posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 01:19 PM
That was too funny. If any guy ever finds themselves in such a situation there are better options available to you. In my opinion you should not only
own it, but should take advantage of this gift of fate and talk to the woman. I probably would have tried to make out like it was her fault, but in a
funny way, because if there are two things women respond to it is confidence and humor. The trick is training yourself, or actually changing yourself,
to the point that such things come naturally, because as you saw there is not a lot of time to think about what you are going to do. So this guy
starts doing pushups instantly, but the woman knows what is going on, and while such an action would not necessarily ruin your chances it definitely
is not the first impression you want to make. In trying not to look stupid the guy's first act is trying to please her. There is nothing wrong with
doing what a woman wants or trying to please her, but by going out of your way when you first meet a woman to fall at her feet, you are actually
making her less attracted to you. Women can go out and buy a puppy, or even get one for free considering the rampant increase in the pet population
since Bob Barker has gone off the air, and they want a confident and steadfast guy who treats them well, but who does not do everything to please
them. It is a fine line to be sure, keeping the attraction alive I mean. Starting the attraction in a woman is biological, and there is nothing they
can do about it since they do not make a conscious choice regarding whom they feel attraction for. I think many guys misunderstand this advice. They
take it to mean that you shouldn't be nice to a woman, when that is not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that being nice to a woman does not
always involve what many guys think it involves. If you're wondering why in the world I'm even talking about all this in a thread devoted to a funny
video, it is because I constantly see guys doing the wrong things, and I feel sorry for them. I was there at one point myself, as most guys probably
were. So basically I just wanted to use this short video to illustrate the above points, since it does a masterful job of addressing the issue,
despite the fact there are no words spoken.