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Scientists, General Public Have Divergent Views On Science, Report Says

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posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 10:09 AM
Meanwhile, in France...

Is Quantum Physics a Sort of Idealism?


"In the first few years of this century, France was rocked by an aggressive controversy involving the question of the evolution of life. I am sure that you are aware of such public fights in the United States between a religious public and a school of atheist scientists who love to stir the pot.

Interestingly, the same conflicts in France are typically between an atheistic public and scientists who see more in the physical world than its visible surface has to offer. In this situation a group of scientists decided to go public with a “European manifesto.” In 2006, it was published by Le Monde, one of the large French daily papers. “Religious or metaphysical ways of thinking,” the manifesto begins, “should not, a priori, interfere in the ordinary practice of science.

However, we also consider that it is legitimate, indeed necessary, to reflect, a posteriori, on the philosophical, ethical and metaphysical implications of scientific discoveries and theories.”



posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: stuthealien
i think evolution is like the new bible they ram it down your throat like its a fact just like the christians,muslims or any fanatical tyrant and their beliefs.
and no i dont believe that scientists changed their views on the constants exactly ,only through years of internet posting by myself and other open minded individuals around the world to force you all to look again at what was obvious.
do you not believe a morphic field exists ?????????????????///

Way to prove the point of the OP. THIS is why America is ranked in the 30's when it comes to scientific education.

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: stuthealien
do you not believe a morphic field exists ?????????????????///

Only in a Tardis.....

I think its fair to say that the report featured in the OP is accurate......whether it's due to religion or peoples love of irrational conspiracies.

Mostly religion though.

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: Hoosierdaddy71

That isn't what I am saying at all. For one, I didn't mention Republican or Democrat and for two I was attacking the media's propaganda, not the people watching it. The left wing media doesn't push anti-science like the right wing media does. It is up to the watcher to believe what they are watching. But, unfortunately, people generally watch the news that tells them what they want to hear. That doesn't mean that everyone does that though.

The right wing pushes against government sponsored science. It is sold to the RW as government waste, which is an over simplification. It is government control of both science and the economy. The government decides what gets studied and in that process makes all scientific study more expensive, by inflation.

Right wingers like the benefits of science as much as anybody.

edit on 30-1-2015 by Semicollegiate because: tried to clarify

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 12:08 PM
I have a few different scenarios I would like to post.

1. Big Bang->Life created on earth thru evolution->Homo Sapiens Sapiens evolved.
2. Big Bang->Life created on other place seeded thru space -> Evolution evolve the life on earth->Homo Sapiens Sapiens evolved
3. Big Bang->Life created and Elohim evolved in other place-> Life seeded on earth and evolution evolved on earth. Homo Sapiens Sapiens genetically modified by Elohim

I cannot prove that either of these scenarios are true or not since I do not have the data to support the claim that either scenario is more likely than the other.

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 12:40 PM
how about all the fossils/bones that have been dug up are in fact d.n.a modifications as a intelligent race may of seeded our planet,the different stages of homosapien bones could very well be the different stages of genetic d.n.a manipulation.
question is why do you say because i disagree with your stance i am unintelligent?

to blindly follow others is not always the right path to true enlightenment.

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Semicollegiate

That is pure crap. Science studies whatever it wants to study. The government may put more grant money into different projects, but there is nothing preventing a scientist from exploring a certain hypothesis or field of study. Not to mention, the scientist doesn't HAVE to do his research in the United States. Believe it or not, scientists exist all over the world.

Everything you just said there is a right wing media apology for their actions trying to hinder certain fields of science. Evolutionary study isn't government sponsored research, but it is constantly under assault from the religious right. Even climate science doesn't fit that bill since there are scientists ALL over the world researching that science. Grants from our government are irrelevant in that regard.

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: stuthealien

Because there is no evidence of bones being dug up that show evidence of genetic tampering like you just claimed. Besides, your idea doesn't take into account where these alien creators came from. Did they evolve? Were they created themselves?

How about explaining why these creators would genetically modify life on this planet to create the diversity that exists here, when a simple recursive process like evolution explains it much better?

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: WatchingY0u

People who believe in evolution are the type of people who don't want to honor God for his wisdom, his power and his Supreme intelligent.

That's fascinating, given that only about 10% of the US population is atheist and 65% of the US population accepts evolution. Assuming that every atheist in the US accepts evolution, that still leaves another 160,000,000 theists in the US that accept evolution. Maybe you should rethink your position in light of the facts.

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: stuthealien

Because there is no evidence of bones being dug up that show evidence of genetic tampering like you just claimed. Besides, your idea doesn't take into account where these alien creators came from. Did they evolve? Were they created themselves?

How about explaining why these creators would genetically modify life on this planet to create the diversity that exists here, when a simple recursive process like evolution explains it much better?

ok i will try , there is no d.n.a evidence of tampering because we as humans are just begining our d.n.a sequencing and manipulation and are just babies in this field if we consider this to be real.
maybe evolution doesnt go as far as we concieve it now.
maybe when they arrived there was life but not as diverse as we know it now so this led to us becoming a genetic college.
maybe all the animals here come from different planets in space.

where did the seeders of earth come from i do not know but maybe we cannot get to their dimension yet.

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: Semicollegiate

That is pure crap. Science studies whatever it wants to study. The government may put more grant money into different projects, but there is nothing preventing a scientist from exploring a certain hypothesis or field of study. Not to mention, the scientist doesn't HAVE to do his research in the United States. Believe it or not, scientists exist all over the world.

Everything you just said there is a right wing media apology for their actions trying to hinder certain fields of science. Evolutionary study isn't government sponsored research, but it is constantly under assault from the religious right. Even climate science doesn't fit that bill since there are scientists ALL over the world researching that science. Grants from our government are irrelevant in that regard.

"Science" doesn't study anything, individuals do science. Most of them are professional scientists and want money to do their studying. The people providing the money choose which scientists will work and/or what they will work on and thereby limit the range of what will be studied.

The people with the money got their money from taxes, inflationary bonds, or tax free foundations made by government regulation.

All of the non-corporate science research money comes from a decider, who is of a socialistic ideology.

I think that the "Right Wing" media is right wing only by the smallest of distinctions, but any claim that the government should not decide what will be studied is correct. The government makes amateur science more difficult and expensive, so makes all science more dependent on third parties.

Further elaboration would go way off of the OP, so I will just say that

individualism advanced science at a rate profoundly faster than collectivism has.

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: stuthealien
ok i will try , there is no d.n.a evidence of tampering because we as humans are just begining our d.n.a sequencing and manipulation and are just babies in this field if we consider this to be real.

But not you right? you know all this, whereas all those actually studying the human genome are clueless....

maybe evolution doesnt go as far as we concieve it now.
maybe when they arrived there was life but not as diverse as we know it now so this led to us becoming a genetic college.
maybe all the animals here come from different planets in space.

Yeah, and maybe the universe is just the mustard burp of a giant pink eel living in an alternate dimension of candy bubbles.......but probably not. Making stuff up doesn't help you anywhere close to 'enlightenment'...

where did the seeders of earth come from i do not know but maybe we cannot get to their dimension yet.

Maybe you should think about the evidence for your claims, and whether or not they'd prove your case in a court of law? or maybe even a classroom?

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: stuthealien
ok i will try , there is no d.n.a evidence of tampering because we as humans are just begining our d.n.a sequencing and manipulation and are just babies in this field if we consider this to be real.

So explain why ALL genetic evidence so far goes to prove evolution is true.

maybe evolution doesnt go as far as we concieve it now.

This is definitely true. Part of a scientific theory being a theory is that it is open to changes as new information comes to light. Though that doesn't mean that it is going to be disproven. It would take QUITE a bit of confounding evidence to contradict evolutionary theory (there is more evidence for evolution than for the theory of gravity). You would also need to substitute a MORE valid theory that not only accounted for all these new, contradicting evidence for evolution but ALSO takes into account the previous evidence that was used to explain evolution.

maybe when they arrived there was life but not as diverse as we know it now so this led to us becoming a genetic college.

Before we talk about extraterrestrial seeding/genetic manipulation of life on the planet, how about providing some evidence that intelligent, extraterrestrial life was/is even here on this planet. Also explain how their presence makes evolution invalid (again all the evidence FOR evolution must be accounted for and debunked, not just one or two pieces).

maybe all the animals here come from different planets in space.

This is a ridiculous and absurd premise. All life has genetic markers making them genetic cousins of each other. Remember we share 50% of the DNA to a banana tree. Such genetic closeness would be impossible if all life on the planet arose in different parts of the universe then were brought here.

Whether life was seeded on this planet or not (either intelligently or unintelligently via an asteroid/comet), evolutionary processes did take over from that point to get where we are today. Yes, that includes humans and our intelligent thought.

where did the seeders of earth come from i do not know but maybe we cannot get to their dimension yet.

So did they come from nothing?

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: Semicollegiate
"Science" doesn't study anything, individuals do science. Most of them are professional scientists and want money to do their studying. The people providing the money choose which scientists will work and/or what they will work on and thereby limit the range of what will be studied.

No, nothing is preventing a scientist from studying what he wants to study. Again science occurs outside of this country too.

The people with the money got their money from taxes, inflationary bonds, or tax free foundations made by government regulation.

All of the non-corporate science research money comes from a decider, who is of a socialistic ideology.

No, it doesn't. This is again right wing propaganda.

I think that the "Right Wing" media is right wing only by the smallest of distinctions, but any claim that the government should not decide what will be studied is correct. The government makes amateur science more difficult and expensive, so makes all science more dependent on third parties.

Amateur science is difficult because amateur scientists usually don't know how to properly apply the scientific method. So their research is ignored.

Further elaboration would go way off of the OP, so I will just say that

individualism advanced science at a rate profoundly faster than collectivism has.

That isn't true at all either. Look at the study of genetics and evolutionary study. Both have grown by LEAPS and BOUNDS through collectivism and the modern era.

Your post is just full of right wing talking points on why science is "bad", but all of those points are strawmans because they don't illuminate the real way science is studied and carried out. Most anti-science propaganda can be dismantled when you realize that it ISN'T just the American government financing science. It is MANY governments and international groups that fund it. Colleges and universities will also use their own resources to fund science. There are many competing ideologies and viewpoints in all those groups and DESPITE this, science is still coming to a consensus in things like Climate Change and Evolution.

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: iterationzero
65% of the population accepts evolution?
Well that explains how they pushed thru the federal reserve act and the Patriot Act and all the other laws that makes Americans look foolish for allowing, according to evolution you all came from apes or fish or whatever animal the theory claims you came from.

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
Blame the religious right for the split. It is their propaganda distributed through right wing news outlets, like Fox News that causes this.

Worldwide Rankings for education

Or you could blame the equally "religious left". Their propaganda is distributed through all the other left wing news outlets like CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Yahoo!, That causes this.

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: WatchingY0u
God is the most intelligent and most powerful man ever to exist and the truth hurts you who oppose it.
Gee, God is a man?

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

While the left has its own propaganda that is despicable, it doesn't extend to science denialism This was my whole point and something I fleshed out in a post following the one you just quoted.

Actually because of this, the left's propaganda can be more easily hidden and hard to uncover (it is easier to hide behind knowledge and facts than rhetoric and assumptions). I am not trying to condone left wing propaganda here. Just that they use different tactics to present it. Like I said, I am well versed in how to detect media bs.
edit on 30-1-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

While the left has its own propaganda that is despicable, it doesn't extend to science denialism This was my whole point and something I fleshed out in a post following the one you just quoted.

Actually because of this, the left's propaganda can be more easily hidden and hard to uncover (it is easier to hide behind knowledge and facts than rhetoric and assumptions). I am not trying to condone left wing propaganda here. Just that they use different tactics to present it. Like I said, I am well versed in how to detect media bs.
As much as I admire your fortitude, you're working too hard! Just let them roll on in and prove the OP. Get some popcorn...some of those responses are pretty good!

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

Fair enough lol, but I care about educating the uninformed. It isn't right to laugh at the ignorant, but instead show them the error of their thinking through reason and logic.

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