posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 10:19 PM
Here is a link from the BBC about the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior since the thread author failed to provide one. I as I am sure many are unfamiliar
with this story.
I must point out that this sanctioned act of terror did not come from the people of France but from within the government at the time. The act of
terror you are speaking was not directed at the French government but at the innocent citizens of France so they have every right to be upset. The
French military ministers resigned and the two operatives went to jail for the crime of manslaughter for the act against the Rainbow Warrior.
Perhaps this protest can become a turning point in the war against terror, we have seen children, 132 killed at the hands of these groups, cartoonist,
and many other innocents across the globe so protest and let us hope its stops or at least slows the violence against the innocents.
edit on
1/10/2015 by DJMSN because: correction