posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 03:28 PM
If there where no benefit to the elite from the wealth Saudi Arabia uses to bribe T P T B to ignore its barbaric treatment of its citizens.
That's anyone whom Is not a member of there extended expansive royal family.
Then instead of Faux Outrage at there savage use of an insane legal system an laws. They would be targeted as a rouge State.
Islamic State Evil
Saudi Arabia acceptable .
When ISIS gets acsess to the right bank accounts donate to.
I M O This is happening at the momment
There will be a sudden sea change In the medias reporting of events.
Reports will start to appear
How a Liberal faction has staged a take over and all Is good.
In Fact the Softening lighter John Cantlie VT s being released Is the beginging of whatever PR Company the powers that be have sent to advise them.
Of the transistion needed to change the public perception of them.A thaw will ocour that allows
ISIS will come in from the cold . on 11-1-2015 by ecossiepossie because: