posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to:
originally posted by: projectvxn
The Taliban were a Pakistani Creation in the late 80s and early 90s. There was no Taliban until 1996.
I wish people would stop parroting the BS that the Taliban fought the Soviet Union and that somehow the US created them back in the 80s. They didn't.
You say that the Taliban were a Pakistani Creation in the alte 80s and early 90s, then you say they didn't exist till 96?
The cliff notes version is that the Taliban exist as a result of US and Pakistani machinations in the 80s.
The people who were trained and supplied by Pakistan and the US, and had their extremist views nurtured as an opposition to "godless communism" later,
in the discontent and power vacuum of post-soviet era Afghanistan formed the Taliban and took power.
However, the people who carried out the school attack in Pakistan are not that same Taliban, they're the TTP, a purely Pakistan-based group that isn't
majority pathan tribesmen.
Aside from all that, the narrative that Pakistan was a-ok with the Taliban until just now is a bit misguided. I'm not sure about the exact statistics,
but I believe that Pakistan has the highest number of casualties in the "good guys" side of the War on Terror (most soldiers and civilians killed in
opposition to the Taliban and Al Qaeda).
This doesn't mean that Pakistan may not have some back room dealings with the Taliban (they certainly did before, being one of the few countries that
had diplomatic relations with them before 2001), or that there aren't some groups in Pakistan that push for dialogue with them (probably going to be
less now), but the official position (cemented by many many operations and attacks against the Taliban and Al Qaeda) has not been anything but
offensive for many years now.
EDIT: And yeah, as the other guy said, Pakistan doesn't come under the "Middle East". If you want to categorise it according to region, it'd probably
count as South Asia or the Indian Subcontinent. Also the reason why none of the Middle Eastern countries join together to defeat the Taliban- the
Taliban (neither version) have no presence in any other country aside from Afghanistan (which isn't really the Middle East either).
edit on
21-12-2014 by babloyi because: (no reason given)