posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to:
WakeUpBeer & everyone
I love miyazaki. Seen them all. Except Porco Roso, I believe.
And omg i can't believe I forgot to include Code Geass lol Lelouche vi Britannia is one B.A. mf ^_^ haha awesome lists guys
and yeah AoT is amazing. I hope the second season comes out soon.
I was a bit disappointed on how Death Note ended. It seemed a bit anticlimactic for me. I haven't watched the redone version that I've heard about
though. L was my favorite
I can't wait to check a lot of these out. They sound awesome.
Oh, one more I forgot to include that I absolutely loved (up until the last episode
) :HunterxHunter.
xxxHOLIC is another one that everyone should see. It's really quite good. It's another 2 season one and while not action-packed it really explores
some great concepts and has an eerie vibe that I enjoyed.
edit on 9-12-2014 by rukia because: (no reason given)
And yeah I usually only do subbed--FMA brotherhood was ok in english but it held no candle to the awesomeness of it in japanese.
xxxHolic (first season on netflix) is another one that I prefer dubbed. The second season is only sub though--it's still good but I like how the
english version did it for some reason.
And yeah, subbed has actually helped me learn some japanese. I have actually had dreams where i'm speaking japanese and spanish mixed or something and
am really stoked that I know so much japanese. But then I wake up haha
edit on 9-12-2014 by rukia because: (no reason given)