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interesing photos fake or not

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posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by jaso109
was wondering i saw these 2 pics on a site and are very interestinbg but seem hard to belive there is nothing on ths site saying weather they are faked or not but was wondering if any of you who know more about photo editing can determine if they are real or fake.

I just find it hard to believe that aliens would allow someone to come that close to them and then let that person take their picture. The greys are supposed to be some highly evolved race with telepathic powers...i dont see how hiding behind some bushes somehow tricks the greys into thinking that no humans are around.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 10:55 AM
This was discussed heavily a few months ago and I agree with what another poster wrote about hyper-debunking... which is what these photos were in that last thread.

I can tell you that there are also a couple of other photos that accompany this series and I used PhotoShop to see if I could find any evidence of fraud through pixelating the images to see if there were differences in the pixel sizes and resolutions; there weren't any differences meaning that the "Alien" was snapped as part of the photo. Now, was the "Alien" a puppet, a prop or whatever... impossible to tell.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 10:59 AM
I reserve judgement. I point out two things, one of personal intrest.
firstly the hand over the eyes appears to indeed be part of the tree branch, not part of the "alien". my personal intrest is in the 2nd pic. what is the intense light in the front right shining on the branch? It appears to be shining from above , no apparent shadows of the branch behind it.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 12:13 PM
Look at the right arm of the 'alien' in the first picture. It has a curve not an elbow type bend.

I believe these cannot be anything but 3D. I do three dimensional pictures and have seen 'aliens' that look real, but when you 'pose' them, they look fake. Fake stances like the elbowless alien on the left.

Sorry, but I believe these may very well be fake.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by No1nptkulr
Look at the right arm of the 'alien' in the first picture. It has a curve not an elbow type bend.

That's pretty hard to tell, considering the poor quality: the elbow is only a few pixels wide. Plus if I put my arm forward a little, its pretty much a curve. Then of course we have to take into account our arm muscles, which are pretty big and thus form a more sharp bend (since the actual elbow is much thinner). Does aliens have big arm muscles? Doesnt looks like it.

Not arguing its real or fake, just exploring possibilities.

[edit on 15-12-2004 by merka]

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 12:37 PM

This is but one of many examples. The figure is obviously a small model suspended in the bush fronds.


Simple flash photography. If the subject (i.e. the alien) was truly further behind the leaves (which it'd have to be to be near small human sized), then it would not be so illuminated by the flash. The fact that it is so illuminated means that it is pretty much on the same plane as those foreground leaves (i.e. it's right there, not further away), otherwise the alien would be in much more shadow, like it's surroundings.

Ever shoot a flash pic indoors at a show and get the back of someone's head? You notice that the head is well lit up, but everything else in front of that guy's head is in the dark. Same principle here.

EDIT: Damn, what's with my fat-fingering today...???

[edit on 15-12-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
This was discussed heavily a few months ago and I agree with what another poster wrote about hyper-debunking... which is what these photos were in that last thread.

I can tell you that there are also a couple of other photos that accompany this series and I used PhotoShop to see if I could find any evidence of fraud through pixelating the images to see if there were differences in the pixel sizes and resolutions; there weren't any differences meaning that the "Alien" was snapped as part of the photo. Now, was the "Alien" a puppet, a prop or whatever... impossible to tell.

That's it exactly! What if the pictures are real? The biggest deception I find with aliens and UFOs is that a lot of the pictures and video we see are possibly real, but we've been conditioned to dismiss everything we see, real or not. Wouldn't it be something to find out in ten years that a lot of the evidence we were "hyper-debunking" was actually proven to be real. It doesn't matter how good the evidence is. It's not real because our government tells us it's not real, and sheep will follow what the government says because it's safer to be part of the ignorant herd then to be the black sheep.

I saw a picture on the internet once (forgot the website, sorry) that showed a grainy picture of an alien shaking an Air Force (I think) officer's hand. Anybody know what picture I'm talking about and where to find it?


[edit on 15-12-2004 by Dr Love]

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 12:42 PM
Like someone said earlier: This topic has been discussed before.

Thread closed.

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