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Save America... become a Muslim!

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posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 11:47 AM
Not totally sure if I'm in the right thread, but this matter has some deep political relevance with the war on terror.

I'm beginning to be tired of the hypocrisy of Christians and the distorted view on christianity that the Catholic church has preached since the dark ages...

Muslims are the real Christians in our world today. Just look at them... They are the ones that everybody puts the blame on and are oppressing for the sins that they do themselves. The Israeli government slaughtered thousands of Palestinian civilians for years, using tanks and fully armed soldiers against stone throwers, hundreds of american muslims of arabic origins have been sent to Guantanamo Bay WITHOUT any trial, the governments of Indonesia, Thailand and Phillipines have been savagely repressing peaceful muslim activists for years, and the US has been killing and torturing tens of thousands civilians, all Muslims, in Afganistan and Iraq for two years now, and that putting aside all of the intolerance of most western governments towards muslim political refugees who just wanna live into better political conditions. How do Christians CARE about the situation of Muslims in the world? How do you people care? We are being continuously told by the media and the government that Muslims are evil, dangerous terrorists, but in reality WE are the ones terrorizing the world with our war-mongering and paranoia. Seems to me that most American Christians are nothing more than a bunch of mentallty alienated freaks, and sick, desensitized conformists, that base their entire life on either gnostic nonsense or massive consumption of anything that's dirty, smelly and dangerous (SUVs, ugly suburban houses, McDonald's, etc). Christianity is hypocrisy. Christians are preaching mercy, forgiveness and brotherly love while in reality, they preach to others with guns and worship material gods (read: MONEY).

What does "God" has to do on your dollar bills anyway... is'nt that kind of thing supposed to be a blasphemy? Who said that you cannot worship both God and money? Does that ring you any bell?

Who still cares about living the way it is being taught in the New Testament? Christianity is supposed to be the way of tolerance, respect and peace -with others as much as with yourself- so why are today's Christians continuously bashing homosexuals and Muslims so much???

I'm out of it... I wanna become a Muslim!

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 11:54 AM
You can find this thread in "BTS", in the theological section.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 12:35 PM
there is a difference between peaceful muslims, peaceful christians, and then the christian and muslim fundamentalists...

I don't seem to recall the muslim beheaders allowing people to read the holy bible, but I do know that muslim scumbags are allowed to read the quran at guatanamo...

Why are you sympathizing?? Do you forget the senseless killings, rapes, terrorizing of their fellow citizens, the brutal shots to the head of women and men for no other reason then because they were of different religious origin and not following the quran the way they wished...

Who's saved Afghanistan? The fellow muslim's that did the above? Or was it different people from other countries that helped?

Religion is a way to control the masses, by advocating the muslim religion you are saying to denounce any other form of religious group you belong to and switch to islam because it will make all better?

I don't know about you but i'm happy just being the peaceful loving self that I am. There are other ways to make America better rather then being part of a religious group.

But if you feel youwould be better by switching to the islamic religion, nobody's stopping you... Be sure to wash yourself 4 times a day or 6 times a day before you go into pray, and remember there are certain foods you can't eat, and you'll have to fast for a few days at ramadan... Be sure to keep a journal and let us know how it's going...

Maybe you should switch the topic to save yourself (from whatever I don't know) become a muslim.

[edit on 12-12-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 12:51 PM
I congratulate any westerner who has come to this line of reasoning. Our generation of men are not easily awakened. Stirring a sense of spiritual wisdom in Americans and Westerners in general has become very difficult.

I have noticed that Westerners increasingly consider their materialistic awareness complete. Once they reach adulthood, they consider that they have encountered and know all there is to know. They become arrogant, self-wise, and masters of conceit.

Many races of men have become like this in the past. It happens after the wealth of the nation becomes well established. It is a kind of spiritual atrophy that attends the man who has descended too deeply into the system and society of his time.

You are correct to see the Muslims as the persecuted ones, because at one time they were the rulers of that region of the world. They lost their grasp on it after the second world war. They really are the last resistance the world has to the NWO.

Let us study the Muslim's disposition towards Justice. He attends matters of truth and consequence as a foundation of his faith. He is not timid in his judgment of a matter - in fact his brothers and elders vigorously debate the truths of matters, and often are speaking about wise matters among themselves.

In Islam, there is a tradition of Fatherly Opinion, and this translates well into the upbringing of Sons, who then inherit the Certainty of Upbringing, and a correct interpretation of the basic laws. In Islam, the family is governed as a kingdom, with the Father and the men at the head of the household. The women are not dishonored by their religion, or by their men at all. Ask them, if you desire to hear what they have to say about it.

All Western men should be friendly to true Islam, because it is a worship of the Truth and the Bravery of Good. It does not follow the translation of the Koran that men must blow themselves up in war, or kill women and children, or kidnap the innocent and murder them as hostages. Those are the deeds and activities of pirates and highwaymen, and have been well known throughout civilization.

Terrorists are not some kind of new criminals. They are the same old pirates and mercenaries that have always existed. They hide behind a religious cloak, but within are nothing but criminals, murderous, and with a little bit of inquiry would be revealed to be exactly that. Human life to them is not in accord with the Judgment of God.

The true Muslim is more akin to the gentle and learned men of the Mosul and the Ottoman Empires. The spirit of Islam was one of fertile Expansion. There rose up civilization and order where there was none before. An entire people were reformed by the Koran, and the spoken word of Muhammad. That is worthy of praise by any nation!

It is the duty of the Westerner, in the hope of improving his own race and building his own nation, to learn and conform to the wise words of all races of the past.

If a particular prophet of truth spoke against the present behavior of a nation or its people, then that people is doomed to the fate spoken of by that prophet.

It is the same in every nation. Be wise, men, America has received the words of ALL prophets, and EVERY learned book has found its place here. We have that many more to testify against us, or to bless us. We have that much more judgment to receive in our favor, or as a punishment against us.

Our childhood is over, Americans, and we are faced with the adult world. The place of our nation in the world must be considered with a more mature and intelligent outlook.

We are accountable to all the laws that have been revealed to this world, and they are great and immutable laws. The right of personal happiness does not come from something innate within a person, but rather by obedience to the Higher Laws of Truth. You cannot be happy, and evil. You cannot have life, if you practice the works of death.

Islam is good because it refuses to submit to the image of the West. It refuses to take the markings and traits of its peoples, whom have degenerates from the truth and dwell in endless iniquity.

Christianity in the West cannot be called "Christianity", because it retains or receives nothing from Christ, but instead are all worldly institutions. They are social constructs that do not offer any of the cosmic powers or lessons of the true Christ. Men receive a power and a law, but it is not Christ's.

The Muslim requires no priest, no church, nor any kind of salvation. The Muslim does not require Christ to save him, because Righteousness stands for itself in Islam. Each man is weighed, like the Egyptian before the scales of Truth.

This attraction to truth is something that exists in ALL boys from the time they are able to speak. It is a minor mystery to behold this phenomenon, but it is commonly understood that children abhor lying, desire the truth over a lie. Muhammad said that this nature was common to little children, and that Islam was the religion of these little children.

What he meant was that Islam came from the same Mystery that Jesus expressed: The kingdom of God is visible to us through little children, who embody the values and emotions of the good and the pure. Their natural state is that of health, and their desired condition is that of wisdom. In other words, they desire to be good and wise. That is the nature that men must re-acquire if they are to be spared the eternal destruction of an Angry and offended God.

Welcome to Islam, brother, which is the creed of the persecuted, and for this cause I say that only the Muslim is worthy of Life.


[edit on 12-12-2004 by Arkaleus]

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Echtelion
Not totally sure if I'm in the right thread, but this matter has some deep political relevance with the war on terror.

I'm beginning to be tired of the hypocrisy of Christians and the distorted view on christianity that the Catholic church has preached since the dark ages...

Muslims are the real Christians in our world today. I'm out of it... I wanna become a Muslim!

Have you ever given any thought to the fact that perhaps many Catholics are sick and tired of radical muslims and their hyprocracy and what they have preached since the dark ages? The door swings both ways ya know. No I am not saying all muslims. I am addressing only the radicals like al queida.

Now that you managed to get me to rant somewhat, let me ask you this. What makes you think that the muslim way is the only way? No religion is perfect, we are all free to choose the one we like the most. I vote for a subject change "Save America... become a Catholic".

Now perhaps someday I may change my mind if and when the Muslim people of the world can learn that their religion is not the only one as they seem to insist.

Does the Phrase "Peace on Earth Good will toward man" Mean anything anymore?:bash::bash::bash:

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 03:08 PM
heh either way id be scrwed. i dont like the catholic curch and ive ill never become a muslim. o well. hell might be fun, as long as i have a shot gun and plenty of ammo.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 03:31 PM
Muslims deserve not to exist: They are the cause of "all" the problems in the world, including global warming. Moreover, they are an intolerant bunch.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 05:13 PM
For Americans, here is the standard of Muslim:

Being Muslim Interrupts Work, Money, and Most Legal Matters.

Being Muslim Indicates a Progression of People towards the Divine Nature of Civilized Organization.

Expressing Wisdom becomes the primary purpose of Brotherly Endeavor. In a Civilized Republic of Brotherly beings, The mind most cherished is the one most divine. Treat those persons with the Utmost respect, in the nature of its service most true. Truth expressed constantly is the only way to bear the name of Constant Truth.

Being Muslim for an American means being of the Righteous. You do not need to bear a religious name, but I do not know people of quality who are not religious or philosophical.


posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 08:29 PM
save! and uh..less stupid...and then like...secular....yeah dudes.....

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:20 PM
they should make a new forumn for this topic, guys, its called the "BS" forumn..
ok, dude lol. all that middle eastern jazz like the Koran, the all state that even if u do the 5 pillars of faith, if u have more good than bad in you, or more bad than good in you, u go to hell.
and chances are, u always got more bad when it comes down to it.
the only way to go to hevean if yer like everyone else and the bad out weighs the good is to shed blood for the cause. AKA killing people like Americans.

pet peeves about Islaam.
woman who go around saying they gonna see what Islaam has to offer, and see if religions like those are worth investigating in to see if they can follow them.
news flash, woman are considered under 7th century rule, and lower than cattle in the Islaamic religion. girls have no right to do that, since they are lower than dust in the Islaamic religion
just look at the past, Islaam girls in the middle east drivin around in cars, which was forbidden cause they were supposed to be subject to 7th Century rules, so they took them outta there cars, chopped there heads off, to their own wives.
son of a monkeys eyebrow skank
the stupidity of people amazes me sometimes!!!!:bash:

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:22 PM
and by the way, u say christians are intolerant for homo's and such.

well where do they get that? perhaps the Bible???!!!
maybe next yer gonna say that even though God hates sin, hes definately gonna be tolerant of it and not punish anyone for it.

no, thers love, but also punishment, u dont just sit back and relax and watch the homo's

I would say somethin, but I dont wanna offend the GAY HOMO's, u never no what kinda creeps are readin these things

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by yermom
they should make a new forumn for this topic, guys, its called the "BS" forumn..
ok, dude lol. all that middle eastern jazz like the Koran, the all state that even if u do the 5 pillars of faith, if u have more good than bad in you, or more bad than good in you, u go to hell.
and chances are, u always got more bad when it comes down to it.
the only way to go to hevean if yer like everyone else and the bad out weighs the good is to shed blood for the cause. AKA killing people like Americans.

Uh...well it also says in the bible, that everyone is born with a sin nature, and that our best is like dirty rags to God, and that we all deserve hell.

pet peeves about Islaam.
woman who go around saying they gonna see what Islaam has to offer, and see if religions like those are worth investigating in to see if they can follow them.
news flash, woman are considered under 7th century rule, and lower than cattle in the Islaamic religion. girls have no right to do that, since they are lower than dust in the Islaamic religion
just look at the past, Islaam girls in the middle east drivin around in cars, which was forbidden cause they were supposed to be subject to 7th Century rules, so they took them outta there cars, chopped there heads off, to their own wives.
son of a monkeys eyebrow skank
the stupidity of people amazes me sometimes!!!!:bash:

It also says in the bible, that women arent allowed to speak in church, they are to be quiet and obedient. It then goes on to say that woman cannot preach in church. It also says in the old testament that if a woman is raped, the attacker and her are to be stoned to death, because the woman didnt cry out and ask for help.

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by yermom
and by the way, u say christians are intolerant for homo's and such.

well where do they get that? perhaps the Bible???!!!
maybe next yer gonna say that even though God hates sin, hes definately gonna be tolerant of it and not punish anyone for it.

no, thers love, but also punishment, u dont just sit back and relax and watch the homo's

I would say somethin, but I dont wanna offend the GAY HOMO's, u never no what kinda creeps are readin these things

And by the way, u say muslims are intolerate for infidel's and such.

well, where do they get that? perhaps the Koran???!!!
maybe next yer gonna say that even though Allah hates sin, hes definately gonna be tolerant of it and not punish anyone for it.

no, thers love, but also punishment, u dont just sit back and relax and watch the fatass americans

I would say somethin, but I dont wanna offend the FAT LAZY AMERICANS, u never KNOW what kinda fattys are readin these things.

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 10:07 AM
Nice comments Arkaleus....

Only muslims are worthy or life??? :shk:

Usually I take a look at whether or not people are self less, concerned for the environment, helpful within their own communities, positive, and peaceful natured.

Relgions has absolutely NOTHING to do with any of this. If you want to throw religion in there because you are muslim and it would make you feel better and superior to me that stinks of elitism and arrogance. Which is part of the problem with today, not the solution. Didn't the nazi's have this mindset too?
Yeah, that lasted long, and they prevailed didn't they.. arrogance and elitism always wins over good right? ha... think what you want, but it's pretty silly and discusting.

Not the kind of people I would my children growing up around.

Call me a hippy but all those I just mentioned above would make this world a lot more safer, secure, peaceful, and healthy not just for us but for the environment in which we ALL have to live...

And I also don't agree with your stoning and spanking of women. Nor the fact that you see them as second class... Turn back the clock, may as well go back to 1950s. Or maybe you should just go back home... You can be with your fellow muslim's all of whom share in the same kind of arrogance and elitism you seem to enjoy basking in.

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