Yesterday I got off early from work, and as I am driving home I got the urge to go on a quick mountain bike ride before it got dark. I get home,
quickly change my clothes and I'm off with my bike to hit the trail. Problem is I would never make it to the trail, and the following story has got
to be one of the weirdest things to happen to me(besides sleep paralysis).
There is a paved service road that runs up the backside of a very affluent community here in Las Vegas, it's about a mile long or so and you have to
get to the end of it before the trail system begins. I have made the slow ride up this medium grade road a hundred times, it's a chance to lazily
make your way to the top, get the muscles warmed up before the real fun begins. Within a minute of riding up this service road I see a coyote cross
the road about 75-100 yards in front of me, I watched it as it briskly walked across the desert, admiring it's beauty and grace as it effortlessly
made it's escape. To be honest it felt transfixing to watch this animal in it's natural habitat. Suddenly I hear the sound of fast moving knobby
tires, I look up to see a mtb rider flying down the hill. I didn't have time to do anything other than let out a quick yell to get his attention and
try to start swerving left. I would say he was easily going 20-25 mph, and he was completely unaware of his surroundings, he even had his friggin head
The next thing I know we are exploding into each other, I had a split second to drop my shoulder and brace for impact, he on the other hand didn't
even know what happened. I was thrown off my bike and was able to get up quickly and check on the other guy. He was completely unconscious, and to
make matters worse he wasn't even wearing a helmet! So the guy is totally gone, eyes rolled back, fast breathing/moaning, and I'm freaking out cause
I think the guy is going to die on me. There's blood coming out of his head and I can't get this guy to wake up. Of course this is the one time I
don't bring my phone, so I reach inside his pocket and retrieve his iphone. I'm trying to get into his cellphone as a female rider comes down the
road, so I ask her if she would call for medical. As she is talking to dispatch he starts to wake up, after being out for about two minutes.
He wakes up enough to turn down an ambulance, but he was definitely concussed cause he kept asking if he was going up the hill or down the hill, like
30 times. Long story short, he recovered enough to ride his bike home, and as my adrenaline came down I realized I might have a broken wrist. After 3
hours in the ER I find out I have no broken bones, but I will be out of work for some time because of my job as a massage therapist.
So here is where it starts to get weird, the whole incident had a surreal feel to it, I couldn't help but think what the odds are of me watching a
coyote, and getting blindsided. After all if there was no coyote, which I have never seen any in all my time out there, then I would have been looking
at the road and would have easily avoided the rider. So I start thinking that the coyote was bad luck for me, I get on google and type "are coyotes
bad luck". The first site listed had this to say.
Navajos have an omen that can also be considered as a taboo. They say that if Coyote crosses your path, turn back and do not continue your journey. If
you keep traveling, something terrible will happen to you. You will be in an accident, hurt, or killed.
The accident happened exactly where the coyote crossed my path.