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Alan Watts : NWO : Are We Going About It All Wrong And Speeding Up Our Own Demise

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posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 07:14 AM
A wonderful speech from Alan Watts that showed great insight into the problems we are facing today. He says that in fighting what is happening we are basically speeding up our demise. It is easier to be liberated in the Kali Yuga because life was so good at the beginning of what he calls the manifestation that no one was interested in waking up. The control by Governments and the increasingly likely nuclear war is a chance to wake up although not by fighting the system. The more we fight the quicker the end will come. It really sounds as though his message is to awaken to yourself, change yourself to change the world.

The video has the title of Sex the Ultimate sin but it is clearly mistitled!

edit on 16-12-2014 by DrunkYogi because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-12-2014 by DrunkYogi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: DrunkYogi
The more we fight, the harder it will be sounds like NWO propaganda to me...

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: DrunkYogi

Yes, it's probably titled based on the entire lecture or something like that. He had a tendency to wander off into different branches, making it a chore to understand the cohesion (although clearly there...) between the different parts.

Changing one self to change the world is an old idea, yet still so obvious and still not understood or respected by so many people.
At some point waves were set in motion that started from individuals wanting to have "more" than other thus creating ripples that affected more people forcing them to act, creating more ripples and so on.

In Denmark we have a spot at the very northern tip of Jutland called "Skagen".
At this spot, two seas meet each other in a sometimes spectacular show of force as the waves from each sea collide into one another.
You cannot force peace of equilibrium into anyone or anything, and therefore we can only set that form of peaceful vibration in motion by not trying to affect the already our of control ripples going on.

But I have to admit. Even when you know this, it's difficult to adhere to those rules because the idea of enrichment and ambition has been so in-bread into our way of life.

This is also why the majority of all those mindfulness, yoga and meditation classes going on in the west are so bad.
Instead of really teaching people what the "right" way to do it is, they adapt to fit the world view of the westerners, who think that when you meditate you do so to achieve something.... which of course is incredibly ironic, since the goal is the meditation itself and nothing else. If you chase happiness or chase "wakening up", that is in fact a game that you play with yourself and repressing yourself and repressing the actually happiness and wakening up.

This is for some reason immensely difficult for people in the west to understand since we all grew up thinking that if you work hard for something, there will be some sort of reward, often material or economical.
However, the true reward in this case is where the saying "the work carries the reward in itself" arose from....:

- If you want freedom, to wake up and peace of mind? Then stop living the opposite life where all you notice everyday is how bad things seem to be. Stop trying to meditate yourself into a peaceful mind.

Just be... "Let it be"... it's when you don't touch them that the ripples are the most beautiful.

Maybe that is even harder work, because you can't put into words the reward of living in the now rather than yearning.
But it is most likely even more rewarding than what ever you can "achieve" by going every tuesday and thursday, to that insignificant mediation class which you paid some opportunistic and charismatic individual to join in on.

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: DrunkYogi

I believe there will never be a nuclear war on any mass scale. I know that is a strange idea to have, but this scenario will not occur.

Personally, I do not fight anybody. I resist certain imprisoning behaviours imposed on me by others for the sake of my rights and my freedom. I seek a changed world where there is equality and freedom for all people, where violence has no place, where the poorest people are cared for. I see the world as selfish, corrupt, violent and unjust. I see a few privileged people holding nearly all the earth's wealth. I see that those who have the most are engaged in handing themselves ever increasing power to protect the continuum of their lifestyles no matter what the cost in terms of human suffering. They are hurting me and holding me back every minute of my life. So I must try to defend myself as best I can and express my insistence that change is necessary because what we have is so grossly inadequate and unfair to people who are born into this life.

If using the "they'll push the nuclear button" myth is being suggested to me as a consequence of my support for a different kind of world, as some kind of fear being placed upon me to stop me from feeling and being the way I am, then bring on the nuclear war. My life is a life where I have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Blow the world up then if that makes them feel better. I'm willing to walk the walk wherever it leads.

edit on 16-12-2014 by lonesomerimbaud because: tidy up.

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 07:42 AM
Double post. Sorry.

edit on 16-12-2014 by lonesomerimbaud because: double post.

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: DrunkYogi
The more we fight, the harder it will be sounds like NWO propaganda to me...

Nah, it's basic buddhism. But you have to look at the old texts, not the newer ones since the more the religions get passed on through the years, the more and more they get infested by greedy and amoral people.
Buddhism is no different, neither is hinduism...

But when the original message or idea was forged, it was born out of the wish to help other rather than to help oneself.
Which is why I hold so little regard for ANY religion today that charges some sort of compensation for their work or sharing of knowledge.

Of course I'm aware that Watts most likely did not do these lectures for free BUT he was always open about him being an entertainer, not a profet or religious guide.
You can go a long way on honesty... and this makes his words ring even more true.

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: IWasHereEonsAgo

This is my one big gripe against Buddhism. A quote from you,

"Just be... "Let it be"... it's when you don't touch them that the ripples are the most beautiful."

What? Let THIS be. Actions are real. They have consequences on others. Obviously if we all stopped doing anything then nothing would happen. We can just sit there and admire beautiful nature (though I think nature is very brutal and cruel as well as beautiful).

A human needs to eat. Politicians decide what the price and availability of his/her food is. They play games with it in terms of profit and trade. This creates one of those ripples.

In the real world there is power and privilege at large, aggressively and parasitically feeding off what is less powerful and unable to mount a defence. It must be challenged. I refuse to be passive in the wake of the destructive tendencies of current Western behaviour and social injustice.

The only way I ever see power being used in its most pure form is what Christ said about "He who is greatest among you must be least". As an action washing His Disciples feet was a demonstration of the true nature of care and support, one human to another.

edit on 16-12-2014 by lonesomerimbaud because: spelling.

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

But is the fight working WE. From where i am sitting it is not. It blatantly is only making thing's worse, the more we go out and fight the more they take our Freedoms. The Elite are getting more an more paranoid and that is accelerating the process that Watt's was talking about. Maybe the only hope is to as he says relax a bit, stand off and see what happens. We have got nothing to lose that we haven't lost already.

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: IWasHereEonsAgo

Excellent stuff my friend.

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: lonesomerimbaud

Unfortunately you rarely see that kind of kindness anymore, from ANY leader in the world. Certainly NONE of the western leaders. How ever much the fire for revolution burns within myself as well, I very clearly see also that unleashing that kind of fire amongst ourselves will inevitably bring our own demise or close there to.

The problem with revolution is that if it is not successful in removing completely the ill parts of the population (which alas almost sit exclusively in the elite by now), what comes after a revolution just might be worse than it is now.
Power, vengeance and greed is contagious...

Even by cleansing the world, the future belongs to the next generation and children learn by seeing, not by listening.
You cannot teach a child benevolence by showing it how to strike down those who treat others bad.
If you want a kind world, be kind to your children and other people's children, regardless of status and age.

This is A LOT easier to say than do, and unfortunately time and time again we see examples of people going some of the way only to see the heirs of those actions fall short at living the same way.

Makes me question how far from animals we really are, because we certainly don't posses the means nor mental capacity to do right by each other all though it in fact takes less effort than what we put out right now.

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: lonesomerimbaud

Jesus also said love your enemy.

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 08:31 AM

originally posted by: lonesomerimbaud
a reply to: IWasHereEonsAgo

This is my one big gripe against Buddhism. A quote from you,

"Just be... "Let it be"... it's when you don't touch them that the ripples are the most beautiful."

Oh.. this thing... I know, it's very simplified and I honestly don't know how else to put it.

By wanting to fight something, you are giving value to its perceived significance or perceived strength.
But I think that if you want to conquer something, you don't have to fight what you fear or hate, you just have to make the alternative choice appear better.

The "bad guys" in this world have unfortunately been very adept at promoting progress and growth as positive values in western societies, something that "goodness" never needed because we inherently knew that goodness... well is good.
But you can sway the mind of any individual by presenting even the most ill idea in the right light.

Fx. here in Denmark they have cut public school funding, but they wrapped it in the idea that it's all about quality and efficiency.

In the end, it's all about how you CHOOSE to see life. Don't let yourself be swayed by marketing ploys etc. Things like; you need to have a tv that is 5" larger otherwise you're an idiot. Or if you don't drive Y brand car, you are none special.

In the end.... who gives a flying hoot about what phone you use, what tv you have and if you saw season 37 of x-factor.
I don't.... and regardless of if you did, I won't think less of you or more of you. You are you no matter what you do or buy.

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 09:05 AM
Remember, what you fight you become, so we have to find an alternate route if we want victory. For all of the Despots in the World there are many more out there waiting to take their place. What usually happens is the ordinary people get caught up in the fight which cost many innocent folks their lives and some wise talking dude walks right in and claims to be the leader with some new idea to follow. Inevitably the new boss is the same as the old boss. We go down the same road again and again. Remember the definition of insanity is performing the same task over and over and expecting different results. Sound familiar!

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 11:47 AM
For example the Police profess to fight crime and what have they become, criminals. Some People go into Politics to fight corruption and what do they become, corrupt. Gandhi brought down the British Empire by going walkabout for some salt, no guns etc. He did not face his enemy with hate or a threat of violence. If you look at some people that were maybe taken out by the Elite you will find that their message is non violence.

John Lennon
Bob Marley

They had a peaceful message and people listened. The threat was the message of non-violence. You may have noticed that violence the NWO can handle, any day of the week. You are walking straight into their trap. That is why the likes of Alex Jones suits the NWO down to the ground, i don't see the Elite trying to take him or his ilk out, do you? I wonder why!

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 01:05 PM
I have a few of Watts books , watched many of his lectures.

Anyway was reading a very good article on "wu wei" .

Not a bad article. It might help you understand Mr. Watts . Search for some of his early

Lectures in black and white you might be enlighted.

edit on 16-12-2014 by TucsonOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: TucsonOne

That was a nice article TO. People tend think too much and not be spontaneous. I reckon this leads to unconsciousness and when can an unconscious person make a wise decision. You have to be naturally alert in the present moment, no effort just passive awareness. This leads to right action as they call it, in accordance with nature. It's highly unlikely right action would lead us into nuclear wars and fascist dictatorships.

I have listened to quite a lot of Alan Watts speeches TO, he's a very likeable and smart guy. Wish there were more people like him nowadays.

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 10:29 PM
Freedom isn't free. You have to fight for it sometime. I don't need a guru to tell me what right and wrong is. I'll fight to my death. If I'm wrong so be it.

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: LOSTinAMERICA

I'm guessing you missed the what you fight you become bit. I would say the Taliban fight the NWO and that led to 132 dead children in Pakistan!

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: DrunkYogi

There's the degrees that you live by. I say all evil should be destroyed. If they makes me a tyrant, then so be it. At least your grandmother will be able to walk down the street. Then maybe we can truly evolve. Zealots don't impress me and baby killers need to die. Send in the drones. I was only a grunt in the military but I'll point my weapon downrange of those evil bastards any day of the week. You kill enough of them, they either go away from not existing anymore or they change for the better. No room for middle ground. You get extremes when you play little bull# games with evil. Deal with it head on or die a coward.

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