posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 06:08 AM
Hey guys, I just wanted to share my Out of body experience I had last night.
I've used guided meditation a few times to get out of my body but I've never gone further then my bedroom.
I woke up this morning around 4.30am and I got up and let the dogs do their business outside as I smoked a cigarette. I decided to go back to bed and
cherish the little bit of sleep before getting up for work. So I set my alarms and started to think about random thoughts as I couldn't fall asleep.
I was deep in thought about a subject and I swear I was bordering on lucidity or beginning to dream. Then all of a sudden I was conscious and in sleep
paralysis. I have used sleep paralysis before to get out of my body so I thought why not seize the moment, I was lying on my stomach and the
vibrations started the more I focused on the vibrations the more intense they got.
All of a sudden I could see my bookcase and my wall in my room, everything had this green tinge to it, I thought about it for a second before I knew
where I wanted to go. All of a sudden I was flying through the air, you could hear this sound as if the wind was wooshing past me at incredible
speeds. I would liken it to the sound you hear when skydiving ( if you've ever done that before you'll understand what I mean)
Any how I arrived at my destination, which is a few thousand km away from where I live. It was dawn there and I was flying over the city. It was
extremely beautiful the morning sun has yet to creep over the horizon, it was light out but still dark enough for all the city lights to still be on.
( this city is 2hrs ahead in time from me) I was floating mid air taking in the sight before me, I couldn't believe that I had actually made it.
Anyhow I set my sights back on my destination and I start wooshing through the air for lack of better words but this time I was flying backwards if
that makes any sense. Like the force was pulling me from behind and I watching the city fade away as I was pulled over the mountains/hills into the
suburban areas. Before I knew it I was standing/floating on a street looking towards a house. Then unfortunately, I lost lucidity that is the last
thing I remember.
I was just wondering if anyone had similar experiences or could give me any tips and I'm still a newbie at all this.
I've read that it's better to sleep on your back, but for me I always sleep on my stomach and I've never seemed to have any problems. I find it
more relaxing to sleep this way, meditate etc
Thanks for reading my long post haha