a reply to:
Yes, it's probably titled based on the entire lecture or something like that. He had a tendency to wander off into different branches, making it a
chore to understand the cohesion (although clearly there...) between the different parts.
Changing one self to change the world is an old idea, yet still so obvious and still not understood or respected by so many people.
At some point waves were set in motion that started from individuals wanting to have "more" than other thus creating ripples that affected more
people forcing them to act, creating more ripples and so on.
In Denmark we have a spot at the very northern tip of Jutland called "Skagen".
At this spot, two seas meet each other in a sometimes spectacular show of force as the waves from each sea collide into one another.
You cannot force peace of equilibrium into anyone or anything, and therefore we can only set that form of peaceful vibration in motion by not trying
to affect the already our of control ripples going on.
But I have to admit. Even when you know this, it's difficult to adhere to those rules because the idea of enrichment and ambition has been so
in-bread into our way of life.
This is also why the majority of all those mindfulness, yoga and meditation classes going on in the west are so bad.
Instead of really teaching people what the "right" way to do it is, they adapt to fit the world view of the westerners, who think that when you
meditate you do so to achieve something.... which of course is incredibly ironic, since the goal is the meditation itself and nothing else. If you
chase happiness or chase "wakening up", that is in fact a game that you play with yourself and repressing yourself and repressing the actually
happiness and wakening up.
This is for some reason immensely difficult for people in the west to understand since we all grew up thinking that if you work hard for something,
there will be some sort of reward, often material or economical.
However, the true reward in this case is where the saying "the work carries the reward in itself" arose from....:
- If you want freedom, to wake up and peace of mind? Then stop living the opposite life where all you notice everyday is how bad things seem to be.
Stop trying to meditate yourself into a peaceful mind.
Just be... "Let it be"... it's when you don't touch them that the ripples are the most beautiful.
Maybe that is even harder work, because you can't put into words the reward of living in the now rather than yearning.
But it is most likely even more rewarding than what ever you can "achieve" by going every tuesday and thursday, to that insignificant mediation
class which you paid some opportunistic and charismatic individual to join in on.