posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 07:51 AM
We have all been using this place for our entertainment. We come day in, day out to look for news, discussions, arguments, whatever it is that makes
you smile. Some of us have been doing it for a long, long time. There are many more that don’t have membership, yet still benefit from the
A reminder, this has all been free and as far as things go, will continue to be free.
At this point, we are all family. Yes, a severely dysfunctional family, but show me one that isn’t. If a member of your family needed something
and you could provide it easily, you would. No questions asked. Well, a member of our family has asked for a little help. If you can throw a few
buck in to help, great! If not, that’s OK too. But you are not giving to a multinational corporation whom is hell bent on world control. In
actuality, you are giving to the exact opposite. A close knit family run business that offers you something for free every day.
It really makes me cringe when I read stuff that sounds ungrateful towards the owners here. It’s in such poor taste. Please, before you cry about
what you want, think for a minute about others. Think about the ones who will find this site a year from now. They deserve the same excitement and
wonder we all found when we came. And lastly, please be grateful for what has been given you to thus far. Bill has mentioned that he paid lots of
his own money just to keep this site up. For you.
So, from the heart, Thank you ATS for the years of fun.