posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to:
Only old people remember the advent of cable television. You could escape from standardized, homogenous "programming" (you are being programmed to
believe, obey and consume) to a paid service that had no commercial advertising and or commercial breaks. It was "independent", it was cheap and
Nyah, Nyah, screw the hegemony.
So nowadays its been taken over completely, all the ads and commercial breaks are there, all the "programming" to turn your mind to slavish mush is
more pervasive than ever, and your willingness to become one with it is deeper in your being than ever. In fact, today you pay for your freedom of
information and mind control.
I don't see much difference between that and whats happening to the internet.
You will be ridiculed, marginalized, disenfranchised and addicted to consumerism and the official line . What other "line" is there?
Merry "comercemas".