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Why Do Human Children Stay So Small For So Long?

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posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: IShotMyLastMuse
so they can fit in the oven for a longer time?

LOL!! Says the Draconian Mind !

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Skaffa

Nature won't know what to do with it, it will go out of balance.

science shows that some traits evolve over a couple of generations. Plus farmers have selectively breeding for millenia, aspects of nature. So now we're getting to where we can control and design the same and I'm all for it.....less suffering, no more mental retardation, no more cerebral palsey, edit out the genes of suffering all together because suffering sux and we're all, even religions, doing whatever it takes not to suffer.

I'm not saying our or the caveman's way of life is perfect, I'm saying our evolution although slow, IS nearly perfect.

I disagree and see it as taking too long and its flawed. Personally I wouldn't want to pro-create myself to bring my own kids in a world like this and would rather wait to scan all of mine, and the misses, genetics to make sure we don't pass down flaws and suffering, depressions, suicidal tendencies, etc

Of course we see room for improvement, and yes, if i was the creator of all humans, i would do some things differently. But.. we already have a creator, nature.. and it is so incredibly complex that we will never be able to fully understand it, our bodies just the same.

That's my point, everyone, given the choice, would improve on the design and as a species we are going to do exactly that

Up until now our bodies, our ecosystems have been protected from things that don't belong by our immune system, if they weren't, these things would cause drastic changes.. even the smallest most insignificant piece of dust could kill us. But our immune system does not know what to do with large scale unnatural changes, our ecosystem will be completely vulnerable to the changes we apply to it.
One change could set a chain reaction blowing everything out of proportion.
If not quickly, then slowly, if not in one lifetime, then in a few.. but it will mess us up beyond repair.

Its already happened with the great flu, black plague, ebola, etc......stuff the weak limited human body can't handle has literally killed off millions. We are all one new mutated virus away from a global wiping out, all because these bodies are so fragile and weak

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: redhorse
a reply to: Wolfenz

Well that's interesting and certainly a factor. Humans have evolved to be highly mobile and social, so it would on the surface make more sense for children to be ambulatory enough to keep up sooner, but with this evolutionary push-pull on energy consumption maybe it would make more sense for them to put the energy in neurodevelopment and stay small long enough to be carted around more easily for long journeys? These incidentals of social evolution as a response to environmental pressures may be another factor.

Yes Highly Evolved and Social .. and we are The Only Species on the Planet that is on the Highest Pole ! Apes and Dolphins Match Up the Tie For 2nd ... and 3rd Would and Will Always be Eusociality Insects ...

It Amazing to Know about Ants how Quickly they can Remember and Learn ! and Team Work !
Like for a Fraction Example Making a Bridge of themselves for their ( live Stock or Slaves ) to get across or Create a Raft ( literately ) to get to one Land mass to another ... if ATS Member Actually Watch the Video I have Posted on this Thread ... You will get to Understand How Them And Us Humans are a lot Alike .. The Primates the Great Apes Do not have the Ability Like Us of a Social Communication Order ... and IMO Eusociality Insects DO!

Perhaps its Training and Condition the More Sentient ( Wonder Imagination THINK Improvise ) Human Brain at the Early Stages and the Brain takes half the Energy We Produce from Consuming .. and we start to benefit this at Puberty ... Well Every Wonder Why Children being Highly Energetic being Hyper close to being Out of Control Im Guessing Assuming its the Over Dose of Glucose ( Suger in the Blood )(!! as the Ol Wives Tales is True in this Part! LOL.. If Children also had extreme usage of Adrenalin a Switch Stuck On from age 2 to 18 we would be in some Serious # ! Thank Goodness it Isn't!!

Our Bodies are Not Conditioned for Survival on this Planet Like the Great Apes We don't have the Wares! We Have to Manage and Improvise ! A Man Just Cant Live Off the Wild instinctively With Out Proper Knowledge.. How to Hunt Build Shelter Feed and Clothe Ourselves Right Plants for Medicine ... We are Awkward Fur less Apes yet 98 % Genetically Like them with a FUSION OF THE 2ND Chromosome to Make 46 instead of 48

maybe it would make more sense for them to put the energy in neurodevelopment and stay small long enough to be carted around more easily for long journeys?

Well Maybe...

Cant Have a Youth adolescent Inexperienced Simple Simon size of an adult along the Nomadic Run can WE..

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
We were never this interconnected for the majority of our human evolution.
We are very territorial, even someone sitting next to someone on the bus is enough to get our heart going a little.
Insects don't think for themselves, the most they do is 'teach' other ants locations through certain smells and scents, after that pheromone is gone they will never remember that path again and get lost.
Look at how certain ants, if put into a circle will follow one another until they are dead.

Humans learn through repetition, and passing on those repetitions to their young, or to an 'outsider' and we remember.
We are far more like apes, because we are apes, an we evolved as apes. The only reason why we are like ants or colony 'thinking' insects is because we gathered to make cities, civilization and the internet. That's more of a representation of our intelligence than an instinct.

We were Never this interconnected Till the Late 19th Century ! from the First Telephone to what we have Now Smartphone and the Internet .. Now Great Minds can Communicate with each other Ideas Thought Theory's Problem Solving Etc.. Through Tablets Smartphones Video Phone ! etc.. Now, as Science Fiction Arthur C Clarke Predicted ! Or visioned ! ....

Territorial I tend to agree ! a Natural instinct ..

Insects think for themselves and have Solo Problem Solving Skills but prefer more of Social Teaming

Till the Pheromone is gone to the Location TRUE ! Especially the Territory will not be Permanent in their Life time .. its Like Following Bread Crumbs LOL! But what about The Phenomenon of Certain Butter Flies Migrating South for the Winter ! When They Come Back Up North ! ITS NOT THEM! its Their Offspring That never Been nor Seen The North... going to exact location where their Parents came from..

LOL Ant going to the Death Circle

Well Following the Trail of Pheromone when your Blind ( Army Ants ) Zombified ! I Smell it Still George ! Why is this taking so long we should be there by Now ! Shut up and Keep Smelling !

Ant Death Circles Explained

Why do army ants commit suicide?
The bizarre ant 'death spiral' is an evolutionary trap.

Read more:

I Heard Prisoners Following Each other in a Circle to they are Exhausted and almost dead .. but in their Case they have a Barking Correctional Officer in Command Threatening them to do so unless they want to go into the HOLE ( Dark Isolation) for 30 Days !!

There are lot of Blind Elite! of Humans Doing the Same thing to its Country ! this Circle of Death!!

We are far more like apes, because we are apes, an we evolved as apes. The only reason why we are like ants or colony 'thinking' insects is because we gathered to make cities, civilization and the internet. That's more of a representation of our intelligence than an instinct.

We are far more like apes, because we are apes, an we evolved as apes.

LOL instinct to a Degree !

Does instinct Represent Complex Problem Solving, to Building Bridges , Rafts, Complex Homes underground and Above!, Harvesting ? Farming of Live Stock ( like Using Aphids like Cattle ) Or Growing & Collecting Vegetation to harvest for Winter ... Or How About En Slaving other Ants to Do their Bidding their laborer ! Not Sure of what I just mentioned is Called instinct

We Humans CAN Do all that from Learning Being Taught ... How and the purpose ... Apes Do not have that Ability in the Natural Wild habitat ... I haven't Seen it Yet but I See Love and Affection and Having Pets to care For.. but of Course.. its the Cause of Human interaction

Yeah not sure about the Evolved part .. as Hominids Homo Erectus Neanderthal Cro magon to US Modern Man

edit on 12014MondayfAmerica/Chicago12348 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: dominicus

science shows that some traits evolve over a couple of generations. Plus farmers have selectively breeding for millenia, aspects of nature. So now we're getting to where we can control and design the same and I'm all for it.....less suffering, no more mental retardation, no more cerebral palsey, edit out the genes of suffering all together because suffering sux and we're all, even religions, doing whatever it takes not to suffer.

Selective breeding is something quite different. This still follows nature.

Why would we completely eliminate suffering? It is what helps us grow and become stronger, it gives meaning to the times we don't suffer. Of course we could combat this by completely regulating our emotions but wouldn't that make us feel fake / disconnected? We would never have access to our true emotions and thus we would feel happy, while our minds would still be confused. Happiness and suffering are symbiotic like it or not.

I disagree and see it as taking too long and its flawed. Personally I wouldn't want to pro-create myself to bring my own kids in a world like this and would rather wait to scan all of mine, and the misses, genetics to make sure we don't pass down flaws and suffering, depressions, suicidal tendencies, etc

Life's a gamble and it always will be. If it wasn't we wouldn't even enjoy it.
Although these things do sound promising, i cant help but ask myself ''who will be the test subjects?'' ''when will it end, if ever?'' ''will we even look like humans 300 years from now?''. This could be a slippery slope.

Its already happened with the great flu, black plague, ebola, etc......stuff the weak limited human body can't handle has literally killed off millions. We are all one new mutated virus away from a global wiping out, all because these bodies are so fragile and weak

Sure our immune system could use a little boost.
But maybe death shouldn't be avoided. The fact that our time is limited gives us reason to be proactive and not waste any of it. It is also something that gives life a lot of meaning.

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: Wolfenz
The human body is not meant to run on glucose if you feed a human this their heart will beat irregularly and you will more than likely end up with cancer or diabetes.

I read somewhere a human is fully developed at the age of 25 and should live around 6-7 times its age after it matures we are the only species apparently not to live to their full life expectancy although I have not checked this out maybe someone else knows more about this who is into botany?

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: jinni73
a reply to: Wolfenz
The human body is not meant to run on glucose if you feed a human this their heart will beat irregularly and you will more than likely end up with cancer or diabetes.

I read somewhere a human is fully developed at the age of 25 and should live around 6-7 times its age after it matures we are the only species apparently not to live to their full life expectancy although I have not checked this out maybe someone else knows more about this who is into botany?

I think You Need to Read the Article of what Ive Post.. Apparently you haven't..

Cancer Diabetes ? from Glucose Again.. you need to Read the Article we are talking about the Early Stages of Human Growth Here... when the Use of Glucose is on Overdrive to Feed that learning Brain Of Ours! in our Adolescent Life

( Conspiracy Realm Mode (ON)
your Right we were Suppose to live to about 1,000 but we Decline Down a bit to only 120 Years an Average According to a Few Christian Hebrew ( Sumerian ( Kings List ) Timelines ...

From about the age of four to puberty, the young brain guzzles glucose – the cerebral cortex, its largest part, uses nearly (or more than) double that used earlier or later in life. This creates a problem. A child’s body is a third of the size of an adult but its brain is nearly adult sized. Calculated as a share, a child’s takes up half of all the energy used by a child. Brain energy use and body size Map child growth against what is known about brain energy consumption and they shadow in a negative way: one goes up, the other down. The period in which the brain’s need for glucose peaks happens just when body growth most slows. Why? In a recent study in the Proceedings of the National Sciences, I proposed that this prevents a potential conflict over blood glucose that might otherwise arise between brawn and brain.

Here is some Research Materials for YOU..

Positron emission tomography study of human brain functional development

Dr Harry T. Chugani MD1,2,3,*,
Michael E. Phelps PhD3 and
John C. Mazziotta PhD MD1,3

Article first published online: 8 OCT 2004;jsessionid=0E7CE6DE6803C7BDEFFFA1FD8DA5F6CF.f02t01

Human metabolic adaptations and prolonged expensive neurodevelopment: A review

Physical activity patterns of kindergarten children in comparison to teenagers and young adults.

Neural activity and the dynamics of central nervous system development
edit on 22014TuesdayfAmerica/Chicago12349 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: paraphi
In evolutionary terms it is the survival of the most adaptable, not the fittest. Extinction events happen when the species cannot adapt fast enough.

If your average orang-utan could be happily relocated from the rain forests to Siberian forests then there is hope, but we know they cannot. A human can thrive in both environs.


Hominids Lived in Siberia ..
Early Man aka developing Primates

Is the Mysterious Siberian "X-Woman" a New Hominid Species?
By Smriti Rao | March 25, 2010 9:44 am

Daily news

19 November 2013
Mystery human species emerges from Denisovan genome

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