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ChemChasers a new reality TV concept + local images

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posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 07:44 PM

Whats up ATS
Here is a great move to get the phenomenon know as chem trails into the main stream. Wanted to share this with you guys in hope to get the word out on this groups efforts.
Check out there youtube channel below


Here are some images from October 13 2010

edit on 6-1-2015 by OPUFO3257142119 because: (no reason given)

edit on Wed Jan 7 2015 by DontTreadOnMe because: Terms and Conditions of Use--Please Review

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:09 AM
ROFL.......they should approach the comedy channel...

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to: OPUFO3257142119

And here I was thinking someone in the chemtrail camp finally got a clue and were chasing chemtrails by sending an appropriately equipped aircraft up into the trail to gather samples..

What does taking photos of trails accomplish anyway?

Can't you guys at least get a decent enough lens so the type of plane can be ascertained?

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:41 AM
All I see are contrails, where are the chemtrails? What planes were those making the contrails.... you did check, didn't you? Unless......

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: OPUFO3257142119

Where are the chemtrails? Are thry hidden by the contrails in the photos? LOL, dumbed down TV at its worst. Even ITV wouldn't put that crap on

ETA, actually, they might with a twist. "Celebrity ChemChasers" coming to ITV on Saturday nights!!!! Urgh!
edit on 7-1-2015 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 01:41 AM


posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 02:05 AM
"Call me crazy, but this wasn't coincidence and those weren't jet airliners!"

"It all started like a normal day, with clear blue skies"

'These weren't spider webs!"

"I couldn't believe what I was seein'"

I literally laughed upon watching this. There is just something about it that makes the whole thing seem like a parody of Chemtrail believers.... The tone of their voices and how "scripted" it sounded, not to mention those terrible blue glasses....

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 02:13 AM
The fact that this guy was on Alex Jones show is all the proof I needed to see when it comes to being credible.

OP I have one question that has yet to be answered, so do you care to try?

WHere are the lab results from someone who actually went up and tested those white lines in the sky right after a so called chemtrail is sprayed...I can tell you where, nowhere because that would end the chemtrail gravy train they see for income.

When someone does test one after it was sprayed and can show test results from one the you may have something, but until then they have nothing but a scare tactic.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 08:22 AM
AHHHHRGHH...not the dreaded X's in the sky!! Who needs more proof? They are spraying x's in the sky!..If you guys think that plane routes ever cross you are VERY mistaken. Who would ever make planes cross paths like that? I know what i saw!


Actually, that isnt funny, thats just sad that people actually think that

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 08:39 AM
Chemtrail conspiracy in a nutshell:

- Contrails never lingered before 1990's (ignores ALL images posted to the contrary)
- Not a single word from any person even SLIGHTLY affiliated with the government is to be trusted..unless they speak out and take sides of the conspiracy in which case, every single word they say is gospel.
- Do not trust ANY science website, since as is well known, every single scientist in every field, ever, in in the governments pocket.
-Any crackpot website, and especially, ANY youtube video is 100% right on the money and no further checks on the info provided by said video/website is needed.
- Chemtrails are the best worst kept secret ever. Should they spray at night when no one can see? Nah, just do it in the daytime in front of everyone. No one will suspect a thing!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (evil laugh)
- Chemtrails are used control population numbers. Therefore the last 20 years have been a huge failing since population numbers are ever increasing.
- Chemtrails are used to make us sick. Therefore the last 20 years of spraying have been a huge fail since we are living longer.
- Chemtrails are used to cool the earth. Therefore the last 20 years of spraying have been a huge failing since temps are getting higher.

Isn't is amazing that whatever TPTB's devious plan is, they are too stupid and incompetent to get it to work after 20 years of undoubtably incredibly expensive global spraying...and YET are still smart enough to keep the lid so tight on it all and organise the logistical nightmare that is necessary to keep it all going for so long.

This last point is what makes me laugh about conspiracy theorists of all kinds. Govt SO stupid and also SO smart both at the same time. Which one is it guys?

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: OPUFO3257142119

Whats up ATS
Here is a great move to get the phenomenon know as chem trails into the main stream. Wanted to share this with you guys in hope to get the word out on this groups efforts.
Check out there youtube channel below

That has to be satire right? Tell me this is satire

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 09:45 AM
Looks like it was taken down?

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: 3danimator2014

I've been considering a thread on broadly those lines, with links, pics and sources, for the last few days, but you basically said it. Good job.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: 3danimator2014
Looks like it was taken down?

There are a number of ChemChasers videos on you tube if you search the title. They do an impressive job of maintaining the inanity and silliness with almost pythonesque regularity. The Life of the Meaning of Holy Chemtrails.

(post by 3danimator2014 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 10:25 AM
OK, i watched it....this is almost certainly a parody. In fact, it definitely is. No one that cool looking would believe in chemtrails. I've seen the chemtrail protest videos on youtube, and no one looks remotely like this this

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: 3danimator2014

you cannot make this # up.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: 3danimator2014

I can see we have much in common, I could have written that post about myself. I've previously likened visiting this forum to the Victorians visiting Bedlam to gawp at the inmates, though I'm also here to genuinely discuss and debate with anyone whose mind is still open enough to see that the theory might not be quite what they've been told. Frankly, I've often thought that if someone is too far gone to be even slightly bothered by the amount of so-called evidence that has been thoroughly debunked, then they are either far too dim for their own good, or part of the scam. When someone once replied to me, basically along the lines of "yes, the photos aren't what they claim and the things they say about contrails not persisting are false, but it COULD be happening!" I was genuinely speechless. That's someone who desperately wants or needs chemtrails to be real. On that occasion I concluded that the real threats that face us in the world must be too hard for them to handle and left them to it.
Plus it is enlightening on here when you genuinely get new stuff, such as the Geoengineering stuff, shame the Chemtrailers try to muscle in on that.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: waynos

Yes, i find the whole "ok, debunkers, what you are saying is true, but it could still be happening, you cant prove it isnt" position very very odd. At first glance they come across as reasonable people, but then they spoil it all. Sure it COULD be happening, but why on earth would you think it is without any evidence. Are you really that bored with life that you need to make things a bit more spicy?

But then that opens up the question i posed a while back..if you really do believe this, how can you sit on your ass and do nothing?

Personaly, i have no idea why i find this particular topic so interesting and entertaining. Maybe because it attracts quite a large number of crazies...which is part of the attraction for me to this forum. But i do know i have learned an awful lot from you and Unicus, Zaph, Phage, Gaul etc.... about weather, airplanes and general, thanks!

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: OPUFO3257142119

Great another waste of tv viewing space on debunked crap that won't accomplish any sort of goal towards getting closer at uncovering the conspiracy (because it is debunked). I'm sure America's bottom half on the IQ bell curve will get a kick out of this mindless programming.
edit on 7-1-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

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