posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 09:18 AM
Hello dear ATSers
Digging into my personal UFO photo files, I remember my first thoughts the first time I saw some of them. I was really puzzled as I couldn't imagine
that all of these will be explained in time, in terms of prosaic objects: at first sight they were UFOs, but finally appear to be, after investigation
and analysis, IFOs.
Then I thought that it could be a good exercise for those here interested to see if you succeed in finding the explanation, i-e what the "UFO" is and
how it appears like this in the photo, simply by the examination of the data.
The exercise then consist to scrutinize seven photos, with the original unmodified photo (except n°2) that can be downloaded (for those who wonder,
neither imageshack nor ATS modify in any way the photo metadata, uploaded in full size using the [ img ][ /img ] tags, excepting the name).
I know that some of you already know the answer, so please don't cheat and let the other try to propose their ideas!!
I will give the best results of the most discerning people in 24h.
1- Austin, TX - USA, 2011
2- France, 2012
The witness did not wanted to provide the original photo, for unknown reasons. However, I exceptionally choose to continue the complete analysis, as
this is really a good example on how our eyes can fool us...
3- France, 2010
4- Portugal, 2010
5- France, 2012
6- France, 2009
7- Romania, 2013
Can someone have 7/7?
edit on 31-1-2015 by elevenaugust because: (no reason given)