posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to:
It hasn't disappeared from anywhere thats worth reading about it - the WHO and ECDC are still doing updates multiple times a week. ProMed send out
probably 4 emails a week with info on everything from case numbers, suspected cases around the wrold, vaccine/therapy developments, epi and genome
studies, general research and from the field correspondence. Not really sure what more you could want.
1)The CDC doesnt have the power to gag anyone - maybe in america for local public health matters they are able to influence and control the flow of
information but on the international stage they are just 1 of 100s of organisations that have a stake in whats happening all with different reporting
chains and accountability
2) this has been done to death - ebola is a terrible bio-weapon if the countries that had the ability or desire to create such a weapon ebola is very
far down the lsit of possible diseases youd want to use.
3) which government? the african governments have been dragged through the ringer over the last few weeks due to 10s of millions of $$$ going missing
- there is certaintly no fear of accusations of complicity even the WHO has admitted they were slow to respond, everyone was.
That a government owns a patent means very little there are 100s of other diseases that governments own patents for - its known as preemptive
patenting basically securing the ability for scientist to work with the disease to develop vaccine,tests etc without having to cough up huge amounts
of cash to private companies who patent and prevent people doing research - its a serious issue we have to deal with in public health and medical
research and in a perfect world i would definitely prefer that no one owns the rights to do research we unfortunately live in an imperfect world and i
would rather pay $100 to the gov to have full access to all the information i need then have to pay $100000 to a pharmaceutical company who then owns
every bit of research i do or any tests i develop or any any drugs i produce.
I think the reasons that its off the radar is the most depressing reason of all - exposure apathy - people have stopped caring and the media has
stopped making money on ebola and gone to other tragedies such as Ukraine and isis