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Flu Epidemic: H3N2 Cases And Child Deaths Prompt CDC To Issue Health Alert

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posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: FurvusRexCaeli

thanks for all the info.
i would have to say about the dead or alive thing is that if jesus rose from the dead then so could an inactive virus.

As far as the sickness goes i thank you again for the links but i still hold the view that the shot makes people sick. Perhaps it is not bad enough to be reported but it does in the majority of people i have ever heard from have all stated at the least a weakened condition but more often just feeling like crap for a couple days.

As far as the shot helping to reduce total hospitolizations it is possible but the places that do the studies get paid to do the studies and on top of that no real 100% accurate data will ever be gotten unless we split reality into twin or parallel existances. The reason is because the total number of anything is dependant on the future and we can not see into the future but we will treat our educated guesses as if we are 100% sure.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: Stormdancer777

I had considered that, but couldn't see how that could be true, unless the cleaning solutions were super effective at killing any bugs before I could get infected. But man did I have to clean some messes!

Some people consider their feces to be an art medium and aren't afraid to create murals in the bathroom.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: deadeyedick
a reply to: FurvusRexCaeli

thanks for all the info.
i would have to say about the dead or alive thing is that if jesus rose from the dead then so could an inactive virus.

That's not the soundest logic I've ever seen. Even if we take the condition as true, there is no reason to believe that viruses possess this same self-resurrecting power. Jesus, after all, was God made flesh, an eternal member of the triune Godhead. Flu viruses are little packets of protein. See the difference?

As far as the sickness goes i thank you again for the links but i still hold the view that the shot makes people sick.

Fair enough. What sickness do they get? How do they get it?

Perhaps it is not bad enough to be reported but it does in the majority of people i have ever heard from have all stated at the least a weakened condition but more often just feeling like crap for a couple days.

As long as we're reporting anecdotes, I and most all of my coworkers have gotten flu shots for at least the past ten years, and I've never heard anyone complain, or had any complaints myself.

As far as the shot helping to reduce total hospitolizations it is possible but the places that do the studies get paid to do the studies

Everyone gets paid to do what they do. What does that have to do with their methods and results? Have you found errors in them?

and on top of that no real 100% accurate data will ever be gotten unless we split reality into twin or parallel existances. The reason is because the total number of anything is dependant on the future and we can not see into the future but we will treat our educated guesses as if we are 100% sure.

We don't need to split the universe in two. We only need to split a group of people in two. One is called the "control group" and does not receive a vaccine. The other is called the "experimental group" and receives the vaccine. This allows us to see whether or not a vaccine works. And the data need not be 100% accurate. If you read the links in my last post, you will see confidence intervals (CIs) expressing a margin of error in the results. If an effect is large enough, or the confidence is high enough, you can be sure that it's happening, even if you did not achieve 100% accuracy in your measurements.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: FurvusRexCaeli

even if you have two seperate groups it is not the same because like i said you can never reach 100% certainty. like i said you can get close but never 100% unless you know the future before intervention and then compare it to the future intervined upon. it will never be 100% because we are all different.

yes there is even hope for packets of protien if they have will and faith

asking if i have found errors in studies i have not formed any groups to study the studiers but the allmighty dollar rules.
Are you aware of what people will do for money?

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