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"I can't wait to start killing white babies" -- ? Really?

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posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:38 AM
They should add life jackets to their costume. Wouldn't hurt...

I'm not trying to spread hate, I am just saying when you get an infection, take antibiotics.
edit on 23-12-2014 by ttropia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: r0xor

yeah man, thats it for the most part.

There was actually a group of the more moderate ones in the 70s who went to Jerusalem. They were met with VERY harsh receptions. Eventually the state of Israel allowed them to stay as Israeli citizens. They are not considered true Jews officially or something like that.

As far as the Khazar connection., There was some mixing between Khazars and Jews. BUT it was only the elite ruling class of Khazar society. ALSO, they could only buy into a specific priesthood within Judaism. The other priesthoods and ruling classes of Judaism of the day were off limits to them. SO they did buy into the lesser priesthood available.

Then Europe killed off many Jewish populations over many centuries. WW2 saw a huge decline in specific blood lines from the ME. Also, while in Europe it wasnt uncommon for a young man to forge ahead to new population centers for business opportunities and in the process of doing that for these young men to marry native Europeans and especially those of the upper classes. The mens families were then brought in from wherever they were before and were integrated into the new communities.

This was even true for the US where young entrepreneurs like Levis and such would buy a pack of frontier provisions and head west to sell it off and make his fortune. Then they would return and buy a cartful, then several and so on. In the process they would marry local women of social stature comparable to their own. Jews are naturally a nomadic and adaptive people. Its not that modern Jews arent Jewish or true Jews because there is a noticeable lack of purely Semitic blood. ALSO, many Jews who were in Spain left to the new world after the Spanish inquisition. They remained secretive in their true loyalties and developed fraternities in the new world to maintain some of the last European golden age of Judaism which was centered in Spain. They even developed their own language which was a fusion of Latin and Hebrew called "Ladino". Most dont know this but some notable Conquistadors were closet Jews. There are many people in Spain that are Jewish and dont even know it. Their ancestors were forced converted by the Spanish crown.

Oh another wrench to throw into their gears is to ask them how they distinguish between continental Africans whom they hate for selling them to Europeans as slaves and colonial slaves that made it to the new world. They will go on to state that in Egypt they were the builders of everything we describe as Egyptian. The point to make is that the descriptions of Egyptians arent about them. Egyptians KNEW continental Africans and there exist a plethora of hieroglyphs speaking about Nubians and other peoples of Africa that various dynasties encountered and traded with. Black people were not the original Egyptians as they say. They were the Nubians and other black peoples of Africa that Egypt was always well aware of and that Egypt made a distinction for as separate people. So there is no way to tell a continental African from a supposed Hebrew African.

They will talk about native peoples in the Americas being a lost tribe and refer to the Olmec mother civilization. They will talk about the facial features of the large Olmec heads. What they dont know is that there are many hundreds of groups native to the Americas and some were even white with red hair, others were DARK skinned native Americans and that the facial features they describe are not unique to Africa. From Australia to Iberia, Common traits like wide nostrils and bone structure were all over. My wifes Mexican family has a cousin who looks like an Olmec. He is VERY DAMN Mexican not African.

You can also tell them that there is no native Caribbean tribes for the most part. Being an island population with an MANY international ports on each Island, the native people dont exist anymore after prolonged mixing with everyone from Africans to Europeans. In the Dominican republic the Tainos are extinct. In Puerto Rico the native people are no longer present. They mixed to a lesser extent but still profusely with Europeans from all over Europe and African slaves. If he is Caribbean tell him to take a blood test. He will probably have MASSIVE amounts of white heritage to atone for. In some cases more than 60% of his heritage will be European. Those are the best moments. They all start to look at him and see the devil in their costumes.

There is so much to work with when it comes to these Ninja Nazi power rangers that its actually allot of fun to shut them down. Have at it.

And remember to call the cops when you are done and tell them these weirdos hid a weapon or threatened to beat you into a coma with their shepherd staffs. The cops will have to disperse them if people even just accuse them of being armed and menacing while spewing hate speech.

Trust me, there will be PLENTY of calls already by the time you are done with them.

Have a good one
Hold it down.

I forgot to mention. If they give you an argument saying that you are not the original inhabitant of Europe because INDO-Europeans filled eastern Europe after the ice age then they came over the Caucasus tell them that PROTO-Europeans have an ancient origin as old as Modern humans out of Africa. The fact is Proto-Europeans share a common ancestor with Continental Africans. That common ancestry was not inherited by one of the out of Africa models of ancient migrations, but rather is as old as the oldest continental genealogy of modern humans in Africa. In fact, there is the possibility to rationalize a separate INTO Africa model of migration predating all other migrations of at least a small group of this common ancestor shared between Proto-Europeans and Continental Africans.

What is not being talked about is why the Royal families of Egypt all shared a common ancestor with 90% Of Iberians, 75% of French, 90% with people of the UK and 90% with people of Ireland. In some regions of these countries a concentration of almost 99% of a common ancestor between them and the ancient worlds Royalty exists. King tuts DNA is available for peer review. Its been analyzed by everyone worth a damn and their mothers. This is all a known fact. A head of the Egyptian antiquities agency or what ever its called tried to stop the release of the teams findings. They said HELL NO, and published it anyways. Then MANY others reviewed the DNA themselves.

The founding dynasties of the ancient world seeded in Africa were Proto-European.

African centrists will call that revisionist. They will also deny that some of the worlds best experts in DNA analysis came to the same results. King tut could have been Irish.

I am willing to bet that certain deities like Quetzalcoatl and some Native American ruling dynasties like that of the Inca during the time of conquest (which were light skinned red heads) were displaced Proto-Europeans from a yet unknown ancient migration into the Americas originating from the eastern coast of south America near the Caribbean. There was once more land there. There was less distance between the eastern coast of SA and a possible far spread island chain that ended not far off the western Cast of Africa. If there was a migration INTO Africa of a small group of sea faring nomads they could have splintered with a group landing on SA.
edit on 12 23 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:48 AM
Too bad for them they don't understand an eye for an eye.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
Ninja Nazi power rangers

For the win!

lol, I will remember that one.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: TrueAmerican

I don't particularly think any God worth his salt would require the death of a baby no matter the colour or creed. As to the idiots in question, hunt them down, lock them up and throw away the key.

If the God is really a software engineer and we're in a simulation, they would want the bug ended when it began, not to live out it's life cycle and be removed by the system.

That's just one interpretation though. In others God kills every first born as punishment.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 03:02 AM
Ia reply to: TrueAmerican

Ugh. Reminds me of a sermon Louis Farrakhan gave in which he told his congregation that Caucasians need to die because we're actually lab created demons. The sooner people realize the color of our skin is no more important than the color shirt we choose to wear the better off we will be.
I just cannot fathom harboring that level of hatred within myself. It literally makes me feel ill .
edit on 24-12-2014 by U4ea82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 03:41 AM
Better hide yo babies!!

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: Aazadan

If God is a software engineer and we're in a simulation(I subscribe to the holographic principle myself more and more these days given the mounting evidence), then humanity are essentially hackers considering we bend and shape our reality to suit our common needs and meet our basic requirements. I used to try and justify the evils of our verse by accepting the premise of reincarnation but to be honest even that concept does not even begin to cover the true evils of our reality. End of the day good and evil are simply human concepts which does nothing to alleviate the horrors we face in this life time.
edit on 24-12-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Aazadan

If God is a software engineer and we're in a simulation(I subscribe to the holographic principle myself more and more these days given the mounting evidence), then humanity are essentially hackers considering we bend and shape our reality to suit our common needs and meet our basic requirements. I used to try and justify the evils of our verse by accepting the premise of reincarnation but to be honest even that concept does not even begin to cover the true evils of our reality. End of the day good and evil are simply human concepts which does nothing to alleviate the horrors we face in this life time.

There's a programming language called lisp, the unique feature of this language is that it can treat individual lines of code in a file as programs. Thus, one line can alter another and the program changes itself. It's used often in AI programming as it allows the AI to learn and change its code over time. We don't necessarily have to be hackers, we could just be living in a world where we have access to change the variables on objects that are created, alternatively we're programmed in a language like lisp that can change itself over time.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Aazadan

I would rather be a hacker than a sheeple. I guess in the end it all comes down to perspective.

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