posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 09:21 AM
apologies. I was one of the 5% of the self serving website promoters who used their "first" post on this welcome sectio of the board to promote
there website! A violation of the rules and it own't happen again.
anyway, that out of the way, i still feel compelled to introduce myself here. My name is Michael Sharp and I known about this board for a long time,
follow it irregularily, and generally find most of the content within my own interests. I myself am an author and "mystic." I write about the
spiritual truths behind the psychological, social, and political realities of this planet. I find myself agreeing with conspiracy theorists, NWO
theorists, UFOlogists and the like though I have my own take on these things which places all of them within a sort of grander spiritual context and
Divine plan. I've read a little David Icke and agree with some of what he says but tend to shy away from his work because of it feeds duality (us and
them mentality). My efforts go towards creating unity amongst all the various "players" in this ascension game that we are playing.
I'm relatively active on one other internet board called the Democratic Underground. We (meaning myself and a few others) have hived out for
ourselves a little spiritual enclave amidst all the raging political depression at the recent US elections where we discuss things like ascension and
chakra activation and stuff like that.
Well hopefully this post doesn't get deleted. no web site links or book names but writing is a major activity of mine so fair enough to mention