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A Curmudgeons Guide to the Revolution

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posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 12:59 AM

One can always tell the value of a social rally by observing the day after. If nothing of society has changed save for the amount of human excrement to be found in public places, a movement hasn't done much besides released its own bowels.

It can be shown that other than the delaying of traffic, the noise, the destruction of property, the defacing of buildings and landmarks, the pitting of community member against community member, all with a false sense of solidarity, the protest has only ever been a measly display of ones wounds, and not the catalyst for change it is always made out to be.

In other words, your romantic notion of revolutions have failed, dear reader. Your dreams of overthrow and paradigm shifts remain as dreams, which is especially true in a democratic system where the only ones who should be protested are its citizens, the same ones who willingly vote into power and buy into the very same system their protesting.

First, we both know that protests and especially protestors are quite tedious. The thought of marching side-by-side towards a common goal in a show of "solidarity" with people I have not had the chance to meet seems dreadful. Who knows the company I keep? I could be singing revolution songs with the very same man who broke into my vehicle a fortnight ago, walking arm and arm under the delusion of "common purpose".

Worse, humans have been known to do terrible things in group form, and evil lurks in the movement of crowds. A snapping twig could set them off on a blind rampage if they are not already satiated by song and dance (the real reason for drum circles) and every peaceful protest is a violent one in disguise.

The protest is inefficient, friend. It involves an unnecessary amount of unruly man-power, and it is so goddamn messy. Without fail, the protestors end up protesting their fellow community members—even the police, the government, or those who have their livelihood in the infected areas, any of whom could be your neighbour—thus everyone and everything but the problem is affected by it. A chance for meaningful dialogue becomes a shouting-match, a song and dance, and nothing of worth is exchanged between one party and another if it is not John Lennon, vitriol, pepper-spray and molotov cocktails. It is not worth the return.

What a protest is is good television. It is a helicopter camera filming by spotlight. It is a looted department store. It is a photo op for those who need them. It is a sudden zoo display for those like me who remain at least for the humour of it all. Instead of an example of change, a protest is an example of human herd mentality, and nothing about society changes save perhaps the lowering of our dignities.

Besides, what if any thought goes into these protests? For instance, look at all the time wasted in the Occupy Protests. Did people really think camping in a public place would accomplish anything besides body odor? if 5% of the protestors in Occupy Wall street went and got a job on Wall street instead of congregating around it all day, imagine the Wall Street we'd have today. If you want to shut down an institution, let it rot from within like the protests did, or better yet, make the changes on your own accord, instead of begging—no, demanding—others to do it for you. Please don't make me evoke Ghandi's cliché.

If people wish for a more calm and civil police force, is threatening them with violence really a good idea? If every anti-police protestor truly sought change in the actions of police officers, they themselves might try becoming police officers, and the police force would have been infiltrated by concerned citizens and advocates lining up for jobs long ago. In order to change institutions, the institutions must change, and every institution is maintained, refined and built by people. Become one of those people. Hire your idealistic friends if need be. Change the institution. But of course not. What amounts to a hissy-fit somehow seems more appropriate.

And to your penchant for displays of "solidarity"—how quaint. Yes you've expressed yourselves, you've acted solemnly, cried on each other's shoulder for an hour or two, and now you feel better. And what next? What about the day after? What social effects besides a larger than usual cleaning bill and police presence have occurred?

Yes; public displays of solidarity, togetherness, and letting off a little steam makes you feel good, because that's what it is about, isn't it? Not change, but your feelings.

But the more you protest, the more you put yourself in the public square with a bullhorn screaming about "us" and "them", the more the chains tighten, the more it is realized we have nothing else as a populace to offer, and we prove that real change is inflicted by highly-gifted and charismatic individuals, or in their stead, the ultra-rich, the politicians and the tyrants.

It's time for a new game plan because the day after has come once again. Heads need to join forces instead of bashing into one another. Communities need to take real action, ready to take on responsibilities instead of continually passing it on to someone else. Hope needs to end and action needs to begin—but don't act too quickly, for its time to think, dammit.

So let's think. What more meaningful actions can we take to refine specific institutions, systems, laws, cultures etc.?

Thank you for reading,


edit on 14-1-2015 by LesMisanthrope because: "Write drunk; edit sober" - Hemmingway

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 01:30 AM
I absolutely agree that protest are utterly ineffectual. Things are at a point where I believe that the only way that any sort of meaningful change can be effected is through armed uprising. However, I don't see that ever happening, as most people are too docile and afraid of this or that to actually put their life on the line and stand up for what they claim to believe in. No revolution was ever won sitting on a sofa in front of a television.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope
This may seem at first to be off topic but I think it relevant to your OP
Do you remember the free Rolling Stones concert at Altamont Racetrack near San Francisco back in 1969? It was to be the Second Woodstock.

A couple hundred thousand young flocked to the site out in the hills of the East Bay.They came from all over the west. The Beatles had broken up and the Stones were finishing a whirl wind tour in LA and decided that by giving a free concert in SF, that they could assume the 'spiritual' throne the Beatles had abdicated. This concert was being billed as a demonstration to the whole world of a peace and happiness to be ushered in by the youth of that time. Though this was not a protest, other than protesting authority in general, it was a demonstration.

As the loosely organized concert was about to happen, it was realized that some form of security would be needed to maintain order. So in a gesture of community solidarity and common purpose, the organizers, presumably in the employ of the Stones, hired the Hells Angels motorcycle club to do the policing. They were paid in free beer.

At least one concert goer was killed by the Angels, numerous were severely beaten as well as a couple of musicians and the whole concert derailed.
Instead of demonstrating peace and love and the ascendance of the sex,drugs, and rock and roll cult, it ended up demonstrating a lot of what you bring out in the OP. What was left was sex drugs and rock and roll.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

A Curmudgeons Guide to the Revolution, Or; If you can't beat them, join them?

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 03:31 AM
doug Stanhope on the same subject, just with a few more swear words. If your offended by swear words don't watch this video.
He actually has some good ideas.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 03:34 AM
Well said... actions to be taken should involve getting jobs within the establishments we are trying to take down.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 04:21 AM
Bitcoin. Pay w bicoin.
Dont shop at Walmart.
Go to the legislator of your district, not once or twice but a few times a year. Propose solutions. Stop complaining, start building a scaffolding. Make engagement look fun and interesting. Pick a key issue, dont get mad about them all.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 05:37 AM
You adapt to your enemy. You think outside the box and do what is least expected with the maximum impact. Your enemy will have a hard time countering something if they don't understand it fully. When they catch on, you change your tactics. It's the same as it always was.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Nothing will change until we change. As long as we keep playing the game -- and gaming the system ourselves for our own benefit -- the beast will just keep growing. We have to starve the beast. But I wonder if we have it in us anymore. I wonder if have what it takes to recognize the beast and how we've been feeding it all along. We've become a nation of debtors and gamblers and corporate slaves.... and we call it freedom. Sheesh.

When people understand that corporatism and crony capitalism has destroyed the free market, we will stop feeding the beast and start to buy local and second-hand and sometimes just make do with what we have or do without.

When people understand that banksters destroyed our economy, we will stop feeding the beast and move our banking to small local banks and credit unions.

When people understand that debt is a form of servitude at best and slavery at worst, we'll stop feeding the beast and spending money we don't have and be much happier with what we do have.

When people understand that our cheap iphones, etc., are the product of slave labor by people in other nations replacing our decent pay jobs, we'll stop feeding the beast and no longer need the latest and greatest gadgets.

I could go on, but I think I've made my point -- whether one agrees or not. I honestly think we have to hit rock bottom though for people to see past all the glitter and bling... and their own egos. People will have to learn the hard way that they really aren't special and it can and will happen to them too... sooner or later... one way or another.

Until then I pray, for the whole world. No exceptions. Because we really are in this together.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

You begin by changing your self.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 08:31 AM
The big problem I see with "not playing the game" is you become an "outlaw". Once outside the law, you are only persecuted without the protection of the laws.

The best you can do is be part of an underground movement that lives by a different set of moral standards. Live your life as a subversive and do as little as possible to support the current system. Their is no need for violence, just non-compliance in everything you need in life. Let the PTB think you're a poor slave to the system, but live your life based on a code of truly fair and responsible conduct, a kind of "corruption" against the corrupt.

During the day, go along to get along, but at night, in the shadows, do what you know is naturally right. Be prepared to be caught and make a stand then if you have to, but not by burning down the house. Make this a war of resistance, not of violent actions. Appeal to the emotions, but not hatred and division. When they throw the book at you, be proud of the number they issue to you in prison and continue to resist in anyway possible. Be a better politician than they are, even from a prison cell.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Well said! Bravo!

I hate the idea of living outside the law... but I hate the thought of complying with a bad law even more. And that's exactly the position we're being put in.

We're stubborn old coots though. We'll do what we have to do to live with our own consciences.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

There's something to be said about subversion and deception, or corruption against the corrupt as you put it beautifully. If a protestor wasn't looking for a quick fix, he could always work his way through the hierarchy in any given institution, thereby influencing it.

Now I'm not sure throwing a wrench in the gears will accomplish anything, but influencing them in small degrees just might.

But you're right, the wolf in sheep's clothing technique is sometimes necessary.

Great insight.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 01:47 PM
Three ways.

Invest in something. Primarily land as its fàil safe. Good land. This could lead to earning money in agriculture, education (permaculture workshops) and Festival space (renting), and artisan type sales.
It will also build you a solid network of good, trustworthy & like-minded people, who all have more or less have the same outlook and moral values. In Buddhist communities they call this "right livlihood". But it doesn't have to be a buddhist group to call it that. It can apply politically as well as spiritually imo. Many communities exist that are ostensibly the same but go by different names. Off the top of my head you have permaculture communities, right livelihood "sangha" / spiritual communities, "eco-villages", off-grid communities & last but not least "doomsday preppers". You also have "transition towns" in more urban and suburban areas which may be a lot easier and more effective than buying a big plot of land. Perhaps its more realistic too... And more compassionate, to help spread the value of community in the Urban areas rather than retreat and watch them become increasingly materialistic and divided from a distance. This is exactly what our rulers have done while imposing extortionate taxes throughout the ages so its time to break that cycle.

The second ingredient to meaningfull revolution away from corruption fascism cronyism selfishness and the rest of it is investing in education.
Instead of sending your kids off to a state run insitution, where they are brainwashed and indoctrinated on many levels, we take responsibility for education our community ourselves. Now a lot easier with the internet, and would work very harmoniously with off-grid and transition towns comminities.

Third vital ingredient is to actually engage with the political process already in place, both locally and nationally. Attend town hall meetings, run for parliament, etc. But very weak without the first two ingredients being established and grown.
In order to successfully engage with the political process you actially need to have done something with your life to make you seem credible and worth your salt. Or you have to have a network of cronies who speak your praises loudly and who effectively put you in government for personal interests. As with miliband etc. But thats the opposite of revolutionary, so don't go down that path.
edit on 14 1 15 by funkadeliaaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: LiveForever8
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

A Curmudgeons Guide to the Revolution, Or; If you can't beat them, join them?

No. I completely agree with the OP. Public demonstrations have their place but most of the time in the campaign theyre not followed by sustained activism or support. Some, it seems a majority, on demonstrations just want either to join in because they want to have a punch up with police or to fullfill a rressed desire / fantasy to walk the streets as part of a mob.

"Who streets? Our streets!"
Yeah yeah now empty your pockets (later when they have to go out alone buying food).


posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Protest and civil disobedience are an integral part of a healthy democractic system...

purps two cents..

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 04:23 PM
I've answered such ponderings here on ATS before:

Protest used to mean something in this country!

I think surveillance tech, tightly controlled media and perfected subterfuge techniques are keeping ALL of us from knowing if new activist groups are springing up. I'd argue the government today, nips such movements in the bud, sending participants to jail will-nilly, affording no due process like they got in the 1960's and in turn giving them horrible plea bargains. I think people ARE indeed trying to take action, but are quickly stomped out, rounded up by LEO's and NONE of it gets to the media, including blogger and Instagram journalists.

I'll give a simple example of something I thought for sure I would see in the streets during riots, but have yet to see it happen. During Occupy, protesters from EVERY city were easily dispersed by tear gas and flash bangs. Why? Didn't Occupy participants have knowledge that such tactics would be used against them? Did they not prepare to neutralize the effects, especially with some ex-military people participating and have experience dealing with such? The rioters is Greece and Spain were not as easy to disperse, in fact they were not dispersed at all by LEO's.

So, I'm supposed to believe that most protesters in the USA, NEVER, thought to prepare and have Goggles/eye-protection, shields, or safety/chemical respirators with them at all times? ALL OF THIS STUFF IS OVER THE COUNTER, but NONE of the protesters I have seen, not since the 1990',s prepare with such equipment.

Another example, imagine if the UC Davis cop that started pepper spraying the student protesters, found out that they ALL had respirators and goggles. Would he have started beating them with his night stick out of frustration because he wouldn't be able to effectively use the pepper spray? I would say, most likely, yes.

If you know you're going to get shot with rubber bullets and bean bag shotguns, a defensive formation like the Ancient Roman/Greek Phalanx should be Standard Operating Procedure, but nope, they just stand around until the SHTF and then start running in every direction, as if being shot at by LEO's was an impossibility.

So whats different about American protesters versus Europeans? My guess is anyone that could teach them proper tactics to counter LEO's are quickly arrested on trumped up charges and threatened to never return to help the activists again "or else". American protesters are so poorly organized that I can't imagine them EVER having an ounce of success, but at the same time I think surveillance tech, tightly controlled media and perfected subterfuge techniques are ENTIRELY responsible for said poor organization and preparation.

The FBI said Friday it has deployed about 100 agents to the St. Louis area ahead of the decision, in case demonstrators take to the streets

As noted in the above link, surveillance tech, tightly controlled media and perfected subterfuge techniques are keeping ALL of us from knowing if new activist groups are springing up across America.

Here is a part of that old thread showing just how unprepared American protestors are when facing LEO's:

originally posted by: boohoo
Here's footage of Occupy Oakland protesters attempting to form a shield bearing phalanx out of makeshift shields

However, THIS image is much closer to a phalanx and I've NEVER seen it done this way, at any, American protest (note that nearly everyone in the crowd is also wearing civilian grade respirators):

Here is the American version, cut-up Rubbermaid trash cans, unprotected neck gaiter and hoodies:

When it comes to effective protesting and HOLDING ground against LEO's Americans don't know squat!

But lets not get ahead of ourselves and say that they "did learn" because I'd argue they didn't. Respirators, Goggles and Safety Helemts, in that order, should be mandatory kit for modern protests. As for the make shift shields, intended to stop rubber bullets and bean bag rounds, in the case of the video, they are irrelevant, because first the shields are too small and second a similar effect could have been gained by duct-taping padding all over their bodies (phone books maybe). Based on what I recommended protesters use, for protective gear, tear gas and flash bangs should be less effective at dispersing crowds, than bean bag rounds or rubber bullets.

I understand when people run from the bean bag rounds and rubber bullets, but ALL protestors should learn to hold their ground for flash bangs and tear gas, which requires, AT MINIMUM, bringing Respirators and Goggles with you to the protests (ear protection and safety helmets as well).

Look at these guys in Keiv, they know exactly what they are doing, they are even wearing construction hard-hats, for crying out loud:
War gear: Weaponry & armor of rioters in Kiev

We need more of this:

and much, MUCH, less of this:

Its freaking embarrassing watching Americans protest,they look moronic and spineless.
edit on 14-1-2015 by boohoo because: (no reason given)

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