posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 07:18 PM
This V.T.
Shows a man touching the shop keeper and putting him into a trance .
He first removed the guys wallet and moves in again a removes the days takeings from the other pocket.
Something about this does not compute with me.
At first I thought insurance fraud but if so a standard hold up would be more apt to present for compensation.
Also I thought if this guy the alleged hypno theif realy does have the power to touch people and mesmerise them .
What Is he doing wasteing such a talent on a small shop with cctv for a few hundred pounds.,,
Its not standard policy to keep the days takeings in ones front trouser pockets so how did the theif know ?
They describe the theft? as pick pocketing how ever thats a crime of stealth and distracion done without the victim realiseing a theft has ocoured.
This Is done in front of the victim who sees whats hapening and seems unable to act untill the hypno guy moves to exit the shop.
Its said that Its impossable to hyponotise a person unless they are very sugestable.
And even so its not possable to hypnotise some one and make them do any thing against there will
What going on any theorys?