posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 11:51 PM
cancer isn't just a *Disease* It's just a generic statement given when corrupted cells begin multiplying. The cause is Radiation and pathogens.
There isn't one single pathogen we can point to and say * All cancer comes from this critter* And there isn't one protein or chromosom we can point
to that would be causeing these problems because cancer is just an effect of a problem or cause. Cancer is a symptom of something worse. Which causes
cancer. There are probably 100 or more types of cancer out there. Probably 1 million ways to get cancer.
There are also 1 million ways to be a terrorist. Probably more as anything can be imagined.
But what one person defines as Terrorism, Is military expansion to another.
Likewise. Who are targeted as terrorist in those statistics? Are all deaths accounted for by all recorded combatants?
Military, Rebel, Gang(group-Mob oriented) as percentages in those statistics?
The numbers look all good and well but when we talk about how many people are murdered by other people per year. It Dwarfs anything we can pool
together because a huge majority isn't pooled together. Say for instance. Murder per capita is not the statistic on how many people are killed.
Murder is not the same as killing someone. Murder is illegal killing.
So Legal killing is not accounted with the records. Because it would paint an ugly picture.