posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to:
Bravo on this. That's exactly right. If it's not going to change your life, either make better decisions, or suck it up for the next 18 years.
I could go through a small list of what has changed, but will not. Some have mentioned a few, and I am sure others can come up with the remaining few.
I can safely add, lack of fathers in the household/single parent working 100 hours a week, and using televisions, phones, tablets, pc's, as
babysitters as another.
You didn't ever see it... Not even 20 years ago. Not like you do now. There's a correlation somewhere, but I don't think anyone that needs it cares
about finding it.
a reply to:
I shall endeavor to be more patient with other people's public disrespect. That is what it is. We can just call it that. It's the same thing as
blaring your music at 1 am and keeping your neighbors up. It's refusing to coexist with others on this planet in a way that is respectful to their
environment as well as your own. Nobody should have to avoid going out in public because people refuse to raise the kids they obviously chose to have.
I'm glad you have patience. It is indeed a virtue. I would say that I have plenty of it as I have never struck anyone (adult or child) in my 37 years
on this planet though I have wanted to more times than I can count. It kind of gets old when the respect part is only coming from one party see?? I
respect that kids do act out. I have some of my own. But I never thought everyone else should be subjected to them acting like animals as some kind of
right to life. The woman in front of me didn't have my daughter. She doesn't need to be subjected to ear splitting screams for 40 minutes simply
because I never want to deal with the issue.
Why is it that the respect should constantly come from those that don't have children or choose not to let their children act out in a disturbing
fashion in public? Give the other person a pass I suppose. Which is what has happened. That's why we are here today ranting about this lovely topic.
The REAL SHAME here is the kids. It's not their fault that someone is too lazy, or too inconvenienced to care for them responsibly. To raise them in
ways that they will be accepted readily into society. A spoiled brat is hard to like. A spoiled brat adult... It's impossible.
edit on 1/7/2015
by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)