posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to:
I guess I'll play Devil's Advocate here.
First of all, from what I can see, your donation isn't going for a half-sunken ship; it's going for a half-sunken ship full of gold nuggets. Look at
how many posts are on each individual forum, how many pages of information there are? Remember: If we lose ATS, all those pages of information are
gone (only a few might be able to be recovered using something like Wayback).
Second, we aren't brainwashed: no-one is paying for "what the site used to be", they are paying for "what the site is, and will be". I have not
found another site out there that has this much information condensed into a single place, nor have I found one that has this diverse amount of people
and ideas on it. That alone is worth my money.
Third, I will agree with you on one point: Some of the people making a post need to learn to not just copy in a video, and say "what do you think?";
they need to drive discussion. And here, I say it works both ways: You, as an older member, should
want to show these young "whippersnapper"
posters how it's done; Don't complain about how they do it, and then do nothing yourself to correct the problem.
And I agree, if you feel that strongly that ATS is going to wreck in ~5 years, and don't want to waste the huge sum of $10 so that the rest of us can
buy some happiness, then don't. For $10, I can buy two days worth of meals, 3.5 days worth of gas, a small crystal, or as long as ATS lives. I choose