posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 10:31 PM
Networking creates enormous value.
The family is a primary network.
Rockefellers control Standard Oil.
Do the Rothschilds control the Rockefellers?
We don't know.
For the XX Century, the best thread is OIL.
Oil explains (or helps to explain):
1. World Wars.
2. Middle East Wars.
3. Banking and money.
4. Environmental issues.
5. Technological progress.
That covers pretty much it.
But then, there is oil itself. It is located in specific locations around the world.
What locations?
Well, the Earth is pretty much X-Rayed by now. Or something like it.
Governments organize around oil. Oil is a major issue in several countries. We can see this by looking at political effects of the downward trend of
oil prices in 2014-2015.
Oil is a new type of fuel, yeah, sure.
But it doesn't come close to what it takes to take us to another star.
So Oil is merely a booster, another step in the long chain of energy technology.
Being Oil simply a booster, what comes next?
Well, that's a matter of National Security. That is why ATS is filled with paid/bot trolls. That is why nonsense always appears at some point
in any given thread in here.
That is why UFOs are never treated seriously. Not in the "White World", the other side of the Black Ops that truly control the world, the
Fantasy World where there is no such thing as "TOP SECRET" or even CLASSIFIED. Say the people who live in the Fantasy World: "It is TOP SECRET or
CLASSIFIED or SECRET or FOUO or 5EY or SCI or CODEWORD or whatever TO PROTECT us, doh!"
Anyway. Back to OIL. It's deep, it's metaphysical, it's philosophical, it's material.
It's the only thread that matters these days, in my opinion.
"There is no past and no future. Only the Present."