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'I got six kids to feed and you are going to get me fired'

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+13 more 
posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:01 PM
They say that of course, "all lives matter," but their actions speak otherwise when they block innocent people from getting to work.

The video below shows what happens when one of the "black lives" that they say matter had to get to work and was stopped by a group of protestors, led by Marcelis Muriel chanting "No justice, no peace" with a bullhorn to the crowd blocking the I-5 in San Diego.

Muriel's goal for blocking the interstate:

"The goal wasn't for people to get fired, but to hit the American economy; to stop 'business as usual.' And so we chose to hit America's wallet to let it know we don't stand for this injustice."

So let's review and be clear. The protestors stated GOAL was to hit America's wallet and hit the economy. Their actions were to forcibly prevent innocent citizens, like Tyree Landrum, and thousands of others, including health care workers, from getting to their jobs.

So Landrum became a hero. At least in the UK media where the story made the front page. He ripped the bullhorn out of the snotty punk's hand and looked like he was ready to pound him into oblivion for f*c(ing with his livelihood.

Story had an incredibly happy ending. Watch the video that shows how some people who demonstrate they believe all lives matter with their actions raised money for Tyree's kids, and surprised them for Christmas. You're not going to see this story on major media either.

So, anybody think that hurting people who had nothing to do with Ferguson in their "wallet" shows the protestors think "all lives matter?"

As an aside, try finding any stories about Tyree Landrum in the major media. The original video was the local San Diego news. Search "Tyree Landrum" in Yahoo. No Yahoo stories come up in their own site. Same with ABC News, even though it was an ABC affiliate that carried the original story. And NBC News. And CBS News. Interesting, isn't it?

edit on 7-1-2015 by Jamie1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: Jamie1
These people are very fortunate somebody's brakes didn't "fail".

It never ceases to amaze me how dense some folks are. You don't get your point across by hurting the same people you're supposed to be protesting FOR. And the media... Don't even get me started.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: Jamie1
These people are very fortunate somebody's brakes didn't "fail".

It never ceases to amaze me how dense some folks are. You don't get your point across by hurting the same people you're supposed to be protesting FOR. And the media... Don't even get me started.

If you look closely at the video, they blocked the interstate with their cars first. They were standing behind their cars.

Look at the video. They're not courageous. They're sissy punks. Tyree would be a national hero if the media would have shown this story.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: Jamie1

It makes me think of the lady in the red dress scene from The Matrix.

And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. - Morpheus

If you are apart of the system, are you the system?
edit on 1/7/2015 by Bleeeeep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: Jamie1

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: Jamie1
These people are very fortunate somebody's brakes didn't "fail".

It never ceases to amaze me how dense some folks are. You don't get your point across by hurting the same people you're supposed to be protesting FOR. And the media... Don't even get me started.

If you look closely at the video, they blocked the interstate with their cars first. They were standing behind their cars.

Look at the video. They're not courageous. They're sissy punks. Tyree would be a national hero if the media would have shown this story.

Or he'd be labelled an insensitive "Uncle Tom".

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: Jamie1
They say that of course, "all lives matter," but their actions speak otherwise when they block innocent people from getting to work.

The video below shows what happens when one of the "black lives" that they say matter had to get to work and was stopped by a group of protestors, led by Marcelis Muriel chanting "No justice, no peace" with a bullhorn to the crowd blocking the I-5 in San Diego.

Muriel's goal for blocking the interstate:

"The goal wasn't for people to get fired, but to hit the American economy; to stop 'business as usual.' And so we chose to hit America's wallet to let it know we don't stand for this injustice."

So let's review and be clear. The protestors stated GOAL was to hit America's wallet and hit the economy. Their actions were to forcibly prevent innocent citizens, like Tyree Landrum, and thousands of others, including health care workers, from getting to their jobs.

So Landrum became a hero. At least in the UK media where the story made the front page. He ripped the bullhorn out of the snotty punks hand and looked like he was ready to pound him into oblivion for f*c(ing with his livelihood.

Story had an incredibly happy ending. Watch the video that shows how some people who demonstrate they believe all lives matter with their actions raised money for Tyree's kids, and surprised them for Christmas. You're not going to see this story on major media either.

So, anybody think that hurting people who had nothing to do with Ferguson in their "wallet" shows the protestors think "all lives matter?"

As an aside, try finding any stories about Tyree Landrum in the major media. The original video was the local San Diego news. Search "Tyree Landrum" in Yahoo. No Yahoo stories come up in their own site. Same with ABC News, even though it was an ABC affiliate that carried the original story. And NBC News. And CBS News. Interesting, isn't it?

That's not protest, that is intimidation and very much like the Brownshirts of an earlier time.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:33 PM
What exactly DO YOU have against freedom and justice?
Truth be known , its idiot sissy people who do nothing but complain about the inconvenience that protest causes them....
Unfortunately, the majority of Americans are similarly blind to the creeping Nazi state which is revealing itself to the unassuming public in America.....
Time to get off your collective whiny asses and change your government back to democratic republicanism.....founded upon the constitution....
I find the attitude of most of you straight people to be petty,selfish, cowardly, AND UNNACCEPTABLE TO A FREE PEOPLE......
You will get the government you DESERVE SOON ENOUGH...............

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:35 PM
I feel for the guy trying to get to work.
Had it been me I'd have kept driving, slowly maybe but honking all the way.
If people are stupid enough to throw themselves under my car it's not my fault.

+16 more 
posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: stirling
What exactly DO YOU have against freedom and justice?

If you think freedom is the right to block the road that I helped pay for then you might get a whiff of MY freedom to punch you in the nose for being a jackass.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: stirling
What exactly DO YOU have against freedom and justice?
Truth be known , its idiot sissy people who do nothing but complain about the inconvenience that protest causes them....
Unfortunately, the majority of Americans are similarly blind to the creeping Nazi state which is revealing itself to the unassuming public in America.....
Time to get off your collective whiny asses and change your government back to democratic republicanism.....founded upon the constitution....
I find the attitude of most of you straight people to be petty,selfish, cowardly, AND UNNACCEPTABLE TO A FREE PEOPLE......
You will get the government you DESERVE SOON ENOUGH...............
So, just to be clear, you're totally fine with these protesters interfering in the lives and LIVELIHOOD of people people who had ZERO to do with the events of ferguson and new york?

How very "progressive"

+8 more 
posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: stirling
What exactly DO YOU have against freedom and justice?
Truth be known , its idiot sissy people who do nothing but complain about the inconvenience that protest causes them....
Unfortunately, the majority of Americans are similarly blind to the creeping Nazi state which is revealing itself to the unassuming public in America.....
Time to get off your collective whiny asses and change your government back to democratic republicanism.....founded upon the constitution....
I find the attitude of most of you straight people to be petty,selfish, cowardly, AND UNNACCEPTABLE TO A FREE PEOPLE......
You will get the government you DESERVE SOON ENOUGH...............

Nonsense. Those protesters want MORE government, not less, and many are sponsored by Marxist organizations.

The man in the video was trying to do the right thing--go to work to support his family without waiting for a handout. He had a job. He had responsibilities. The agitators who were blocking him didn't have to be at work. They don't have jobs--or agitating IS their job.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
I feel for the guy trying to get to work.
Had it been me I'd have kept driving, slowly maybe but honking all the way.
If people are stupid enough to throw themselves under my car it's not my fault.

Coming from a Mod I guess we know what side your opine will fall on......its typical of the personality type.....

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: stirling
What exactly DO YOU have against freedom and justice?
Truth be known , its idiot sissy people who do nothing but complain about the inconvenience that protest causes them....
Unfortunately, the majority of Americans are similarly blind to the creeping Nazi state which is revealing itself to the unassuming public in America.....
Time to get off your collective whiny asses and change your government back to democratic republicanism.....founded upon the constitution....
I find the attitude of most of you straight people to be petty,selfish, cowardly, AND UNNACCEPTABLE TO A FREE PEOPLE......
You will get the government you DESERVE SOON ENOUGH...............



Stopping other people from going to work in San Diego because a grand jury in St. Louis heard weeks of testimony and came back with a decision the whiny protestors didn't like.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: stirling
What exactly DO YOU have against freedom and justice?
Truth be known , its idiot sissy people who do nothing but complain about the inconvenience that protest causes them....
Unfortunately, the majority of Americans are similarly blind to the creeping Nazi state which is revealing itself to the unassuming public in America.....
Time to get off your collective whiny asses and change your government back to democratic republicanism.....founded upon the constitution....
I find the attitude of most of you straight people to be petty,selfish, cowardly, AND UNNACCEPTABLE TO A FREE PEOPLE......
You will get the government you DESERVE SOON ENOUGH...............

Nonsense. Those protesters want MORE government, not less, and many are sponsored by Marxist organizations.

I suppose you have a pipeline to the minds of all the protestors thoughts do you?................
Thought not.....then perhaps speak to what you do know......
I believe these people may be misguided in some ways....even agitated by professionals at times....
But at least they care....
The ones who already "have" DONT GIVE A # About those who don't...(.mostly the middle class and upwards)....
and are content to piss and moan, but never actually do ANYTHING, about the greater good.....
"Im alright Jack so # you.....

The man in the video was trying to do the right thing--go to work to support his family without waiting for a handout. He had a job. He had responsibilities. The agitators who were blocking him didn't have to be at work. They don't have jobs--or agitating IS their job.

Speak to the facts and what you do know.....
The people who protested were also trying to do the RIGHT THING.....figure it out....
edit on 7-1-2015 by stirling because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: NavyDoc

Nonsense. Those protesters want MORE government, not less, and many are sponsored by Marxist organizations.

EXACTLY! The protestors only actionable item they could come up with was requiring all police in the U.S. to wear cameras for 24/7/365 recorded surveillance.

That's because their goal is to end the police state.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: Jamie1

originally posted by: NavyDoc

Nonsense. Those protesters want MORE government, not less, and many are sponsored by Marxist organizations.

EXACTLY! The protestors only actionable item they could come up with was requiring all police in the U.S. to wear cameras for 24/7/365 recorded surveillance.

That's because their goal is to end the police state.

what exactly do you wish to imply? Police state good protestors bad????

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: stirling

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
I feel for the guy trying to get to work.
Had it been me I'd have kept driving, slowly maybe but honking all the way.
If people are stupid enough to throw themselves under my car it's not my fault.

Coming from a Mod I guess we know what side your opine will fall on......its typical of the personality type.....
You know what's also an inalienable right? The right to chase the American dream. Which means some people go to this place called a JOB. What about the rights of the dreamchasers these protesters so heartlessly stamped on?

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: stirling

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: stirling
What exactly DO YOU have against freedom and justice?
Truth be known , its idiot sissy people who do nothing but complain about the inconvenience that protest causes them....
Unfortunately, the majority of Americans are similarly blind to the creeping Nazi state which is revealing itself to the unassuming public in America.....
Time to get off your collective whiny asses and change your government back to democratic republicanism.....founded upon the constitution....
I find the attitude of most of you straight people to be petty,selfish, cowardly, AND UNNACCEPTABLE TO A FREE PEOPLE......
You will get the government you DESERVE SOON ENOUGH...............

Nonsense. Those protesters want MORE government, not less, and many are sponsored by Marxist organizations.

I suppose you have a pipeline to the minds of all the protestors thoughts do you?................
Thought not.....then perhaps speak to what you do know......
I believe these people may be misguided in some ways....even agitated by professionals at times....
But at least they care....
The ones who already "have" DONT GIVE A # About those who don't...(.mostly the middle class and upwards)....
and are content to piss and moan, but never actually do ANYTHING, about the greater good.....
"Im alright Jack so # you.....

The man in the video was trying to do the right thing--go to work to support his family without waiting for a handout. He had a job. He had responsibilities. The agitators who were blocking him didn't have to be at work. They don't have jobs--or agitating IS their job.

Speak to the facts and what you do know.....
The people who protested were also trying to do the RIGHT THING.....figure it out....

Your right to not be at work, hold up a sign, yell things, and other protest-ey type things doesn't trump my right to get to my job and provide for my family. So by telling you to get out of my way so I can go do what I need to do, I am doing exactly what you're whining I should be doing: standing up for my rights, and keeping you from impeding on my rights.

You don't want a police state? Cool. I don't want YOU trying to inflict a police state on my life.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: stirling

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: stirling
What exactly DO YOU have against freedom and justice?
Truth be known , its idiot sissy people who do nothing but complain about the inconvenience that protest causes them....
Unfortunately, the majority of Americans are similarly blind to the creeping Nazi state which is revealing itself to the unassuming public in America.....
Time to get off your collective whiny asses and change your government back to democratic republicanism.....founded upon the constitution....
I find the attitude of most of you straight people to be petty,selfish, cowardly, AND UNNACCEPTABLE TO A FREE PEOPLE......
You will get the government you DESERVE SOON ENOUGH...............

Nonsense. Those protesters want MORE government, not less, and many are sponsored by Marxist organizations.

I suppose you have a pipeline to the minds of all the protestors thoughts do you?................
Thought not.....then perhaps speak to what you do know......
I believe these people may be misguided in some ways....even agitated by professionals at times....
But at least they care....
The ones who already "have" DONT GIVE A # About those who don't...(.mostly the middle class and upwards)....
and are content to piss and moan, but never actually do ANYTHING, about the greater good.....
"Im alright Jack so # you.....

The man in the video was trying to do the right thing--go to work to support his family without waiting for a handout. He had a job. He had responsibilities. The agitators who were blocking him didn't have to be at work. They don't have jobs--or agitating IS their job.

Speak to the facts and what you do know.....
The people who protested were also trying to do the RIGHT THING.....figure it out....

Blocking the street and keeping law abiding citizens from going to work, to hospital, to pick up or drop off kids, or school is not "doing the right thing" and is the tactic of intimidation just like the Brownshirts of prewar Germany who were also convinced that they were "doing the right thing."

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: Shamrock6

originally posted by: stirling

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: stirling
What exactly DO YOU have against freedom and justice?
Truth be known , its idiot sissy people who do nothing but complain about the inconvenience that protest causes them....
Unfortunately, the majority of Americans are similarly blind to the creeping Nazi state which is revealing itself to the unassuming public in America.....
Time to get off your collective whiny asses and change your government back to democratic republicanism.....founded upon the constitution....
I find the attitude of most of you straight people to be petty,selfish, cowardly, AND UNNACCEPTABLE TO A FREE PEOPLE......
You will get the government you DESERVE SOON ENOUGH...............

Nonsense. Those protesters want MORE government, not less, and many are sponsored by Marxist organizations.

I suppose you have a pipeline to the minds of all the protestors thoughts do you?................
Thought not.....then perhaps speak to what you do know......
I believe these people may be misguided in some ways....even agitated by professionals at times....
But at least they care....
The ones who already "have" DONT GIVE A # About those who don't...(.mostly the middle class and upwards)....
and are content to piss and moan, but never actually do ANYTHING, about the greater good.....
"Im alright Jack so # you.....

The man in the video was trying to do the right thing--go to work to support his family without waiting for a handout. He had a job. He had responsibilities. The agitators who were blocking him didn't have to be at work. They don't have jobs--or agitating IS their job.

Speak to the facts and what you do know.....
The people who protested were also trying to do the RIGHT THING.....figure it out....

Your right to not be at work, hold up a sign, yell things, and other protest-ey type things doesn't trump my right to get to my job and provide for my family. So by telling you to get out of my way so I can go do what I need to do, I am doing exactly what you're whining I should be doing: standing up for my rights, and keeping you from impeding on my rights.

You don't want a police state? Cool. I don't want YOU trying to inflict a police state on my life.

This. The actions of the protesters were VERY police statish--and cowardly.

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