Sure, you can experience how that would be but that would be called tripping and not living a life. You can do that now if you want lol what would be the point of doing it again?
edit on 2-2-2015 by rukia because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: rukia

HOWEVER. I disagree with you that human spirits are recycled. Or that any conscious spirit is. I think we are one of a kind. That guy who wrote The Golden Compass--Pullman--was wrong.

I never read the golden compass. But yes, I do not believe were so original as you like to think. Even on the looks department sometimes I run into people who look so like eachother that one would think there twins or related yet there ages across and sometimes continents.

Or here, you probably seen the Nicholas Cage civil war photo, I think there is one even for John travolta, and others as well. Lets just say its all a mater of perspective. If one day aliens landed here they may not be able to distinguish one human from another. On a mental level as well some may as well be clones. There are only so many variation even on a genetic level as well. It would be the same on other levels. Though I do not know why it is people seem to think ghosts were once human, or want to be human. I suppose everybody has to attribute that which they understand to the things they dont.

And interesting celebrity look alike site.

But your soul is unique and whole and will exist as itself even after death. You're not going to one day be a cat until you die. Sure, you can experience how that would be but that would be called tripping and not living a life. You can do that now if you want lol what would be the point of doing it again?

Oh its a big surprise. You will see, and know. When you die. Like all the rest of us.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 04:16 PM
I think you're right. If they are lifeforms they can be destroyed. Actually even if they're not.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

Well, if you don't believe in souls then yeah we aren't going to agree haha

But then according to you ghosts cannot exist because they would be recycled. So you can't have ghosts and also have reincarnation imo.

someone can look the same as me but i'm still me and they're still them. It's what makes you you that's what's original. Call it what you like I suppose but no two people are exactly the same.

the way you look has little to do with who you are inside. That's why your life is your experience. Not yours and someone elses'. Your perception is unique. And that's why you are unique.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: rukia
Well many people have theories on what ghosts are. Really they could be right or they could be wrong, or the ghosts could be what they want to see and believe.

Either way they could be souls of dead people here for some reason or they cant let go. Or they could be recount vibrational interloping resonating frequencies from other dimensions which for a fleeting moment come and go, the Schrödinger's cat of interloping universal synchronicity, or they could be "on" or they could be "off" depending on who is observing them. Or they could be like Casper the friendly ghost, or they could be like his less friendly cousins, the ghostly trio.

Perception really is what you make of it... Or not.

edit on 10pmTuesdaypm032015f2pmTue, 03 Feb 2015 22:10:33 -0600 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

I disagree with the assertion that energy fits your definition.

In fact, speaking of nuclear weapons, a fission reaction generates two smaller elements, average of 2.5 neutrons, and energy.

I also respectfully disagree in regard to "killing" a ghost. Matter can only be converted, so therefore, on some level, were all eternals.

Very interesting read tho! Great theory

We understand so little in regard to this area, who knows what hidden laws of reality come into play.

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: JBurns
Well Confucius say its not wise to remove the fly from your friends forehead with and axe.

It would be the equivalent here. I mean seriously the OP is saying drop a nuke on an area to get rid of them by its convergent electromagnetic field that it would produce. I mean if ghost can only exist and are bound to certain electromagnetic fields. You could always just use and emp device or emp bomb. It may fry your computer but everything else should not be a smoldering pile of rubble, you know.

But hey who knows maybe ghosts are just charged up neutrinos which for whatever reason flashed into being for a brief moment. So if that is true the more Atomic bombs we drop the easier of a time they will have to flash on and off in our matter universe...Crazy no.

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: Frocharocha

First of all, ghosts are not made out of energy. Energy is the ability of matter to do work. It’s not a “thing”. Whomever*, if ghosts are moving objects around, can be seen in cameras, make footsteps and similar # it means that they are made of some sort of matter that generates kinetic energy and friction. In other words, they are physical beings and not astral magical entities.

I'm undecided about the existence of ghosts due to what I regard as a lack of knowledge about ourselves. The family home included many 'ghostly' incidents for many years and has left a curiosity with no conclusions. Obviously, some would be explained by disordered sleep and others were shared experiences that are more awkward to explain. Anyway, I'm just saying all that to show experience and scepticism can go hand in hand.

I strongly disagree that 'ghosts are not made of energy.' If it exists, it'll be built from energy like everything else. certainly 'killable' as, hypothetically, we could increase entropy into its system until the particles thereof lose their cohesion and 'death' results. Or bombard it with high energy particles until it's 'destroyed.' Black holes and particle accelerators so we'd need to be spanking a seriously bad-ass ghost to justify major budget demands.

Of course, we'd also need something like a capture device and then a containment facility before these actions could be taken and Ghostbusters is suddenly looking like a documentary!

* 'whomever.' I noticed that you use this word a lot and it's a nice word to use. 'However' is the word you meant to use - it's called a connective and is used to join together two contrasting ideas/topics.

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 04:23 PM
I believe holding such a view would send the holder to the lesser realms of the afterlife. In the afterlife everything is made out of memories with certain rules. The thought of murder can't be made in the upper realms. Only in the lower realms where I believe it's mostly similar to ritual killings or methods to suppress memories, it's a cold thing to do to another. Believe in it and one might get killed him/herself.

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

What you say makes a lot of sense. The thing that dead people have in common is the lack of a working body. Why does the body work no more?. Basically because an energy has been removed. The same energy that can be recorded with paranormal apparatus.

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