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Joel A Rogers Nature Knows No Color Line.

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posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 11:18 PM
In a time back in the 20ts 30ts 40ts and 50ts there was a giant of a Jamaican American journalist and scholar who combed libraries,museums all over the globe often digging up obscure documents to uncover the history of Africans and it's diaspora both ancient and modern in an era where nobody but the likes of Garveyites were interested in Africa and it's scattered people in an historical context,he had authored many book and periodicals in magazines dealing with this social history, off-course some points made in his work is now dated although he was never a believer in race he non the less had to make due with leading scientific concept of his day in this he sought to overthrow it's paradigm by making a point that everyone was in essence mixed,this book is filled with gems largely undiscovered by the general public.

Example how many today knew of a marriage between the Imperial house of Japan and Ethiopia that caused much consternation in European capitals and among the mostly White League Of Nations a fore-runner to The United Nation,or Alexander Pushkin the father of Russian high literature was the Grandson of one Hannibal Pushkin an African who was a general in Peter the great's army ,Alexander Dumas the author of the Three Musketeers the Count of Monti Cristo etc whose father an interesting man in his own right of African ancestry was a General in Napoleon's army

Alexander Thomas Dumas father of Alexander p Dumas

Abraham Hannibal General under Czar Peter The Great and grand father of Alexander Pushkin
Bio on J.A Rojers^^
Here is a free down load of his book Nature Knows No Color Line his works is crammed with stories as exampled above ^^ please read and enjoy.

edit on 16-12-2014 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: Spider879

Interestingly, Alexandre Dumas, his mother and his three siblings were all sold by his father (he was the favorite child and sold last and apparently under certain conditions), a French nobleman, so that his father could raise funds to return to France from Haiti. Once he'd reestablished himself in France, he bought Alexandre (age 14) back and brought him to France and gave him an education fitting his family's wealth and station but his slave mother (Marie-Cessette Dumas) and his siblings — all by his father, Alexandre Antoine Davy de la Pailleterie — were left behind. There's some mystery about what became of them due to conflicting information.

Here's a picture of Alexandre Dumas (Wiki commons):

Alexander Pushkin's great-grandfather was kidnapped from Ethiopia and was eventually given as a gift to Peter the Great by Leo Tolstoy's great-grandfather in 1704. Peter the Great became his godfather when he was baptized in 1705 at the age of 11.
edit on 2014-12-16 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 12:31 AM
These were some interesting times indeed the movement between born of Slave ancestry and Nobility for both men,some said that General Hannibal was of minor royal birth himself kidnapped by the Turks in a raid and carried off,made a slave yet returned to being a noble in a distant land,an Ethiopian mission was supposedly sent to Russia to make contact with the family, his blood line extend even into British aristocracy in the form of the Mountbattens,actor Peter Ustinov is supposedly a descendant of his,I often have to remind people that things are not as cut and dry black and white as one think,history like people is much more complex than one can ever imagine.
edit on 17-12-2014 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 07:51 AM
The Count of Monte Cristo is probably my favorite movie of all time. The newer one made in the late 1990s. I haven't seen any others but I imagine there must be others. I have downloaded the book so I can read it someday.

Thank you for sharing this, I always enjoy learning more about history, especially the little known facts that seem to have been swept under the historical tapestry.

I can't say I've completed all my research on this, and I've yet to read a proper point by point refutation of it in order to hear both sides of the argument, but I've read some pretty convincing arguments and watched some pretty convincing presentations stating that the Africans are the Hebrews of the Bible and are the 12 Tribes of Isreal, and even Jesus and his apostles were black.

Certain things like descriptions of Biblical characters like Solomon and Sampson, and the prophesies of God's punishments which include being enslaved by a people from a far away land whos language you will not understand, and the fact that Jesus was able to hide in Egypt amongst the people, which he could not do if he was white, and that Paul was mistaken for an Egyptian... a lot of things that seem to add up.

But like I said, I haven't completely researched it enough on my own and I have not yet read a point by point refutation of this theory, though I'm sure by now someone has at least made an attempt at it, so I can't really stand behind it quite yet. And the last thing I want to do is derail the thread, but I thought some people might find it interesting enough to want to go look it up on their own and I thought it was close enough to the topic to at least deserve a mention here.

Thanks again and I see that the book is available for free download so I will certainly download it into my Someday file along with The Count of Monte Cristo.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: Spider879

Why you would believe a guy named after a pirate flag is beyond me.


posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: 3n19m470

You are welcome hope you enjoy his works.

I can't say I've completed all my research on this, and I've yet to read a proper point by point refutation of it in order to hear both sides of the argument, but I've read some pretty convincing arguments and watched some pretty convincing presentations stating that the Africans are the Hebrews of the Bible and are the 12 Tribes of Isreal, and even Jesus and his apostles were black.

Well about Hebrews or Jews the fact is they tend to look like the population they lived amongst, Jews in India , China and Europe looked like those folks,those in various parts of Africa for example the Ba-Lemba of Southern Africa looked no different than other Bantu speakers,and off course the Ethiopian Jewish community had a very colorful history,but those living in Jerusalem at the time of Roman historians Tacitus and Strabo were suspected by them having Egyptian or Ethiopian origins.

This region lies towards the north; and it is inhabited in general, as is each place in particular, by mixed stocks of people from Egyptian and Arabian and Phoenician tribes; for such are those who occupy Galilee and Hiericus [Jericho] and Philadelphia and Samaria, which last Herod surnamed Sebastê. [Augusta] But though the inhabitants are mixed up thus, the most prevalent of the accredited reports in regard to the temple at Jerusalem represents the ancestors of the present Judaeans, as they are called, as Egyptians." (Strabo, Geography 16:2:34) -strabo-15ad.htm

Roman understanding of the history of the Jews

2. As I am about to relate the last days of a famous city, it seems appropriate to throw some light on its origin. Some say that the Jews were fugitives from the island of Crete, who settled on the nearest coast of Africa about the time when Saturn was driven from his throne by the power of Jupiter. Evidence of this is sought in the name. There is a famous mountain in Crete called Ida; the neighbouring tribe, the Idaei, came to be called Judaei by a barbarous lengthening of the national name. Others assert that in the reign of Isis the overflowing population of Egypt, led by Hierosolymus and Judas, discharged itself into the neighbouring countries. Many, again, say that they were a race of Ethiopian origin, who in the time of king Cepheus were driven by fear and hatred of their neighbours to seek a new dwelling-place. Others describe them as an Assyrian horde who, not having sufficient territory, took possession of part of Egypt, and founded cities of their own in what is called the Hebrew country, lying on the borders of Syria. Others, again, assign a very distinguished origin to the Jews, alleging that they were the Solymi, a nation celebrated in the poems of Homer, who called the city which they founded Hierosolyma after their own name.
An impeccable Hebrew source (not even Aramaic) is
the Pirqe de Ribbi Eli`ezer who classed the entire
Shemitic people as black.

Shem was especially blessed black and beautiful,
Hham was blessed black like the raven, and
Yapheth was blessed white all over.

This was off course a medieval source after the Romans in the 8th century A.D

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 09:46 PM

originally posted by: Harte
a reply to: Spider879

Why you would believe a guy named after a pirate flag is beyond me.


Jolly Rojers hah!:

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