posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 10:45 PM
A study by the Rowntree Foundation on the sources of poverty over the last hundred years has shown that low wages remain the main cause of poverty in
the UK. It also declares the main barrier for people escaping poverty has become more dependent on where they live than any other issue.
The fact that low wages were the main cause of poverty in 1899 and remain so today says a lot in itself.
The report also states that most progress is made in fighting poverty when both the cause and consequences are tackled. That to me is a pretty much
self evident truth that applies to more than just poverty. Crime and terrorism to name a couple can only be truly beaten when the root causes are
fought, and one of the main root causes of both is poverty. Fighting the root causes is largely (deliberately) overlooked by politicians and the
public alike because that option is simply too expensive and is seen as too "hard".
I thought this study would be food for thought for the minimum wage decriers. So, what say you?