The following is a page from my new location for the Temple of Enki site. I had 230,000 hits before I cancelled and moved my site to the following
The Temple of Enki There is a wealth of information on my site from the 30+ years of obsessive research. I think
that the information is vital to mankind as a whole. I stress that it is of no fault of anyone who has been taught these concepts throughout their
lives, but it is not possible to grow in spirit when you are being put on your face from a god who demands great humiliation and rules by fear.
By the time people get to the age where they can think for themselves, they have had almost 2 decades of fear induced brainwashing.
This includes the feeling of extreme guilt if they ask questions. Another reason is due to the fact that if they decide to let go of this Great Lie
that they have been fed, they have to change everything, and with all the implanted fear of eternal damnation warnings, which are really threats, most
are not willing to take that chance. It is like a bird falling from the nest, in this case, they teach that if you leave the nest you will die, but
the truth is, they do not want you to know that you can fly. Having stated that, there may be an even bigger reason in some cases.
As psychology has taught, there are many different levels on which individuals have the ability to face things in their true light. We all know
some people who look at things as they are and adjust accordingly, while there are others who cannot deal with the really hard truths that sometimes
come to light. A lot of people in the Christian, Muslim and Jewish faiths have given their entire being to what they have been taught and having done
so, built their entire reality around it.
The thought of discovering that they have been told a story that was created thousands of years ago to enslave and steal everything that man has
the right to know and realize, is understandably devastating. Who can they go to when the very one’s who taught them this story have been fed the
same thing and also have been deceived?
Their understanding of God, Creation, and the Ancient History of the human race and the Universe in general, has been stolen, hidden away,
twisted and retold with all the true abilities and potential of the human race sternly suppressed, and labeled as “Evil” to keep humanity ignorant
of this truth! That kind of thing can be a huge shock to the mind, and some cannot ideal with that reality. This is understandable, but should be
worked through. It is the only way to get over the lies and learn the truth.
I wonder how many millions of people went to school from 5-18, went to college for at least 2 years, to work in a cubicle that is literally 1/2
the size of a prison cell, And these are the jobs people compete for! Proof that the current society is not designed to make you prosper, but to
enslave you to debt and repetition, with the greatest weapon of all...control.
There are only a handful of individuals that know that this great deception even exists. They are at the highest levels of the religious world,
such as the Vatican, the leaders of the Muslim faith and the leaders of the Jewish faith, but they had a plan, and it has been working… until now.
With thousands unknowingly passing this deception on, and millions following, it is easy to see how they can dedicate all their time to the plan that
their ancestors have started thousands of years ago, the plan for complete world domination of a people that have been robbed of their knowledge and
creative abilities, which if known and utilized by an individual, it would be considered supernatural.
Indoctrination is defined by the Encarta Dictionary as follows: "to teach somebody a belief, doctrine, or ideology thoroughly and systematically,
especially with the goal of discouraging independent thought or the acceptance of other opinions". Thing is, with this, it is not an opinion, it is
historical fact.
edit on 02/13/2007 by ForceMaster because: Way too many spaces between paragraphs.