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Denver student protesters cheered when car struck officer, union official says

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posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: TorqueyThePig

Because you wear the uniform. That is how bad it has gotten and that's unfortunate, but I'm just informing you that for many it is true. I don't doubt that there may have been some fine, upstanding Nazis back in those days but they chose to wear that uniform. That's what I'm getting at. Your choice to be a police officer, no one made you. When the people who represent the badge commit crime and are then protected by those around them it ruins EVERY police officers image.

Like i said, race and sex are factors one cannot choose so it's wrong to judge someone based on them. What profession you choose is different. When you choose to be part of a group of people who seem to be systematically flouting the system they claim to uphold, your in for a penny your in for a pound.

I dont get what is so hard to understand about that, and call it an ignorant position if you like but it is my opinion, and thanks to police officers everywhere more and more people every day are being persuaded into this view. Thanks again, officer.

If police across the country came out and spoke against their own, people would change their views. Won't happen and we both know it.

I know that probably the majority of police are good cops, but they're hanging out with the wrong crowd.
edit on 5-12-2014 by Bundy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: Bundy

Like I said I am only an individual and would like to be judged by my own actions.

If I ever covered for a "bad" cop then label me as bad. I would understand that.

Ultimately it doesn't matter.

Today I took another step towards removing myself from law enforcement.

It won't be long before I can walk away and never look back.
edit on 5-12-2014 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: TorqueyThePig
a reply to: Bundy

Like I said I am only an individual and would like to be judged by my own actions.

If I ever covered for a "bad" cop then label me as bad. I would understand that.

Ultimately it doesn't matter.

Today I took another step towards removing myself from law enforcement.

It won't be long before I can walk away and never look back.

Unacceptable! If somebody commits a heinous act 3,000 miles away, you will be judged by his or her actions as if you were the one who did the deed. Purely because you chose to go into the same line of work and did nothing to prevent that officer 3,000 miles away from doing whatever heinous act they did.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 01:03 AM

originally posted by: TorqueyThePig
a reply to: Bundy

Like I said I am only an individual and would like to be judged by my own actions.

If I ever covered for a "bad" cop then label me as bad. I would understand that.

Ultimately it doesn't matter.

Today I took another step towards removing myself from law enforcement.

It won't be long before I can walk away and never look back.

Wow.. Didnt expect that. What you said was very powerful imo. I'm impressed.

I honestly don't even know how to respond, but i'll try.. For what it's worth.. But what you said is .. i dont know how to say.. but the most moving thing i've read in a long time. Short. Sweet. And #ing horrible at the same time. I'm so sorry that this country is the way it is. None of us know what to do anymore.

Actually im tearing up a bit thinking about it. You ARE what police should be, it's an absolute shame that things have gotten so bad, but no matter how bad they get i should be better than that. I apologize.

I don't know what's wrong with me, saying what i said to you was out of line.

I'm ashamed of myself for making you feel how badly you had to feel to say what you did.

edit on 6-12-2014 by Bundy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 04:11 AM

originally posted by: TorqueyThePig
a reply to: Bundy

Like I said I am only an individual and would like to be judged by my own actions.

If I ever covered for a "bad" cop then label me as bad. I would understand that.

Ultimately it doesn't matter.

Today I took another step towards removing myself from law enforcement.

It won't be long before I can walk away and never look back.

You are doing just what the terrorists want you to do, quit the force.
The Black community is just an easy tool used and abused for a lot of what's going on and none of it has to be connected either.
Politicians advancing agendas.
Media taking advantage of rating opportunities feeding the hate.
Black organizers such as Farakan and others seeing a huge opportunity for more power to grab in the Black community, which only holds them down.
Foreign jihadists waiting for the day effective policing is eradicated and helping push anything in that direction. Evidenced by Isis official members voicing support for Ferguson and pledging aid and soldiers.

If you quit the police force you aid all of these dark evil forces.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

If you quit the police force you aid all of these dark evil forces.

Yes come to the Dark Side we have cake !

How is this really news ? I mean cops are generally hated especially now. And it is not uncommon for teenagers to have no respect for authority. Teenagers being teenagers. In America we are free to hate who we want and have our voices heard , if you are the KKK if you are the Westnoro Baptist Church ect and even if you hate cops. Dont like it I hear Mexico is a great place to live ; ) The fact you generalize the protesters all being blood thirsty trouble makers OP shows your narrow minded bias. How about real issues like cops murdering people on cam and getting off scott free at the hands of a corrupt just-us system ???

blame the liberals

blame the teachers

As you have been pointing the finger at other members here with "motives" you clearly have motives of your own. ISIS is a forighn entity and some protesters may have used the banner of ISIS to seem edgy and scary, but ISIS is nowhere to be seen here in the USA. This is all Faux news Sensationalism, political projecting , more US VS THEM bi-partisan propaganda and you are playing the devils advocate ... When a car plowed through a bunch of "liberal protesters" as you would call them did you feel any empathy? I had to ask. Why i seen people coming out the wood work all over the internet in social media even on ATS cheering for it and leaving comments "should have killed a few" and worse. Oh yes , our society is gone by way of sociopathy i wont argue there and the cop apoligists are just as ugly and vile and i am talking about adults not some teenage angst. The fact police ride bikes puts them in more danger. Cops enlist KNOWING they are putting life and limb ( literally ) on the line however when a cop gets a boo boo they somehow get trigger happy or go all hulk hogan lately umm well they have for a while now. So again OP I would love to hear what you think of this car vs protester incident mind you the driver was let go without any charges.

Video of car running over protestors in Minneapolis

Here ill repost it for you

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: abe froman
a reply to: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

The driver's name is Jeffery Patrick Rice, here is a quote from the MPD

"The victim‘s vehicle was damaged by a large group of people. While he was attempting to flee from the mob, he struck a pedestrian.”

You see, there was a lot more going on than what you see in the videos.

I feel very bad that the young girl was injured, she shouldn't have been there in the first place at 16 years of age.

If a moving car is coming at you, blaring it's horn,while you are illegally in the street and you don't move, that's on you.


Agreed, and if you look at the protestors complaining about being cordoned off and streets blocked off, it is done to protect them but no they turn it around and claim it is part of the police state oppression, twisted self serving logic.


I think I know where you stand all ready

tbh I have zero empathy for cops, me being one of many having dealt with police farce corruption first hand. With that said "allah akbar jihad durka durka" and all that dark sided stuff.

edit on 7-12-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 11:45 PM

originally posted by: TorqueyThePig
a reply to: Bundy

Like I said I am only an individual and would like to be judged by my own actions.

If I ever covered for a "bad" cop then label me as bad. I would understand that.

Ultimately it doesn't matter.

Today I took another step towards removing myself from law enforcement.

It won't be long before I can walk away and never look back.

Congrats , I have 2 friends who got out the farce a while back. They both pretty much emphasized that it was "not what they thought it was" thinking they were going to help people. Having to watch pedophles walk and get a slap on the wrist, having to watch the wealthy buy thier innocence , having to enforce laws they did not agree with locking up the little guy over peanuts. You might relate. I am sure you will will sleep much easier in the future.

As for people thinking of getting in to LE if you want to help people and save lives be a EMT or join the fire Department, join a hospice , join a big brother program or make a wish foundation. there are hundreds of things you can do to help people and potentially save them.

Being a cop is like being a glorified janitor part of the time having to clean up a mess /crime that all ready happened. The rest is writing tickets and creating revenue for the state ( those not so secret quotas ) and of course being a glorified bouncer with fire arms. If you crave power and control and zero accountability as well as taking orders and not thinking for yourself folks and lack a conscience then law enforcement is the way to go, these qualities will get you promoted fast btw. And you will be exempt from any wrong doing since you get to investigate yourself with your peers. You even get rewarded with paid vacations when you do wrong apparently. The paramilitary are looking for a few good goons to enforce unjust laws for the ruling class interests. Sign up today !
edit on 7-12-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

Denver high School students in Colorado reacted in disrespectful ways when four British soldiers were struck by an automobile at the end of Wednesday’s protests, the British Soldier's Protective Association said.

The Denver Post reports students chanted, “Hit him again,” after the soldier was struck.

The students were mainly marching in support of people protesting the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown

Students were heard chanting and cheering after the redcoats were hit. Teachers looked on and did not intervene while the students chanted

In other news, Samuel Adams and John Hancock get their rocks off by getting belligerent drunk and shooting at British soldiers for fun.

This is all just a matter of perspective.

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: TorqueyThePig
a reply to: Bundy

Like I said I am only an individual and would like to be judged by my own actions.

If I ever covered for a "bad" cop then label me as bad. I would understand that.

Ultimately it doesn't matter.

Today I took another step towards removing myself from law enforcement.

It won't be long before I can walk away and never look back.

Good! No one feels bad for you and your generic sob story. If you didn't want people to hate and despise you, then you should have used your intelligence and refuse to enforce laws that create more problems than they solve. If you were a cop, and you didn't let people go for tax evasion, drug possession, concealed weapons--or a list of other non-crimes; then you WERE a bad cop and SHOULD quit.

Too many Police Officers falsely believe that the role of law enforcement is that of the idiot stormtrooper or nazi that enforces every retarded law merely because they are "just doing their job." The United States was not supposed to be some monolithic empire with unquestioning drones for a police force, but that is exactly what we have become.

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