posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to:
Identifying an accused person is becoming more and more common despite how wrong it is. its a reflection of the goverment and the media owners work
hand in glove (not sure which is which) to secure a common outcome being that all accused nobodies are guiliy.
Its also very unjust and unethical as it does to some degree poison the well so-to-speck from which potential jours are drawn from.
some years ago in my country it became quite fashionable for jurors to speakc out about the cases they tried. A bloke who was the jury forman called
in to talk back radio and said that one woman out of the entire jury believed the defendent to be guility. When asked to explain why she thought the
defendent was guility her reply was:
"well, if he wasn't guility the police would not have arrested him would they"?
By publishing the defendents identify and picture the media poisions the well for the prosecution becase of the little ols ladies of both genders who
say "I reckon he's guity." Why? "Cos I dont like that smirk on his face."
Gulity verdict coming up. Goverment and media high five