+9 more
posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 07:17 PM
Simply put, there is both a THUG culture on the streets, and a THUG culture behind the badge. No side is innocent. Nobody can claim the other is at
1) How many videos have we seen where cops have violated a citizen's Rights? White, Black, or whomever? These events are DAILY in America and the
ones we see are the only ones that have video evidence.
2) The FBI does NOT have an auditing agency to report deaths FROM cops to citizens. They rely on self reporting. Therefor we have no actual data to go
by to see if there is a problem. No actual numbers to cite. You would think in 2014 that someone would have developed a system of audits...but
3) Cops get off in such cases of abuse in such improbable numbers, it's almost a joke to prosecute them for anything criminally... outside of their
pensions. There are ZERO special Prosecutors for cops in 2014. Cop cases go to local Grand Juries with no oversight or audit of evidence and the
covering up of evidence. The room for corruption is HUGE.
4) GOOD cops don't narc on BAD cops...but expect us to 'see something...say something". If good cops had a better "whistleblower" system, the
twisted ones with mental and aggression issues can be weeded out, and relations with cops can maybe have a chance at improvement. The GOOD cops are
doing society a grave disservice by standing "with their Brothers" at any cost. This will bite them is the rear.
5) Cops were wearing "I can breathe" T-Shirts mocking the death of Garner...does not help and incites people and shows disrespect for citizens that
have WRONGFULLY died at the hands of cops (As opposed to Mike Brown)
6) Do you think daily videos of them violating rights of citizens helps? Like punching 12 year olds in the face for no reason? Or maybe choking people
while cuffed? Or killing unarmed homeless people in the back? Or maybe bloodying the face of mentally ill men for no reason, causing their death? Or
maybe bashing women's faces in the police station...later to be discovered by surveillance cameras?
Or maybe cops shoving people off bikes and injuring them for fun? Or maybe cops slapping a kid in the face on camera for the kid asserting his right
to no searching of his vehicle for a LEGALLY bought gun??
We've all see videos...by the dozens. It's enough
On the other side:
1) We have a culture of Mike Browns and such who have no respect for law and actually try and harm LEO officers.
2) Which leads to people like Al Sharpton, MSNBC, Jesse Jackson, Lamont Hill, CNN, MEDIA, De Blasio, Holder, even our own President...giving into the
race baiting and inflaming the situations and stepping on the side of aggressors (Mike Brown) and creating a victim culture...all the way up to our
3) We've had protestors which call for the death of cops...and a Mayor who is out of his league "De Blasio", who shouldn't have been voted into
office, and who has offended his police force...which will become even MORE hostile now.
The Media, especially, loves to foment the anger of the low info uneducated voters. They have a major hand in all of this.
All in all, both sides of this coin need to be looked at. A 'Conservative" can speak out against bad cops and should be able to. A "Liberal" can
support cops...this issue is not so Black & White (pun intended) and there are many sides to this.
I happen to personally think that while police do have a rough job, there is no excuse for taking stress out on citizens. I run a business and it's
very stressful. I don't punch people in the face because I've had a bad day. If you can't act right as a cop, you're in the wrong line of work.
And I believe cops should get MORE punishment than 'citizens' because they know better.
Adversely, Black youth, especially 'inner city' or "urban" youth, along with young children in general...have been trained to live their lives in
chaos and that all 'authority' be damned.