posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:12 AM
If you already removed the malicious software, and you're confident that you have, then it looks like you need to go through your file associations
and remove all of the associations for system files to that malicious program. Manual and tedious, but that looks to be your problem if you've
removed the other malicious software and references.
CCleaner by itself is not enough. You'll also want to check out Malware Bytes... it's free for a while and will remove just about everything that's
hiding around.
ComboFix is also another good tool for removal. Usually, you run ComboFix first (follow the instructions to the letter!), reboot, run it again,
reboot, run Malware Bytes, reboot into Safe Mode, run Malware Bytes again (to verify that it worked and removed everything). Then run your normal
anti-virus tools. If you are comfortable with the Windows Registry, you might need to go through and remove the registry keys that are related to that
software that you removed. (the tools don't always get them). The most important place to look is in the "Run" and "RunOnce" keys of the
registry. (Google to find their exact location). These are important because they get executed when you boot, so if there is an entry there, the
malicious software could potentially keep downloading itself every time you re-boot.
Worst case, if you know a really good tech guy, get something like Team Viewer, LogMeIn (trial) or Windows Remote Desktop and let them log in to your
computer remotely.
Hope this helps, and good luck!