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Hillary Clinton Kid Supporters Struggle to Name Her Accomplishments

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posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 12:39 AM

I don't know whether to cry, laugh or be REAL embarrassed for you USA! The kids coming through want to vote for Hilary but have NO IDEA WHY!
This is pathetic and a reason you get stuck with crap presidents America! Watch the video, one kid says "We had an African American President, a Woman would be a good step forward" When asked about Hillary's accomplishments, not one of these kids, one doing a study on her he says, could name one thing she did. America this is a HUGE problem. Why do your kids not know about politics? What is the age to vote in the USA? Here in Europe kids have a good grasp of politics, where I am in Scotland kids as young as 18 know why or why not they will vote for Scottish independence, the age group that voted us to no was 65+, the kids actually have a good argument on the issue.

Scotland Decides: Voting teenagers question politicians (11Sept14)

These kids are your future America, your scientists, politicians, the list is endless. As usual I mean to offend NOBODY. I am sharing American news. I posted a video MANY times by an American man who tried to warn you America, and, well, this video below sends chills down my neck. How can they be supporters if they don't know what they are voting for? Did American vote for Obama because he was African American? Are you all going to vote for Hillary because she is a Woman. I can't say how much of a worry this is for the future of the USA! Video at the bottom, you were warned! And PLEASE I am asking questions here, nothing more, please! I don't want blind hate thrown at me. But America unless you stand up like many countries, including mine, your demise will be swift and painful. Why can't you all see it? I speak to very well known American freedom speakers on Skype, guys you have all seen and I ask these questions, these guys are as lost as me. Why do I write about America all the way from Scotland you are thinking, well lets say when you sneeze, we all get a cold over here, this is why America and Israel at Government level stand alone in the International community, as a people America, most of you know, sadly the Fox News watchers and people who believe your Government leave you with a hand tied behind your back, American's love of all things Israel we don't get over here in Scotland (We are not too close here in Europe) Religion keeps America and Israel close, through scripture. This will be your downfall. Anyway, I hope you guys can stand up and take back what is AN AMAZING COUNTRY! America, we are all on your side, your Government (As many here know) is killing you, in-side and out

America, THIS IS YOUR FUTURE!! I would start to worry. This is embarrassing America, Video below....




edit on 25/1/2015 by shauny because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 12:46 AM
The ones in this "group" are the future *problems* of America.

The smarter ones that become the scientists and politicians already understand the problem.

Oh, and most of these "problems" are the future voter base too !!

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

I have no hatred here, I am asking a question. A real one many Americans avoid.
America is the country on Earth right now that has the World in it's hand.
Do you never ask why people around the World ask questions?

Your Government is leading us all to a big fake war on Terror. A War invented and paid for my America..You should know this my friend.

Education makes a populous understand reality. I have been on this site 10 years + and I see awakened Americans, as the years have passed many more have woken up. The USA and UK (Call it London because it ain't in Scotland's name) have fecked this World. Now we all pay a price.

edit on 25/1/2015 by shauny because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: shauny

All you are seeing is what you would see in any other country, kids parroting what they hear in School or at home. They heard their teacher say "Clinton is good" and so they believe it. It's not terribly unusual for children to believe what they are told by adults.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 01:05 AM
a reply to: shauny

I don't think my country is leading the world anywhere. I think the leaders are behind nationalities and control things from more or less, behind the scenes. Get mad at this American for not voting if you like, I don't mind. All my paranoia about the voting system aside, tell me why I should vote when I literally despise every candidate propped up in front of me? I am prepared to accept that I may be part of the problem but I am not the problem entirely. I can vote for another Bush or another Clinton. Awesome. About as exciting as the first black president was. Not at all.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: shauny

Your Government is leading us all to a big fake war on Terror. A War invented and paid for my America..You should know this my friend.

let me ask you a question...

What stops you from putting on a suicide vest and killing a few hundred?

It seems the common thread to many of these posts is that when the US farts it creates 1000s of suicidal extremist. Even when Muslin on Muslin violence is on the level of 13th century evil type stuff it does little to create anything but dead people, but somehow if the US does anything, nice friendly people turn into psycho killers on a level not seen since the Nazis.

These extremist are grown from within their country in factory type schools and the US has little to do with it.
edit on 25-1-2015 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 01:19 AM

originally posted by: Punisher75
All you are seeing is what you would see in any other country, kids parroting what they hear in School or at home. They heard their teacher say "Clinton is good" and so they believe it. It's not terribly unusual for children to believe what they are told by adults.

It all comes down to the parents. School has our kids 22% of the time. When parents are not involved in their kids then all they get is school propaganda of what a liberal teacher thinks. My kids see school as a place to learn, and a place where teachers have personal views and opinions and like a$$holes everyone has one. It is funny how in my house my kids come home and tell me what the teachers say and we talk about it...teachers are not rock stars to my kids, nor are they the only influence in their lives. These kids that want to vote for Hilary without knowing why is a direct fault of their parents.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: shauny

I get your point, I didn't watch the hour long video, but the 3 min one is hardly an unbiased source.

IMO you could insert any candidate on both sides and go out and get answers just like that.

So is this about just one side or both?

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 01:29 AM
She married Bill?

Anything else?

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

These extremist are grown from within their country in factory type schools and the US has little to do with it.

Americans hate the certain parts of the middle east cause they breed the people that attack us, why would the reverse not be the same.

Pretty sure if we keep killing their families then they are going to keep being extreme about it.
So not sure how little we have to do with it.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: shauny

Don't know why they want to vote for her? The debates haven't even would they know what her positions are?

May forget, but Obama had huge support from young voters. I'm sure some were still ignorant but that goes without saying.

Oh really, something for teens that would affect their lives for decades they knew about? Invited to a debate and they knew something. Duh.

Because if Canada were to become possibly a US state, and teens were invited to a debate they'd pick their noses and scratch their butts.

Ok, "don't mean harm please", whatever else, but use points that at least make sense.

But yes, American public school students on tests, compared to the world, score the lowest of modern countries pretty much.

I'd assume with Carlin referenced, you'd find that "better". Ok, but then what modern country, Europe, wherever, has done that or gotten close? Japan is smart but their workers end up killing themselves. Even got a word for it. High scores, low scores, But by and large by Carlin standards, it'll be same old same old.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 02:57 AM

edit on 25-1-2015 by ghaleon12 because: dp

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 03:28 AM
People rarely vote for a candidate because of "what they have done". As a matter of fact, generally speaking, people's choice at the voting station doesn't have anything to do with actual leadership ability or political policies, but are rather influenced by
- Traditional political affiliation (of voter)
- Media presentation of candidates
- Candidate likeability (i.e. physical appearance and personality)
- Commonalities with candidate (i.e. similar race/background/religion/hobbies/hair color/name/etc.)
- Immediate social opinion (i.e. opinions of important family/friends)
and so on.

There are so many influences when it comes to the decision making of who to vote for. There has been hundreds if not thousands of studies in the psychology of voting, and it's clear that a political policies and what a candidate may have done (positive) doesn't play a big role. It has to be said that if a candidate did something bad in the past, it will influence the voter negatively. A candidate can have a long list of "good" things they have done, but a single "bad" thing may cancel out all the good.

“Our work shows that people approach each new politician with hope and optimism that maybe this will be the hero they’ve been hoping for,” he says.

If it turns out that we can’t stand either candidate, we’re not very likely to vote because either way, we lose, and the dismal choice turns us off. And if we like both candidates about the same, we’re also less likely to vote because either way, we win.

So in order to have high voter turnout, we need a saint and a villain.
The bottom line, Krosnick says, is we approach politicians the same way we approach other people and issues, like who we want to marry and which breakfast cereal we prefer. We want to give the other guy the benefit of the doubt, but if we feel betrayed, we want to throw the rascal out.

As an old political pol once told me, issues don’t decide elections. Personalities decide who wins and who loses. Never mind the future of social security. The winning candidate needs to know how to smile convincingly. We’ve got to like the person more than agree with how he or she stands on the issues.
The Psychology of Voting

And a few random studies and opinions:
Should You Vote for the Best Candidate?
On the Face of It: The Psychology of Electability
Why Do People Vote? A Psychological Analysis of the Causes of Voter Turnout

And so on.

The bottom line: "Hillary Clinton Kid Supporters Struggle to Name Her Accomplishments". The same can probably be said about the majority of voters - anywhere. Just because you can name a candidates "accomplishments" (and then there is the psychology of what is considered an accomplishment...) but that doesn't mean the voter will necessarily vote for the candidate or be influenced by said "accomplishments"... It is simply human nature.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 07:13 AM
She has been anointed by the super rich parasites that run the planet and that is all you need to know.... your votes mean nothing, the election system is a sham, your economy is run by a cartel of Banksters of the ilk of Warburg,Rothchild, Morgan, et cetera, This is called the Fed. It prints money out of thin air and charges YOU the taxpayer the interest. She has sold her soul.. and will do whatever her elite master require.
edit on 25-1-2015 by HUMBLEONE because: Correct a typo

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: Jamie1
She married Bill?

Anything else?

So she slept her way to the top? There is a lot of that going around. I don't think many guys do it. We need to change this society. Men should be able to sleep their way to the top too!!

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: shauny

If it is between another Clinton or Bush, the kids are right! THIS is our problem in the USA, our 2 party system crap!!! If this wasn't the way, it might actually make people investigate before voting, but you have NO options!! It is who THEY want you to pick or nobody....This needs to change America, and FAST!!!

I can tell you now that I never learned anything about politics in high school....NOTHING!! I learned what I know about politics on my own and with my own research....Honestly it doesn't matter with the 2 party system....The person they want in will be in, and if by some chance they can't fake it, their number 2 is sitting there pretty....It is an absolute joke if we have a freaking Clinton/Bush choice again this time around! Honestly, I will take Clinton no matter what without ever looking into anything she has ever done....Another Bush is an absolutely terrible idea and that family needs banned from our presidency!! The last 2 destroyed things in America and if you ACTUALLY research this, you will find the exact same conclusion I have...

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: HUMBLEONE

originally posted by: Jamie1
She married Bill?

Anything else?

So she slept her way to the top? There is a lot of that going around. I don't think many guys do it. We need to change this society. Men should be able to sleep their way to the top too!!

Good luck with that! Let me know if it works....You better be one charming sum bitch!! haha

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: Chrisfishenstein

originally posted by: HUMBLEONE

originally posted by: Jamie1
She married Bill?

Anything else?

So she slept her way to the top? There is a lot of that going around. I don't think many guys do it. We need to change this society. Men should be able to sleep their way to the top too!!

Good luck with that! Let me know if it works....You better be one charming sum bitch!! haha
. I do have a wonderful smile and I am a great cook.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 07:51 AM
All things considered, and aside from the fact of how crappy our one-party system is, she's done a hell of a lot more and is no more or less controlled than any of the others currently making noise about running.

Can't really comment on the video because we didn't hear the exact question the kids were responding to for the first part, and for the second part, how many of you would be so eloquent and quick thinking on your feet if all of a sudden you were on camera with a mic in your face?
edit on 1/25/2015 by ~Lucidity because: i don't know what a patry is...

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: ~Lucidity

She has done okay...A few mistakes but who doesn't make mistakes? I am fine with her if she listens to Bill on some issues...

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