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Schooling The World, POWERFULL video, Western education is indoctrination into the NWO

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posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 12:43 PM
I have to give credit of this thread to InverseLookingGlass.

He posted this video in this thread HERE

After watching it I think its one of the best videos I have ever seen about what is wrong with consumerism and the western education system, designed by the elites.

I felt it deserved a thread of its own.

I did a search and didn't find it, but if this is a repost I think it is important enough to be brought to every ones attention again.

Again, InverseLookingGlass, I hope you don't mind and THANK YOU

Best hour watching a video I have spent in a long time. Its sad though.

Mods: feel free to move if needed

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 12:51 PM
Commenting so I'll remember to watch

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 01:02 PM
Can you give some key points/facts that really stuck out for you? I'd appreciate a little more detail before delving into an hour + docu.

Thank you OP!

a reply to: stosh64

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 01:16 PM
Thanks OP for this very important subject .As a descendant from First Nation or Indian peoples of Turtle Island ,this resonates with me .Glad to see Mr.Davis the original Indiana Jones in the vid . Much wisdom and compassion in that man . I would like to add the modern day version of what was to what is to come brought to us by our overloads the Technocratic Corporations and how they might be proceeding with the masses . I give you Common Core . Skip to the 2min. mark ..peace S&F
a reply to: stosh64

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: Mr Headshot

I'm about 20 minutes in. This is great. I wish I had been raised with those kids pulling the grains with their moms!

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: FamCore
Can you give some key points/facts that really stuck out for you? I'd appreciate a little more detail before delving into an hour + docu.

Thank you OP!

a reply to: stosh64

It points out how over the last 300 years at least, the elites have been in control of our western education.
How it has spread every where throughout the world.

All the places it has spread used to be self sufficient eco systems that had a balance with the land, respect and admiration of every ones unique attributes, and a much more spiritual attitude of admiration for the natural world.

Once western education takes over all that is intentionally done away with and we are molded into obedient little workers for the elites, and in turn we are trained to buy the goods WE make that the elites sell us.

I got chills watching it and it changed me as a person.

I grieve for what we have lost because I don't believe there is a fix for what has been created.

Hope that helps, and hope you can watch it.
edit on 12 5 2014 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12 5 2014 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: Hushabye
a reply to: Mr Headshot

I'm about 20 minutes in. This is great. I wish I had been raised with those kids pulling the grains with their moms!

I know, right?

We have lost so much, trained by the elites to make and buy their goods for their benefit.

I got sad watching this thinking of all humanity has lost.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 02:27 PM
I want to point out some personal observations and add a spiritual element to where we came from and what we might be headed towards . We still see indigenous languages that have geographic localities that are very much a tune to the eco system the exist in . Take the Inuit for example ,. They have 60 words for snow .Does that surprise anyone who can imagine the eco system they live within ?

This language they have as well as others unique to the eco is shared or has a similar attribute with and withing the Migmaw of eastern Canada . These languages appeared suddenly and stem from the Tower of Babel . We can look at modern day maps that divided with the stroke of a pencil on a map ,families in the Middle East . These people still exist today and actually don't quite agree with the borders that were imposed on them .

There is another element that needs to be brought into the fray .Before the creation of the differing languages there was one .This need to re-establish a one language has been one of the biggest burdens to TPTB but has taken on speed within the past 300 years that should be questioned . North America had 600 original First Nations .When you look at the approach that the Colonialist took you see what they are pushing towards . Now I am not saying you should go back to speaking the original languages but must factor this into your world view and how it is taking shape .

The term Mystery Babylon is actually not much of a Mystery is you boil it down to it's basic .Its a control of our 3 elements , Spiritual , Existence ,and the relationship with our fellow man . TPTB use these three pillars to move us towards their goals .By hook or by crook . You cant fight them but you can sure ignore them . I think there is coming a time when man will do just that .Their ability to have us bail them out from their own mistakes will end when we say cya .

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 02:38 PM
The thing is, I know I've been educated by a Western Consumerist culture with a bias. I know I'm part of the wage slave system, I know I only buy the things that I help make BACK from the elites who finance them. But you know what?

I'm actually okay with that.

I live a comfortable, peaceful, and quiet life. I don't HAVE to toil in the fields, be at one with nature, commune with mother earth or whatever you want to call it, because I earn little slips of paper that I can then trade for goods that have already been harvested. I have multiple electronic devices that I use daily. I have air conditioning, I have warm blankets and hot meals.

I'm part of the system, yes. This "corrupt" system that "brainwashes" children into the "NWO". But y'know what? The entirety of human knowledge is at my, and millions of children's fingertips. There has never been a time in humanity were so much knowledge could be carried in a single pocket. They can learn in ways I never possibly could have. So yeah, "common core" is pretty terrible all around, but any kid with willingness to learn, to explore, or create can learn to do that so much more easily that many of us could have before. It's so easy to deviate from the "system" now and learn on your own.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

I understand your point, and agree somewhat. I too am living a comfortable life, have the world at my fingertips as I post this.

But at what cost? Selling our soul for things? (I know not everyone believes that here, please don't go off on it)
You can see what their plan has done for the family unit in the west. Ferguson is another result of the elites plan, intentional or not.

Destroying civilizations because "we" know what's best for them, because their way wasn't "modern" enough?

I just don't think the cost was worth it in the big picture.

Are we really better off than some little village in rural India, that doesn't know what the internet is, that lives at one with the land?

Should we go in there and FORCE our way of life on them because we (the elites) know what's best for them?

So they can contribute to the ELITES world?

edit on 12 5 2014 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: stosh64

I'm quite comfortable with my place in life. But do I believe we should be forcing this "freedom" down other countries' throats? Absolutely not.

Japan had it right, I think, after WWII and into today. Take care of your own, don't worry about others.

If people WANT to be part of the system, then by all means introduce it to them. But do not force it.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: stosh64

originally posted by: FamCore
Can you give some key points/facts that really stuck out for you? I'd appreciate a little more detail before delving into an hour + docu.

Thank you OP!

a reply to: stosh64

It points out how over the last 300 years at least, the elites have been in control of our western education.
How it has spread every where throughout the world.

All the places it has spread used to be self sufficient eco systems that had a balance with the land, respect and admiration of every ones unique attributes, and a much more spiritual attitude of admiration for the natural world.

Once western education takes over all that is intentionally done away with and we are molded into obedient little workers for the elites, and in turn we are trained to buy the goods WE make that the elites sell us.

I got chills watching it and it changed me as a person.

I grieve for what we have lost because I don't believe there is a fix for what has been created.

Hope that helps, and hope you can watch it.

That's complete BS. The Native Americans used to run massive quantities of buffalo off of cliffs to hunt them. They'd take the meat they needed and left the rest to rot. Not to mention between the time that Chris Columbus landed in the Americas and when Jamestown was established, one of the biggest plagues to ever hit mankind ravaged the countryside. Before that, the Native American populations were said to be as large as the European populations. And just as diverse. The idea of nature loving indians is one born out of Hollywood.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t

originally posted by: stosh64

originally posted by: FamCore
Can you give some key points/facts that really stuck out for you? I'd appreciate a little more detail before delving into an hour + docu.

Thank you OP!

a reply to: stosh64

It points out how over the last 300 years at least, the elites have been in control of our western education.
How it has spread every where throughout the world.

All the places it has spread used to be self sufficient eco systems that had a balance with the land, respect and admiration of every ones unique attributes, and a much more spiritual attitude of admiration for the natural world.

Once western education takes over all that is intentionally done away with and we are molded into obedient little workers for the elites, and in turn we are trained to buy the goods WE make that the elites sell us.

I got chills watching it and it changed me as a person.

I grieve for what we have lost because I don't believe there is a fix for what has been created.

Hope that helps, and hope you can watch it.

That's complete BS. The Native Americans used to run massive quantities of buffalo off of cliffs to hunt them. They'd take the meat they needed and left the rest to rot. Not to mention between the time that Chris Columbus landed in the Americas and when Jamestown was established, one of the biggest plagues to ever hit mankind ravaged the countryside. Before that, the Native American populations were said to be as large as the European populations. And just as diverse. The idea of nature loving indians is one born out of Hollywood.

Is that sarcasm? You really going to make me rebuke all o that with sources?

From your source

Buffalo jump sites yield significant archaeological evidence because processing sites and camps were always nearby. The sites yield information as to how the Native Americans used the bison for food, clothing and shelter. Plains Indians in particular depended on the bison for their very survival. Every part of the animal could be used in some way: hides for clothes and shelter, bones for tools, sinews for bowstrings and laces. Hooves could be ground for glue, and the brains could be used in the tanning process for the hides. The extra meat was preserved as pemmican

So much for "leaving the rest to rot"

Today it is estimated that the total herd size is in the 500,000 range, about 250,000 of which are based in Canada. This of course is a far cry from the approximate 50 million animals that roamed the western ranges prior to European settlement.

50 million is a pretty good herd for a bunch of inconsiderate Indians that just "drove them over cliffs".

Originally, the Native Plains Indians of North America used just about every part of the bison. Their lives revolved around the availability of bison (see chart). But by the 1890s this all changed as the bison were being eliminated by European settlers. This occurred for two reasons.

Bison Basics

Could you please show me a source that says "the Native Indians took what meat they need and left the rest to rot"?

It is estimated that when the first Europeans arrived in 1492 there were 15 to 20 million Native Americans living in the land.
Possibly only 2.1 to 7 million "Indians"
History central

Europe was guesstemated at around 100,000,000 around 1400.

edit on 12 5 2014 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: stosh64

This article addresses every single one of your points. I do suggest you read the whole thing. You may learn something.

Buffaloed: The Myth and Reality of Bison in America

It’s a convenient and easily told story, but it has left students, well, buffaloed. It has certainly caused the story of the buffalo to be misunderstood. Several new scholarly studies have emerged, though, and they universally provide a much more complex picture of the Great Plains in the late 1800s. Among other revisions, the works address the nature of Indian hunting, white motivations for killing the bison, and nonhuman factors affecting herd sizes. Most of all, though, they show that the ultimate savior of the buffalo was not the government, but the free market. Here, I will briefly review the findings insofar as they throw new light on the economics of the Indians both before and after the arrival of whites. I will look then at their assessment of the hunting efficiency of both Indians and whites. Finally, we will examine how private market forces, not government action, revived the buffalo herds.

The first myth they explode is that of the "natural" Indian who lived in harmony with nature-unlike the greedy Europeans who conquered the continent. Instead, the authors unveil evidence of communal economies that engaged in large-scale burning to "clear" forests and also to kill game. "Controlled" burns by the Indians often got out of control, and without modern firefighting equipment, flashed through forests, destroying everything in their path. Deer, beaver, and birds of all sorts were already on a trajectory to extinction in some areas, because over and above the hunting done by Indians, natural predators and disasters thinned herds. Isenberg wonders whether the North American bison herd was already falling below replacement levels before white hunters arrived.

The ultimate problem, however, was lack of property rights. One trader observed that the moving habits of the Plains Indians "prevent the accumulation of much baggage. . . . Thus personal property cannot be acquired to any amount."2 Lacking the ability to store a surplus, the Indians acquired none. While their communal heritage encouraged them to band together in hard times, the lack of surplus meat or robes meant that they only shared scarcity. A powerful myth emerged-one repeated in many textbooks-that the Indians "used every part of the buffalo," implying that the Plains Indians used all the buffalo they killed. That was not the case. Estimates made in the 1850s suggest that Indians harvested about 450,000 animals a year, and some think the figure was far higher than that. After stripping the best meat and some useful parts, the Indians left the remainder to rot. The stench permeated the prairie for miles, and many a pioneer came across acres of bones from buffalo killed by the Indians before they moved on.

Like I said, Hollywood myth.

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